[6 replies] Last: "Andy" makes any thing become crystal clear....really really apreciate... (by phongvants123)
by xost0x
small key pressing issue
[2 replies] Last: Got it, thanks. (by xost0x)
by omardanniel
Reading a string and store it in multiple arrays in C
[4 replies] Last: > \n isn't always 1 char; it is 2 on windows... In every C and C++ im... (by JLBorges)
by omardanniel
Storing string input into different arrays in C
[2 replies] Last: which is (n++) if you prefer array notation. I stopped using * notat... (by jonnin)
by puertas12
Why is the execution time 0ms? (1,2,3)
[46 replies] Last: An example where recursion is significantly slower than iteration: #... (by JLBorges)
by kat1234e
need way to switch between players' turns in pick up sticks
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> int main(... (by JLBorges)
Need Help implementing this algorithm |
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> void alg( unsigned int n ) { ... (by JLBorges)
by masterinex
about const iterators 2
[1 reply] : The keyword const only appears once in that line, immediately before... (by mbozzi)
need help with decimal places |
[3 replies] Last: I've seen std::fixed << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(1) also... (by rjphares)
STRUCT not taking values |
[8 replies] Last: Hello DaRealFonz, Before I get side tracked again I want to mention t... (by Handy Andy)
by smitty007
Implementing a loop
[12 replies] Last: If you actually did the first part of the assignment, then I would exp... (by Nico)
by onlinone22
Trying to keep track of keys pressed
[3 replies] Last: The general form for using getch() is: int ch; switch (ch = get... (by Duthomhas)
by hassan404
returning junk values in pop function of a stack
[1 reply] : delete arr; looks wrong in pop. arr appears to be the stack's contain... (by jonnin)
by jpauly1
Need Help finding different values in 2 arrays
[3 replies] Last: Indeed. Well, you are using them on line 126 of your program. Anyway,... (by lastchance)
Text file read and write |
[3 replies] Last: i use dot to end input to remove any sort of error as i like to mix c... (by Chervil)
by NOSgraf
Make it faster
[10 replies] Last: Since in both vectors, "The numbers go in non-increasing order", they ... (by JLBorges)
Pthread Multithreading |
[no replies]
by basel07
Write a C++ program for two students comparing their grades
[4 replies] Last: Hello basel07, //#define RELEASE // <--- Uncomment when compiled f... (by Handy Andy)
by bounddyy
Multiple Definition Error with Operator[] ??
[2 replies] Last: If you define myClass::operator outside the class body in a header fi... (by andywestken)
by SasuKe
Run time error
[4 replies] Last: could he have said that because there's more linked lists? I have no... (by Thomas1965)