by Caipenghui
First c plus plus program.
[9 replies] Last: I see we've all been reported. OP throwing a tantrum, or some other j... (by MikeyBoy)
by FSUNole34
punchline code:
[7 replies] Last: Hello FSUNole34, You are welcome. You may find that this code may cl... (by Handy Andy)
by parvizwpf
why c# is faster at this?
[4 replies] Last: you are doing something that is killing C++’s performance what wo... (by parvizwpf)
by rajhansk
I am finding it very difficult to read the documentations
[2 replies] Last: I would recommend the links JLBorges posted. Also nowadays you're not ... (by Uk Marine)
by masterinex
how to set a breakpoint with boost library
[3 replies] Last: You mean std::cin.get() . And std::system("pause") .... (by mbozzi)
by CapitalJeep
Help with dynamic array/pointer return. Feel like an idiot
[4 replies] Last: Chervil, You are absolutely correct. Gotta love Visual Studio. I cre... (by CapitalJeep)
C++ Homework Question |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much! (by AlexanderGreen)
by Linkinou
Thread safety
[5 replies] Last: > If the container updates the size last, it should be fine. When it... (by JLBorges)
by cristian c
Crosscasting - why and how in the world does it work??
[3 replies] Last: > some different compiler might behave differently if given this The... (by JLBorges)
by bluefrog
Boost acceptor on existing live sockets
[7 replies] Last: Thanks. (by kbw)
by rajhansk
What does this mean?
[4 replies] Last: It's a default argument that will be used if you don't pass in anythin... (by Uk Marine)
by paulm
strtod() to extract multiple values from string
[4 replies] Last: That's a good call, Chervil. That way I can prevent the code from gett... (by paulm)
Reading file using getline |
[3 replies] Last: Wow! Thanks guys :) that was way better than I expected, truly gratef... (by Anders Ekdahl)
by Kuluoz
Find string at UNICODE buffer using MEMCMP
[1 reply] : you don't want to convert ascii to unicode. first, findstring is a ... (by jonnin)
by chokfull
Problem reading/writing binary file.
[6 replies] Last: I posted on StackOverflow and somebody pointed out that I hadn't decla... (by chokfull)
by Raul4pk
[1 reply] : C++ by itself does not assume you have a monitor, or fancy graphics. Y... (by Ganado)
by parvizwpf
Finding C++ & java idea for programming
[14 replies] Last: Since the OP knows C# and wants to learn C++, C++/CLR seemed to be a ... (by parvizwpf)
c++ problem |
[3 replies] Last: Hello beginnercoder1, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting ... (by Handy Andy)
by ahswong
possible to dry up code without the use of functions
[8 replies] Last: > my professor did not want us to use functions for this particular as... (by JLBorges)
by parvizwpf
how create themselves ide every great company?
[10 replies] Last: thanks friends and thanks and thanks for your help. i certainly search... (by parvizwpf)