Creating the key value for entries in a Map class. |
[2 replies] Last: Why don't you have a look at the implementatiion of std::hash or even... (by Lucian Valois)
by Tappy
I dont understand .txt file and what is wrong
[7 replies] Last: Hello Tappy, Earlier I showed you what main should look like. That ha... (by Handy Andy)
by Calibrohawk
Testing out online IDE
[1 reply] : I can see what you are intending to do, but there are problems with un... (by Chervil)
by MeganFox
About letting a loop know when to stop..
[5 replies] Last: @lastchance Oh wow that's something I haven't expected to see... Thank... (by MeganFox)
Popular Industrial C++ Compiler for Windows |
[11 replies] Last: Thank you everybody, I finally made it. I downloaded the GCC 7.2.0 fro... (by mojtabaavahdati)
by ETH11674
DAG Graph problem
[2 replies] Last: i'm using visual studio... and sorry for line numbers i just copied th... (by ETH11674)
Adjacency Matrix |
[no replies]
What topics should I go over to work with templates? |
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, guys (by AJ Wants Your Pizza)
by arczi w
setprecision of a specific value
[2 replies] Last: What exactly are you aiming to achieve here? One thing you could do i... (by Chervil)
by bluefrog
including unique_ptr in a threadsafe_queue
[4 replies] Last: #include the header which contains the definition of class tcp_sess... (by JLBorges)
by stonedviper
Why does my class return not 0?
[1 reply] : void john(); int john(); std::string john(); those are function decl... (by ne555)
by David1357
Unable to recive string
[3 replies] Last: why you inserted the number "1000" at the function "cin.ignore"? I d... (by Chervil)
by Najam489
c++ program
[1 reply] : A start: for(i = 10000; i <99999; i++) 10,000 less numbers to test s... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by tacuachillo
How to search through agrv[1]
[4 replies] Last: @Enoizat, you are right. Just used strlen because the OP also used it,... (by Thomas1965)
by david73
2048 game problem
[6 replies] Last: I highly appreciate your help guys. Lastchance's program did the job f... (by david73)
by Barbatos
How do I round up?
[6 replies] Last: Rounding is a way of solving an inequality . The way you round depend... (by Duthomhas)
by Jdawg32
calculating the area of a square, circle, and rectangle
[8 replies] Last: Thank you to goldenchicken and Enoizat for their very good looks into ... (by Jdawg32)
by jduller
Reading input from a text file
[1 reply] : Place output inside the while loop. (by Hengry)
by jpauly1
Beginner at C++ really struggling w/ Vectors
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! This really helped me get an idea on how to pass the vector a... (by jpauly1)
by aedt
Declaring function signatures of friend functions
[1 reply] : > My question is how one can avoid this error-prone, tedious work? Lo... (by JLBorges)