Beginners - September 2017

Need help converting Celcius to Fahrenheit - Homework
Hello. I am currently taking an introduction to C++ programming class at my college, and we have to put together the most basic 2-Choice Temperature Conversion ...
[6 replies] Last: It's weird how both cout statements require Fahrenheit as their vari... (by Chervil)
Strange c code, aprecciate some light
Hello, guys , this is my first post. I'll paste an exercise code i made for my school. This one #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" int main() { char ...
[8 replies] Last: Ty very much Enoizat! God bless you for being so kind to me. I was j... (by mondometal)
C++ nested loops and while or if
So I run the program and it doesn't run the while loop. the program is supposed to find the number of points to add to each students grade in order for the cla...
[2 replies] Last: I was referring to these two examples from my textbook: ==============... (by Cchadwicka1)
const function what for?
What's the purpose of adding const to a function? const_iterator begin() const { return data; } I'm returning data so what's the difference if I om...
[1 reply] : The const keyword is used to mark a thing as “promise not to chang... (by Duthomhas)
by chuvak
Trying to validate a number based on certain conditions
Hi folks, So I am learning C++, and I agree with others when they say guiding through a problem is better than just providing with the solution. So please be...
[4 replies] Last: > How would I go about implementing this? My SIN is of the type int, n... (by JLBorges)
Quiz program using classes and array of objects
Can someone help me walk through parts of my program? #ifndef QUESTION_H #define QUESTION_H class Question { private:...
[14 replies] Last: when I can see code as well My attempts to solve your issues (the on... (by Enoizat)
My First C++ Program - It works, but I have another issue...
Below I will paste my first program, but, my issue I think is with DEV C++. We downloaded DEV C++ onto the computer at school, and it runs perfectly, outputs th...
[11 replies] Last: I added (below) right before return 0; at the end and that fixed the ... (by Enoizat)
program that outputs a letter an x number of times
the idea for the program is that the user inputs a letter and a number and it outputs a line pattern starting from 1 going to their number of their letters. Fo...
[3 replies] Last: for(int K=n; K>0; --K){ print_x_letters(letter, K); std::cout <... (by ne555)
Timer output problem
Hi. I just recently started playing around with c++ and set myself with a challenge of making a simple timer with what little I know just to get the hang of it...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! Do you know any other way of printing out a sin... (by reign28)
Hi,everyone. May I know why the program only solve using the 1st "if" statement? For example, I insert 10 into "quantityOfT", and it is supposed to use "el...
[2 replies] Last: Wow. Thank you very much! (by hooi1997)
Trying to count occurrences of number's a little off. (1,2)
Hey guys, sorry to keep bugging, but my class is online and my professor doesn't provide feedback regularly, and I'm banging my head against a wall with this. T...
[22 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <ctime> int main()... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
how to eleminate F1 F2
when i input F1 the getch() still get it eventhough my code has elemenated F1 and stuff like that already ! can you help me to figure out #include<iostream>...
[6 replies] Last: crystal clear...that's the answer that i have been watting for a long ... (by phongvants123)
Pointers and functions?
Hi everyone I was asked to determine why this code while result in a runtime error but I have no idea what I should look at or what to consider? Can anyone help...
[8 replies] Last: The pointer was not destroyed. The memory the pointer accesses is wha... (by jonnin)
Why doesnt this work?
Everything works however the when I put a capital letter it gets an error in the first 3 letters aswell but i dont understand why because the statement that mes...
[5 replies] Last: 0&&1&&2 is actually a function which returns true / false This (... (by mbozzi)
Trying to multiple time
what I am trying to do is: 10:00 14:00 18:00 22:00 Increment the current time by 4 hours each loop but I currently get Fri Sep 29 23:04:54 2017 Sun Jun 28 23...
[2 replies] Last: Yea I really apologise for the messy code. I come from a Ruby & Python... (by chronograff)
Need assistance on figuring out error on search traversals output.
Hi, I am trying to implement a best first search which takes in input of points(x,y) from a test.txt file. After its traversal it should output the same points...
[no replies]
Stumped on Rock Paper Scissors against Computer
Hello everyone. So I need to create Rock, Paper, Scissors game with player 1 being a user and player 2 being the computer. Most of this code was provided by t...
[3 replies] Last: A data driven approach would be simpler. Something along these lines: ... (by JLBorges)
tic tac toe code bug?
So I was writing this TIC-TAC-TOE program which lets a user select a cell in the table to be marked as `x` but after the original value in the table is changed ...
[5 replies] Last: thomas 1965 sorry for being so dumb about me not understanding what y... (by Blazinteen)
How to set a result to 2 decimal places
I'm only allowed to use the <iostream> library, so setprecision can't be used. How can I set 2 decimal places for the average? average = sum/(double)n; ...
[4 replies] Last: LOL, you're right. (I was half asleep when I wrote that above.) int... (by Duthomhas)
4th order Runge-Kutta method of vectors (1,2,3)
Write your question here. Hi, guys, kindly chip in with advice regarding how I should go about this program. I have intermediate knowledge of c++ (self0taught) ...
[56 replies] Last: The time-warp of -ve time is interesting Sadly, that's what he want... (by lastchance)
September 2017 Pages: 123... 21
  Archived months: [aug2017] [oct2017]

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