Beginners - September 2016 (Page 6)

by watted
help:how to read array & the size of it from file!!
Hi there,i'm trying to read array & it's size from txt file(the size in the first row ,the numbers of the array in the second one) for calculating the average &...
[1 reply] : The problem with arr_average is that you have placed the return stat... (by Peter87)
Syntax error with my Operator Overloading.
I'm new to C++, but I can't find the mistake in my syntax. I've cut a lot of code to make it easier to read. It's from an assignment, so I can't change what's i...
[1 reply] : You forgot const when defining the function. bool Date::operator==... (by Peter87)
by suppa
Dynamic Array
Hello, I built a 2-D array with a single dynamic array and a dynamic array inside each one of those. But now I want to build a 2D array inside some of those slo...
[2 replies] Last: Can't figure out what you want. If I understand correctly, are you try... (by liuyang)
additive and multiplicative persistence
I wrote this code, to get the additive and multiplicative persistence and root. It doesn't work with all numbers. What do I need to change? and how can I ma...
[2 replies] Last: Please format your code. I've created a short program to calculate Ad... (by liuyang)
Mean median and mode problem
Write your question here. I can't figure out how to get the mode // This program calculates stats of movie goers in a month //It calculates mean, median...
[1 reply] : According to: Your med... (by keskiverto)
Math.h help
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for this reply, I couldn't get it as well :) (by Michael1981)
Can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong. It will run but when it does they all say incorrect and 0%.
I have to write a program helps your instructor grade quizzes. The program will read a file containing a single student’s answers to a recently given quiz. It...
[1 reply] : Please post the data files you're using. A couple of obvious problem... (by AbstractionAnon)
Class called in a class
Hi, I'm teaching myself c++, and I'm stuck on this problem. I have a class wrestler and a class team. The class wrestler as you can see has ability point and we...
[7 replies] Last: Approach #2 is very straight forward. I gave you an example of that a... (by AbstractionAnon)
C++ not working fine
Hello everyone. I am a beginner of C++ Programming and I was given a task in the class today. It worked fine with the class computer but when I got home and tri...
[2 replies] Last: Your for loop is just is multiplying 1.0 and 1 so the program will alw... (by closed account LA48b7Xj)
I Don't know what these errors mean
I having some big trouble with this program i am trying to write and i am completely out of practice #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <stri...
[11 replies] Last: I don;t have access to pastebin from this machine. My comments are to... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Givi
Program that tells user how many trees are required by knowing length of lot, radius of tree, and space between trees.
Hey new member here. I'm having trouble with this C++ problem. The question is: Write program to ask user for length of backside of lot(all 100 lots are s...
[6 replies] Last: @Givi : looks good to me. My comprehension is that the repartition is... (by CptJY)
by Starke
10% for 0, 90% for 1
I need to make function that will have 10% that variable (in this case its float) will be 0, and 90% that it will be 1. How to??? :( I have: float reflec...
[3 replies] Last: (by ne555)
by mmgh
Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
Hello everybody, I am trying to get zero errors in valgrind. Unfortunately, the code is too long to be written here. I am running my program using va...
[7 replies] Last: Yes. (by mmgh)
Function to swap Digits of an integer.
For ex. int swapDigits(int m, int n, int x){} The function must swap the mth and nth dgits of the number x. So if x=12345, and m=3, n=2, the output must b...
[7 replies] Last: @integralfx that's a nice way to solve it, I'm working on it. Thanks! (by closed account 4y5EwA7f)
by zxcvbn
C/C++/C# programming for interfacing USB to PIC microcontroller
I am a computer sciences student looking to do some PIC microcontroller programming for some small home projects . I am fluent in C/C++/C#/Java and i also have ...
[no replies]
I'm having a problem where using ".get()" on an ifstream returns 3 "?" marks when reading in an apostrophe from a .txt file. My program needs to check for symbo...
[1 reply] : A copy of the content of the text file would be useful. Most likely th... (by Chervil)
I am lost with boost
Hi, I am working on a huge and old project that uses boost. One of the goal is to 'upgrade' boost from older version to 1.50 (don't ask me why we do not upgr...
[1 reply] : I apologize I found it ! I was searching starting with 'home' html. B... (by J Maurice)
What is wrong with this code??? #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; void Chimera(); void LionBite(); void GoatHorns(); void Snak...
[4 replies] Last: for (unsigned short i = 0; i <= Anum|| Bnum || Cnum || Dnum; i++) sh... (by boost lexical cast)
Confused about my prime number assignment
Hello everyone. I am currently doing an intro C++ assignment and ran into some confusion. The code is: int n = 0; int i = 2; bool primenumber = t...
[4 replies] Last: Example: Let's say that you entered in 10 in your program. Then the p... (by boost lexical cast)
by daevo
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define SOUBOR "trida.csv" #define VYSTUP "vystup.html" #define BUFFER 300 #define ODDELOVAC ";...
[1 reply] : fprintf(pFile,"<h1>Studenti narozeni v Opave</h1>\n"); fprintf(pFile... (by daevo)
September 2016 Pages: 1... 45678... 34
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