Beginners - September 2016 (Page 33)

code structure
Note:Updated code Question change: is the structure easy to understand/test and if not what changes should be made? .h #ifndef File_scanner #define File_sca...
[3 replies] Last: NOTE: i changed the code and it works perfectly which changes the ques... (by globaltourist)
Need help
Hello guys, this is a program I made from scratch, I know it's a simple program but I'm still new with C++. Right now I'm stuck at second "for loop" where the o...
[2 replies] Last: Well... The output I got now is... What is IQ test score? But I thi... (by GoingEatMcDonald)
c++ whatsapp groups
hey am new to programming i have just finished the c++ basics can anyone please help me add me i a c++/programmers WhatsApp group for.more knowledge? here is...
[no replies]
Cin help
how do i take input that contains other characters. for example, if i wanted to take in a point such as (12,4). How do i get cin to only read the numbers?
[15 replies] Last: I figured it out and made it like duoas. (by fivestar)
Help me please to understand what is wrong
Write your question here. it is my second program. need to calculate runway of an airplain by formula: length = speed^2/acceleration*2. This is my progra...
[2 replies] Last: Please use code tags. ... (by integralfx)
looking for c++ projects for my skill level.
I just started programming through the cave of programming tutorials on youtube. I have looked for projects but looking at the code is daunting as i don't reco...
[10 replies] Last: its from this webpage (by redleader7)
Placement of keyboard accelerators
I have been playing around with a text editor code I found on this forum and am trying to add keyboard accelerators to it but I am unsure of where to place them...
[18 replies] Last: @Thomas1965, I searched and couldn't find that VS 2010 was compatible... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Jao
system("PAUSE") security hole?
Hi, Earlier I was browsing the web for a way to PAUSE my console screen.I already knew of the system("PAUSE") method but thought I was doing it wrong since m...
[7 replies] Last: Here is an article from Duoas that does a good job explaining what is ... (by Z e r e o)
simple snake game
I'm trying to get the game to start over by using a while loop but I keep running into problems if anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated. #...
[2 replies] Last: No it is not a school assignment (by darkside1223)
Help opening file by path
I cannot get my file to open when I use the path: C:\Users\Name\ClionProjects\Project\test.txt Is it because of I'm using a string? Otherwise I am at a loss....
[1 reply] : Because of how the compiler parses string literals containing the \' (... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by alikim
Values output for Win32
I have a Win32 program with GUI and in that GUI there is an "EDIT" window for the output. I need a lot of formatting and currently I use a code that goes like ...
[4 replies] Last: The Win32 API uses C-style strings, so sprintf() works. The C libra... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
C++ / C function to load a dynamic library on demand from a C++ function
I have dynamic library created as follows cat struct Tcl_Interp; extern "C" int My_Init(Tcl_Interp *) { return 0; } 1) complile the cc file...
[7 replies] Last: I have no idea how convoluted the Qt libraries are. Why do you includ... (by keskiverto)
by eirian
error: expected unqualified-id before 'switch'
ok so I am just learning c++, and one of the things I like to do is copy someone else's code and write it out, so I can understand what is being typed (there is...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by eirian)
by alikim
vc++ 2010 regexp for finding all numbers in a delimited list
What would a regexp be for a code below that captures all the numbers in m: std::smatch m; std::string line, reg; line = "12365,45236,458,1,999,96332"; // a...
[2 replies] Last: works like a charm, thank you! (by alikim)
correct use of enums?
I am getting an error error: cannot initialize a variable of type 'Object::Type' with an rvalue of type 'int' or error: use of undeclared identifier 'OT_CIRC...
[2 replies] Last: Your assignment should be: auto type = Object::OT_CIRCLE; Example: ... (by MrHutch)
tellg() function
i was writing a part of a program to scan a file and store a copy of its contents in a dynamic char array and its size in an int variable and be able to access ...
[1 reply] : I didn't notice thanks for pointing it out! (by globaltourist)
by aloz
How to transform char or string to uppercase
Hello, I can't find a function that allows me to do this, I always seem to get an error with every one I use(call to undefined function).. I'm using Borland 5.0...
[6 replies] Last: aloz, The first bit of code worked fine in Visual Studio 2015. Since ... (by Handy Andy)
Initialize variable
I have a code like this from, I don't understand why "guess" has to be -1. How about initialize it 0? #include <iostream> #include <cstdli...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you! (by thinhphucvang)
palindrome using stack and queue
Write your question here. create a program that will allow the user to enter a sentence/phrase your program can able to return the palindrome of the give...
[1 reply] : "for implementation use the ff. a)stack or linked list b)queue" you d... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
Infinite loop
I have a code like this. When I enter the number like 2345567, the prompt prints out the answer, but it doesn't stop until I exit the prompt. What does it mean?...
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <chrono> #include <random> int main() {... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
September 2016 Pages: 1... 31323334
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