Beginners - September 2016 (Page 23)

Cant understand why formula wont work
I'm trying to write a program that returns the Artithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic mean of 5 intgers input by a user. Arithmetic and Harmonic function prope...
[4 replies] Last: YES!!!! Thank you! (by marc4120)
by JayneL
Calculating discounts and totaling - undeclared errors
I am working on the following practice project for C++, VS 2010 - Write code for the following A software company sells a package that retails for $99. Q...
[no replies]
2D array of zeros
I want to create a 2D array of zeros. Can I do this or do I need to use a loop? int numbers = {0};
[7 replies] Last: @cpp1024 You're welcome... (by whitenite1)
Need help!
I am currently working on a code for a class I have and have been reading the text book and searching online for a way to get to the solution but so far nothing...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the Help I actually found out the answer myself. I had to s... (by KnowAlotOfNothing)
Entering a certain amount of values in array
I am trying to enter at least 5 and not more than 10 values in an array. When the user enters -1, the program ends. -1 should not be included in array. The arra...
[no replies]
Yes/No questions with If/Else and char
Hi! Obviously Im pretty new to this but I would really appreciate some help. My assignment is to create a program with yes n no answers using if/else stat...
[2 replies] Last: The closing brace at line 19 matches the opening brace at line 6. They... (by Chervil)
by st4evr
Program Struct Of Addresses Call Array Into Function
Hello everyone, Beginner C++ student here starting to learn different ways of using arrays and a bit of structs. Studying how these work together and I am tr...
[no replies]
Recursive algorithm for the minimum
Hello, I tried to create a recursive algorithm for finding the minimum but it does not work, I do not understand what the problem is. #include<iostream> usin...
[2 replies] Last: I do not understand what the problem is. On your first call to Minim... (by keskiverto)
Calculate the next sum recursive
Hello I have to calculate the next sum recursively : S= 1! + 1/2! + 3! + 1/4! + 5! + 1/6! + ......+ 1/(2n)! + (2n+1)! So I split that into 2 sums: S1 = 1! ...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=thedoctor2707]So? what should I change ? Lets start with some... (by keskiverto)
by louser
Adding Arrays to existing code
Hi all, I hate to ask a homework related question but I am stumped and can't figure out how to add two arrays to my current project. My program already displ...
[10 replies] Last: @louser Maybe this will help. I added in arrays for your customer, fo... (by whitenite1)
How to send keystrokes to different windows
Hi everyone, I don't understand how to send keystrokes to different windows. I've got to the point I manually have to click each window but it defeats the po...
[no replies]
Calculate the next sum recursive
Hello I have to calculate the next sum recursively : S= 1! + 1/2! + 3! + 1/4! + 5! + 1/6! + ......+ 1/(2n)! + (2n+1)! So I split that into 2 sums: S1 = 1! ...
[2 replies] Last: Does this look the same? 1! + 1/2! + 3! + 3/4! + 5! + 5/6! + 7! + 7/8... (by thedoctor2707)
How to insert objects in map c++
I don't know how to insert my objects in map.I know how to introduce items in the list , but not in the map . If someone can help me, please, I will be very hap...
[1 reply] : ... (by keskiverto)
Help Having trouble reading/writing data through structures
I'm trying to pass a list from a text file through a function using a structure then output the data in a more formatted manner to another text file, though im ...
[5 replies] Last: Here is an example to to read and write a struct to a file. #include... (by Thomas1965)
Help with looping a discount(I think)?
My problem/What I think I need to do: My code satisfies the 15% discount with the loyalty card and the 10% discount is over 100. They do not combine either a...
[3 replies] Last: welcome :) (by shadder)
Overlapping Rectangles,
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int rect1_Xa, rect1_Xb, rect1_Ya, rect1_Yb, rect2_Xa, rect2_Xb, rect2_Ya, rect2_Yb...
[5 replies] Last: I don't think the problem is on initializing the min and max, because... (by dhayden)
I am stuck on why *("Harry" + 2 ) and "Harry" have the same output (r) but "Harry" + 1 output is (arry). What are the differences cout << "Harry" + 1 <<...
[1 reply] : The difference is that the first cout is a pointer while the other are... (by coder777)
Inheriting methods between classes
I have 2 classes that inherit from a liked list type structure I have written. The 2 classes work mostly the same except for 1 method so I want to inherit the m...
[1 reply] : if u want the same function which is returning the same as basiclist"c... (by sylphsang)
If else statement won't work.
No matter what I put in for "room" it outputs "the number of students exceeds the limit." Could someone explain why it is doing that? #include <iostre...
[7 replies] Last: Why you didn't use Switch-case? Its faster and more readable. switc... (by Farshad Aroon)
by Phil15
Trying to copy arrays.
Hi guys, was trying to copy over 1 array into the other with an element inserted. The output for some reason is -858993460 -858993460 -858993460 -858993460 -...
[1 reply] : Never mind my stupid mistake of printing incorrect staff. Sorry guys. (by Phil15)
September 2016 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 34
  Archived months: [aug2016] [oct2016]

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