by LemonHappy
[5 replies] Last: At first I got errors because of namespace std, it solves the problem.... (by LemonHappy)
by ldminh94
Load data using member function.
[no replies]
by shenzy9ace
Drawing a w-wide h-high rectangular frame using asterisks
[no replies]
by JSwizzy
I need help, kind of lost and my book isnt helping.
[4 replies] Last: oh wow thanks guys that worked. (by JSwizzy)
by chrisam
Help with Dice Roll!
[no replies]
by Guzfraba
Problem with reading from FILE*
[3 replies] Last: What a shame, that was the problem indeed. It seems the first string r... (by Guzfraba)
Just will not work! (1,2) |
[28 replies] Last: I am surprised to hear those functions work at all. I was convinced th... (by greengirl1968)
by rezy3312
isdigit and isalpha
[2 replies] Last: Line 32: line.begin(), line.end() return iterators, not ints. Theref... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Stauricus
Reading from binary file to vector of uint8_t?
[11 replies] Last: oops, you are right! sorry, i confused myself! thank for the help, now... (by Stauricus)
by bigmoney221
[3 replies] Last: Lines 4 and 5 of the snippet I posted, change cin to infile. (by AbstractionAnon)
by govCode
Erasing front of string
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys. I knew it was something I was thinking too hard about. ... (by govCode)
by Saibachick
Why is this the output?
[6 replies] Last: Wow. I was making this more complicated than it needs to be. I underst... (by Saibachick)
by leoleoleo
Private vs. Public data members
[1 reply] : isn't it as risky and error prone to give access to data through func... (by AbstractionAnon)
animate function Jquery |
[1 reply] : Hey infinitesimalGuy, If the heading and the code do not tell you wha... (by Handy Andy)
by Robsome97
Text Adventure Movement
[2 replies] Last: You start with V = 0 (which should be an int). If you move NORTH, V be... (by AbstractionAnon)
how to use dlopen with C++ class object |
[5 replies] Last: In the above code is there any case where getA() can return a NULL po... (by AbstractionAnon)
by JJ2828
[2 replies] Last: Yes!Thank you! (by JJ2828)
by Dezibil Ad
How to sort a list with objects.
[7 replies] Last: [quote=TheSmallGuy]P.S : std::list::sort() does not seem to be well su... (by keskiverto)
by mwapy
This was simple in Fortran, but...
[8 replies] Last: If you have multiple values (perhaps runtime-determined amount), then ... (by keskiverto)
by sdrollinger
Trouble seperating file into multiple classes
[5 replies] Last: Either you have put main in the wrong file (it should be in what is c... (by keskiverto)