Beginners - September 2016 (Page 15)

Basic 2D array problem
Hi I'm just trying to learn C++, so please bear with me if this is a stupid question. I am trying to fill a 2D array with the times table of numbers 1 throug...
[5 replies] Last: So really what I need to do in my case is this. #include <iostream>... (by Bilbo1161)
Multiple defined variables including a header
I'm having some troubles with including headers in my project. While I'm not exactly new to programming, I am new to spanning my source files to better organize...
[6 replies] Last: Wow, it's amazing how lost I get thinking about this. I'm getting so s... (by overlordmanny)
Help reading from .txt file
Hello :) I am just learning about output and input from .txt files using #include<fstream>. I'm having quite a bit of trouble understanding how to get certa...
[3 replies] Last: Do you realize that the extraction operator>> stops processing the str... (by jlb)
Understanding strings and arrays
Hello everybody. I'm trying to store a list of names but the user defines the size of the list and then they input the actual names. I was trying this code: ...
[4 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
fatal error c1083 can't open stdio.h
HI all, I am an old programmer (61) working for a long time with C++ but new to Visual Studio. It's my first question here and English is not my natural langua...
[2 replies] Last: May be I found the problem : As I come from Linux, I like building 'co... (by J Maurice)
// lab02b.c : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include <stdio.h> int FunctionUser(void) { printf("Updating FunctionUser\n\n...
[3 replies] Last: Let's take a look at the order of the commands inside your while loop:... (by kevinkjt2000)
If Statements
Hey, I am trying to get the smallest and biggest number out of three numbers using if statements. My problem is that I keep getting an error that says I did no...
[2 replies] Last: Hello mclogical, As I have read here many times always initialize you... (by Handy Andy)
Array outside of class.
(Line 60) I get an error telling me an array cannot be initialized without a parenthesized intializer. What am i doing wrong? can someone please help? Thanks ...
[2 replies] Last: Line 60: You're trying to initialize an array of 99 objects of type "m... (by tcs)
by Jmor
while loop issues
This is some homework I am trying to figure out what I did wrong to be honest I am very new to programing and I am doing a horrible in class and so I am turning...
[2 replies] Last: thank you Arslan7041 it took me some time but I did get it thanks a lo... (by Jmor)
Help with craps programs
Ok so my assignment is to simulate a game of craps and I was just starting it and trying to simulate lose and win statements, if they get 7 or 11 its a win, if ...
[1 reply] : Looks like the assignment = statement was used instead of the equality... (by EtDecius)
Hopscotch Help
Hey y'all I need help on a bit of my homework for class, and I'm just not understanding what I need to do. Write a function that swaps three numbers witho...
[4 replies] Last: Yes I did his code that he posted was a little messed up. #includ... (by Unisaurus)
by cm123
restaurant bill
whenever I try to build my program it keeps failing because "Redefinition of 'MealCost_tax'". Can someone please help me #include <iostream> #include <st...
[2 replies] Last: Look at line 20: tip_TotalBill, It should be followed by a semi-co... (by xismn)
Find the Error in the Class Circle
Correct and complete the class Circle. Then I also have to include a small program that uses the class in Object-Oriented format. I can't find the errors and I ...
[2 replies] Last: The following link has a section called "Copy Assignment", which shoul... (by xismn)
learning by writing my own program
ok, this should be the last question for this program I am trying to write. I am getting the error: Error C2440 'initializing': cannot convert from '...
[13 replies] Last: it is 9:30 and I am getting old so I think I will head to bed and try ... (by Mikey41m)
Best way to convert an boolean to an enum?
I have a boolean function, but I have an enum that acts as an boolean with two values. What is the cleanest way to convert the return boolean value to the enum?
[3 replies] Last: So does say ENUMNAME = statistic_cast<ENUMNAME> (function() ) work?... (by randompersonhere)
last thing I need help on with this code.
I have read many times that to end a program and keep the console window open you have to add in, std::getchar(); ,and I have that in there on the last line. Wo...
[2 replies] Last: As Omni said, you will need to add cin.ignore() and getchar(); bec... (by orangepeel367)
mktime() and difftime() problem
Two questions please. 1. can someone read the code and help me see why the code is not giving a correct answer? To test the code i set an easy value as the dat...
[4 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main(void) { time_t... (by mynicks)
by rlake
Overloading the << for a matrix
Hello, I am trying to overload the << operator a matrix class and am having some difficulty. I read in data for the two matrices and read the data back: ...
[no replies]
Trying to learn on my own..
Ok, here is the deal. I have a learning disability as well as slight damage from a car accident to my brain (not exactly Einstein here but I get by in life). I ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Arslan7041. That solved it. I am trying to write this so tha... (by Mikey41m)
Series integer problem. HELP ~
Anyone can help me fix my code ? #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main () { int num,n,i; int total=0,count=0; ...
[4 replies] Last: Hello desmondlee95, Consider line 24 cin >> num I read somewhere th... (by Handy Andy)
September 2016 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 34
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