Beginners - September 2016 (Page 14)

LNK2019 Errors???
Cannot figure out why program has these errors. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib>//General Utilities Library for general function purp...
[5 replies] Last: With all types. (by keskiverto)
by rlake
Creating a matrix class overloading the +, -, * and << operators
For my data structures class, we have been given the assignment to create a matrix overloading the +, -, * and << operators. I cannot get any output. It com...
[3 replies] Last: That worked. Thanks! (by rlake)
Checking for greatest value with multiple ints
For my intro to C++ class we were recommended to create a program that checked for a maximum value and and average value. My question is, is there a more effici...
[3 replies] Last: You can actually get it done without an array : #include <iostream> ... (by SakurasouBusters)
by ll1234
the distance of two points
Write your question here. how to work out the distance of two points
[1 reply] : double distance = sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))... (by SakurasouBusters)
the first character of my output is getting cut off?
Ok so I am doing homework and they want me to use a clock to tell the difference in speed when using cout vs printf. They provided me with code to start and eve...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so very much you are a lifesaver. (by CamoMonk)
Not reading input from file
Thanks solved
[1 reply] : What does your input file mean? (by SakurasouBusters)
Is there a way to check if a certain char appears at the end of an input. For example if someone enters 33566$, how would you catch the '$' and store it into a ...
[1 reply] : int a; char b; std::cin >> a; b = std::cin.peek(); ... (by SakurasouBusters)
Understanding Tower of Hanoi
I am having a difficult time grasping the logic behind the Tower of Hanoi recursion function. How is it possible that the function when it calls itself is able...
[2 replies] Last: I believe my confusion comes in the syntax. When I run this code the o... (by neverStopLearning)
by rlee19
GPA Calculator
I'm trying to make a GPA calculator where the user inputs a letter grade including a plus or minus but I cannot figure out where to start. So far I have prompte...
[2 replies] Last: Well to start, a char value is a single character. You want to enter A... (by SamuelAdams)
Input validation
I need my program to use one of four user inputs (28, 29, 30 or 31) and only that, no characters, no decimals, no higher or lower number. I've tried so many ...
[10 replies] Last: Input validation: -1- User will always press ENTER after every input ... (by Duthomhas)
A beginner problem
Hello, i am very beginner of c++. While i learnig it, i have seen a code that shows factorial of a number. I did not understand the code when i looked first. Th...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your answer. Now i can see how it works. (by Polizei)
C++ help
help plz
[3 replies] Last: Can you at least do the prompts? The prompts to enter check and money ... (by Arslan7041)
by zablas
I want to learn programming 2D games. What's the best E-Book?
Hello everyone! I've been programming with C++ for a bit more than a year now. I already have the basic concepts of it like creating functions and multi-file...
[no replies]
help with calling a member function?
I'm supposed to write a cashier program using a class. However, I'm having some troubles. Earlier I was getting an error that there weren't enough arguments in ...
[1 reply] : Line 19: Get rid of the arguments. You want to use the member variabl... (by AbstractionAnon)
Hint please!1
Can someone please give me a hint on how to code this question. This is a home-work question so hint only please!. Pseudo code is an informal description of a ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello Taha001, First a question, did you get the answer you wanted? T... (by Handy Andy)
for loop sum of products
Given int variables k and total that have already been declared , use a for loop to compute the sum of the squares of the first 50 counting numbers, and s...
[2 replies] Last: Ahhh ok, that makes sense. I don't need a nested for. I'm making this ... (by nbarbop24)
Digits sum and product
Hey, need some help with exercise I was given at school. Need to write and algorithm to find the smallest natural number if I have only its digits sum and pro...
[4 replies] Last: First, not sure your input file is. Second, there is a logic error in ... (by SakurasouBusters)
loop doesn't stop even after using break;
So i want to make a programme that takes continuous input from user and stops when the user press 42.Then the numbers present before 42 will be continuously out...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the help rabster .i appreciate the quick response.i have no... (by kartik17)
How to write these programs?
Hello! I recently told a friend of mine that I could help them compile two programs, however I can only do Java and have never programmed with C++ before. Can s...
[1 reply] : For 2): #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ... (by theturk1234)
reverse a string... help
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string input; string output; string temp; cou...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys! (by claudilla)
September 2016 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 34
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