Beginners - September 2016 (Page 13)

[3 replies] Last: sakura you're my hero LOOL thanks again (by khan2943)
Rounding numbers
How would you round a positive number number to the nearest hundred?
[12 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <... (by SakurasouBusters)
[2 replies] Last: @SakurasouBuster THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! (by khan2943)
Counting characters in a string
I need help writing a program that counts the number of letters, numbers, and special characters independently while only using iostream. Here is what I have so...
[9 replies] Last: my apologies, i am new to this cite and I am new to C++. I'm am not qu... (by markjohnson6842)
Program is adding when it shouldn't be.
Hello, my problem is in my second function where the math is happening I am getting the wrong sum. I tried using the same code in simplified program and I got t...
[2 replies] Last: Such a simple fix. Thank you! (by azdrc29)
need a help for hailstone sequence
how do I count the steps until the number gets to 1?
[3 replies] Last: Just initialize an int with 0 as value, something like int count = 0;... (by closed account iGLbpfjN)
Program Help
After i enter the budget given, it prints out the next question and just gives the percent calculation. I dont know why it skips over the budget_spent input. ...
[3 replies] Last: I took the cin.ignore() and put it before the first cin.peek and i put... (by fivestar)
Need a bit of help.
Hello guys, I'm new to the forums! My name is Leonardo, if you wish to call me by that. I have this problem for homework but I can't figure out for the life of...
[2 replies] Last: Thank for the fast reply, SakurasouBusters. Can I integrate this solu... (by Fundamental)
Homework help
Hello all, Class started two weeks ago and this is my first time getting my feet wet with coding. Im having an issue with my lab so I was wondering if I could g...
[9 replies] Last: Just thought id keep you updated, I got it to work thanks to you ! :D... (by SakurasouBusters)
Help with looping
Hey guys, about 3 weeks into my first C++ class and I'm writing a program to calculate mpg. I have the code pretty much worked out, I have to keep a running t...
[1 reply] : I'd start with Initialization of variables. (by SamuelAdams)
by Lado
Read a .txt file into arrays
Hello, So I´m new in C++ programming and I´m trying to read a .txt file into arrays. My file contains 4 columns separated with space. The first column conta...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! So the file contains information about number of students... (by Lado)
by junfan
How to reference a .DLL file in Visual Studio 2012
What is the process of referencing a .DLL file for a Win 32 console application in Visual Studio 20120 Pro edition?
[2 replies] Last: Hi, PS: pleas... (by shadder)
Average of n numbers
So basically I have to average how many ever numbers a user enters. I can only accept positive numbers so if a negative number is entered, I have to tell them t...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both for the help. I now have it working. (by doctterdre)
by JJ2828
CPU scheduling
Write your question here. Hey guys do you all have any FCFS cpu scheduling c++ code or any else which is related to cpu scheduling? Please post it at here th...
[no replies]
How to make my program run?
So, what I want is if you fit any of the following criteria, the code will go to to determine your credit score, if not, "Disqualified for loan". Then after tha...
[7 replies] Last: // BEGINNING OF YOUR CODE bool qualified = ( age >= 18 && ... (by booradley60)
by aloz
Problem with random
Hey guys, I'm trying to make a "horse race" with the drawings moving across the screen by creating a random number of spaces for each one that pushes them aside...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, Chervil! #include <iostream> #include <conio> #include <wi... (by aloz)
Error Help - Skips Line
Does anyone know why the line after "else if (month >9)" will not execute? If I remove "cout << "Duck";", it will not execute the line "if ((inmonth%2) == 0)", ...
[3 replies] Last: I had someone read over my code and explain it to me. Thank you! (by Teamdeathmatch1787)
Input/output with files
My only problem is the data is not inputting/outputting through the files. I tried running these two in the input txt file and the output txt file was empty *...
[9 replies] Last: hello mclogical, One question: on line 11 and 12 you open files, but... (by Handy Andy)
Issue with if/else statement
Sooo, whenever my input hits the first and second if statement, my outcome is loan += 10k when it should be 15k. I was told that "The 10K condition is weaker...
[9 replies] Last: Yes, I'm happy you are able to solve the assignment. A couple of thing... (by SakurasouBusters)
Program keeps crashing
Im writing a code that requires the input and output of a file which is typed on the command line. the output file would append or overwritten if it exists. i...
[1 reply] : The first thing you should look for when it crashes is an out of bound... (by coder777)
September 2016 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 34
  Archived months: [aug2016] [oct2016]

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