Beginners - September 2015 (Page 41)

need help in simple reversi game
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; char board ={{' ', ' ', ' ',' ',' ',' ',...
[6 replies] Last: You might google for other programmer's solutions. The alpha beta rout... (by CodeWriter)
How do I get all the combinations of characters.
Say I have a string, how do I generate all the combinations of its characters? example: I have a string "Tea",how do I get:"tea","tae","ate","eta","eat","aet" ...
[5 replies] Last: I just copy paste from another thread . Normaly I use std::swap . (by Ericool)
hey guys am writting a program using classes that prompts for class name and grades and than outputs the name of the class and its class average but my code isn...
[5 replies] Last: this doesn't even compile. for example, line 107: void class_average... (by mutexe)
C++/OpenGL/SDL/Cmake where to Start?
Hi my name is divine, and this is my first time in this forum. I just want to ask for an advise in here, I just dont know where to start. hopefully you can und...
[10 replies] Last: @Zereo I dont think Vulcan with Dx12 is good for starting . Most of t... (by Z e r e o)
Bubble sort
What is the 'flag' for in bubble sort? When I removed it the sorting algorithm still works fine. void BubbleSort(apvector <int> &num) { int i, j, fl...
[1 reply] : It allows the function to complete faster. It stops further steps when... (by Kevin C)
Float not working.
Why is the median function returning integer number? The average function works just fine. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; ...
[8 replies] Last: I found the problem! It turns out that my 'b' variable is of int type,... (by supernoob)
What's a c++ style array?
I am getting heat from any body of c++ coder for using "C-Style Arrays." How do I make C++ Style arrays? Thanks. //C-Style arrays. #include <iostream>...
[7 replies] Last: In C++17 a helper function make_array will be introduced It's in Lib... (by Cubbi)
by JPoor
Need help with first c++ prroject
I need help with writing a program. Here is the question : Write a program with for loop, calculating the sum of all odd numbers between 1 and 100. How ca...
[4 replies] Last: you're welcome . (by Ericool)
Operator overloading? - So Confused!
I've been watching/reading tutorial after tutorial on this topic, yet I still do not understand it. Take the following example given in the tutorials section ...
[19 replies] Last: I got the following errors message: 24:18: error: passing 'const CVec... (by keskiverto)
Equation with functions (C++)
It's me again hehe.. well, i have to do 10 exercises in C++. I already did 9. I'm here because i can't understand the last one... i have the sigma function of t...
[8 replies] Last: If I can give you an hint , look for recursive function in Google. T... (by Ericool)
Too high too low help
Hello! This is my first program and it's not working... On Xcode, it shows lldb of the number I enter is bigger than the random number. Thank you for your h...
[1 reply] : There seems to be nothing wrong with this program. It is working on my... (by Kevin C)
Problem Using regex
Why am I getting a bad line: 1 when I run the program? The regex row expression regex row {R"(^[\w ]+( \d+)( \d+)( \d+)$)"}; appears to be correct. There...
[8 replies] Last: JLBorges, Thank you for all your help. I changed line 62 in my code ... (by phztfte1)
a. Which key is currently handled and what effect does pressing this key have on the application b. Identify a relevant reference that explains these key co...
[no replies]
Basic Calculator
Basic calculator that allows users to select which operation they want to perform and then prompted to make a decision on whether or not they want to perform an...
[1 reply] : Hi & welcome to cplusplus :+) You can use a bool type variable to c... (by TheIdeasMan)
A question about <stdlib.h>
I am practicing to write codes and checking their results on the console window these days. and the processor of the console window always hangs and it bothers ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys, and sorry for being late : ) I just found that the so... (by kevinkim)
by kellex
Why does this happens?
I put a int into a int array and the value changes.... why? how can i fix this? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int ...
[1 reply] : The program is doing exactly what you're telling it to. You have an i... (by xismn)
Function help
What im trying to do is pass the "sales amount" to the float calcCommision function. Im having difficulty understanding how to do that. Help please? #inclu...
[3 replies] Last: You must set the value of basepay to something before you print it out... (by Kevin C)
10001 prime number code
I try to resolve the following problem: ________________________ By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime...
[7 replies] Last: Hi, Is this for an on-line coding challenge like Euler or on-line jud... (by TheIdeasMan)
Recovering Distorted Image Using loops and 2d Arrays
I have this code that is supposed to undo a distortion from one .ppm file and send the correct image to another to a .ppm file that has a picture inside. I have...
[no replies]
code::blocks can't find dll
When I try and run the demo sfml code using codeblocks I get this error, The program can't start because sfml-graphics-d-2.dll is missing from your computer. Tr...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, that is a different error. Try searcing on google. This one is rel... (by Kevin C)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 39404142
  Archived months: [aug2015] [oct2015]

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