Beginners - September 2015 (Page 37)

by Nu B
Problem with Heron's formula
Hi, I've only started this week programing on C++ so my resources are still quite limited, but here's the thing, the code is supposed to calculate the area of a...
[3 replies] Last: Ahh, I see, So it's just that I was trying random numbers that didn't ... (by Nu B)
by MilosJ
Guys please help with auto-complete please !
Hey ! I'm having troubles with auto complete option. I tried to install eclipse, dev C++, code blocks,... They all have auto complete option but i can't use ...
[3 replies] Last: I also tried to use CTRL + SPACE in dev c++ and the mouse icon changed... (by MilosJ)
Help with understanding
I am having major problems with my c++ class because my professor rushes through the info and doesnt properly teach it. This is the project: TASK: Write a pro...
[1 reply] : .cpp file: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string>... (by mrtukle)
by anguiz
comma and decimals
I have made a math game. Works fine mostly but there are 2 things that I cant make work as I want in the section where the user guessing division. 1. make th...
[12 replies] Last: hehe I dont know... thank you! that was stupid that i did that.. n... (by anguiz)
Caeser Cipher
In short, i'm a total noob. However I need a way to count how many letters there are in a string. E.g the word "Hello", that has 5 letters. I need to do this so...
[2 replies] Last: @Shadowmouse Thank you, you're right! I cant believe it was under my n... (by Erawein)
by besurk
Need Help converting a variable
My program is almost finished but has a slight mishap that I need to fix but don't know how to. Variable coin_flip produces a 1 or 0, but i need to convert them...
[5 replies] Last: let me populate some more of what i posted as a hint: if(headsorta... (by mutexe)
Hey I'm new and i have a question
Write your question here. To my knowledge strings are just objects that hold more than one group of characters. However I'm confused about "getline and ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help after experimenting i found the following results ... (by CrypticA1)
Barometric Pressure Problem
The program is supposed to take the value of the pressure for each hour every day of the year. It then determines the maximum and minimum for each day and print...
[1 reply] : If you think the problem is reading the file, put in a cout to confirm... (by SamuelAdams)
by mwskz8
Confusion about type conversions
Hi, I am a newbie learning type conversion for C++. The whole unsigned type conversion is puzzling me. Could someone explain the following examples? 1. uns...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the explanations, Peter87. And you are right, the val... (by mwskz8)
Writing into a Binary File
Hello. I seem to encounter a problem where I can't write the struct into my binary file for my program. It writes into the struct fine but when I close the pro...
[2 replies] Last: but when I close the program and open the binary file and output the ... (by jlb)
asymptotic notation
What is asymptotic notation?
[12 replies] Last: The same algorithm will take different amounts of time on different ha... (by dhayden)
A beginner question on how to use a variable as an operator
I have a question could a variable act as an operator such as "+" to add two numbers if so how do i write that? so what I would like to do would be answer = (a ...
[10 replies] Last: (by John081366)
Replacing For Loop wiith a while loop
Hi guys appreciate your help, I had a question to modify the for loop to while loop which i not sure how to go about it. #include<iostream> using namespace...
[5 replies] Last: You can almost do this mechanically. This: for (a, b, c) statement; ... (by dhayden)
by Phil15
Passing functor by parameter
Hey guys I have been trying to figure out a problem to find the maximum and minimum value of a list of vertices. To do this I wanted to inject a functor which...
[4 replies] Last: @dhayden Alright, sorry templates and functors are new topics for me s... (by Phil15)
Separating code into header, functions, main files causes compile errors.
I am trying to separate my code into header, function, and main function files. The program compiles and runs to spec when it is all in the one file, but when s...
[5 replies] Last: Put std::fstream and if you want to avoid the possibility of very weir... (by shadowmouse)
cin not reading
i have to write a program that will display all characters selected in the input sentance. problem i have is it just skips the input for the character char...
[6 replies] Last: @learningcplusplus898 Ah ok (by Swapnil2000)
Need help assigning random numbers to characters
I need help assigning numbers generated to characters. This code should produce a 0 or 1 and I want 0 to equal A and 1 to equal B. srand(static_cast<unsig...
[1 reply] : Don't know if I got the question right, but why don't you simply decla... (by minomic)
Hello everyone need help with a problem!
Hey guys, I am extremely new to c++ so if you think this is a stupid question and are going to rant at me please don't reply. My teacher has assigned us with a ...
[1 reply] : > I am having trouble with the median part of the program The median... (by JLBorges)
Help With Server Design
Hi. So I basically made a turn-based strategy game and a server to go along with it. The problem is the server is a mess and I can't manage it anymore. The game...
[7 replies] Last: Sure. You might want to take a look at Google's protobuf. It's specifi... (by helios)
Really need help (new to c++)
[6 replies] Last: had something similar to sasauke before I noticed there were replies b... (by xbv)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 42
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