Beginners - September 2015 (Page 34)

int i not in scope
Sounds like a very stupid question below is my class definition and my compiler keeps saying the following error. ..\src\SalesPerson.cpp:45:17: error: 'i' wa...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks, I haven't used a constructor before. Something new to learn :P... (by SamuelAdams)
by Winsu
My friend ostream function doesnt have acces
I have overloaded the operator << to display a defined type...for that I have declared that function as a friend and I have define two get functions..but for so...
[6 replies] Last: > I have overloaded the operator << to display a defined type...for th... (by JLBorges)
Help with IF Else Statements
I currently trying to work on this problem and am running into a problem on how to write it. Weight of Package Rate per 500 Miles Sh...
[4 replies] Last: Make sure to look at Google the method set precision in order to have ... (by Ericool)
by Jon15
sending/recieving from function
Hi there, I am writing a program that will convert F to C or C to F with the option of converting either to K. I am having trouble passing the F or C to my func...
[11 replies] Last: ok, so i think i am ALMOST there. How would you go about putting in th... (by Jon15)
How to calculate in increments
Hello, I am just starting out and need some advice on a code I am working on. The code works but I cant figure out how to do one thing. That is to get it to ca...
[3 replies] Last: I believe it is using ceil but not sure exactly how to use it (by Memory7)
Array pointers. (1,2)
This is for a class assignment. I have to set up three levels of indirection of pointers to an array of ints. What I have tried so far is this. int ***s = ...
[22 replies] Last: Okay! So, I just want to thank everybody for all the help, I have some... (by mishappp)
Assigning values to an Array
So I understand how to display Arrays that have already been initialized. What im trying to do is make an array and then have the user enter 5 numbers that gets...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double te... (by CodeWriter)
by Plat
Windows SFML to Visual Studio tutorial problems
I need to link SFML system things to Visual Studio. They have this super-comprehensive tutorial. Unfor...
[2 replies] Last: Well, what do you know. Added at the EXACT same place as all the other... (by Plat)
Beginner C++ class HW confusing answer
In the following code below, i am asked what will print on the screen in the question, i guessed it would display 23 and below on a new line 11.5 cause that's 2...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man, wow i feel dumb I'll read more carefully from now on (by jDurks619)
Following the tutorials for auto; why this code can't compile? error: 'bar' does not name a type #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int f...
[11 replies] Last: Actually it's text editor(sublime). I deleted the related compiled fil... (by CodeOpen)
difference between .cpp and .cc file
What is difference between .cpp and .cc file? I know both can be compile but what is difference of these two? Which one is more preferable than another on...
[2 replies] Last: In the Windows world .cpp is the more common of the three (well, it's ... (by andywestken)
I dont Know how to define this function
I have this function and i have tried various things but they dont work, How can I define it? this is in the Header of the clas. This are the member variable...
[16 replies] Last: alright it is fixed thanks, (by MecNasty)
List using pointer
Write your question here. Can someone please explain the working of this program in detail. Especially that strict node *next.. Explain what's a node and how d...
[1 reply] : a linked list is a data structure where nodes are attached . A node co... (by Ericool)
how to count total number of selected lines
i want to count the total number of the selected lines (hello world) in my program. My program is able to give the line number of the selected line but i want t...
[3 replies] Last: Your loop is useless, it does only one iteration. If you think that am... (by MiiNiPaa)
Dev c++ help
I need to know the problem ( Im new to C++ ) theres an error on starting at the else if #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { do...
[2 replies] Last: ah ><; ty >.>; i shoudl really really really triple check ... (by PandaQuin)
I cant store the passed in value in a method
Write your question here. ok so my issue is in the AddCard method, where im trying to store the value but I cant figure how to do it. class Playe...
[13 replies] Last: alright thanks guys, it is fixed (by MecNasty)
Allocating memory with Malloc
Hey everyone so my professor wants us to use Malloc in order to allocate memory for a linked list for our project. When I did this I got an error of: C2027 use ...
[10 replies] Last: @chalupabatman here is another link (by Ericool)
Virtual Optimisation
In terms of optimisations, are empty virtual (non-pure) functions subject to optimisation? Let me make things clear with a bit of example code: struct B ...
[3 replies] Last: The compiler might or not devirtualize methods , but it mostly depends... (by Ericool)
by chnl21
Cashier Program
Can you make my program better? The only problem I have with this is my breakdown. What should I change? Cashier 2.0 is a C++ program that displays on the sc...
[5 replies] Last: start with this , you just have to ask now the user to enter a valid c... (by Ericool)
by RuiQi
merging data - parallel threads
Hi Forum, I have a section of my code running in parallel using My question is, how do I 'merge' the data from different threads into one. A simple exampl...
[2 replies] Last: What do you mean? Non private variables can be accessed by all threads... (by coder777)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 42
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