Beginners - September 2015 (Page 32)

Unary Minus (negation) - Trying to Understand Problem.
Hi, thanks for having this online spot to ask questions. 'am new in every way. I've two sets of code. One which was given to me. My problem surrounds the very...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much Danny. ;-) I see now. The loop-expression doesn't... (by lcerura)
[5 replies] Last: nice! (by arturbecki289)
String Initialization in Constructor
Hi guys, So now I've this class where I enter strings and int input. It is supposed to set this variables and print them out but for some reason (a bug somewhe...
[6 replies] Last: Ur welcome (by Ericool)
replacing the character in a string without another string.
I have string like this: 5.46875,0.0249472,?,?,?,-1,?,186688,?,?,92 ........ and i want to replace every "?" with a double value which i m converting as...
[11 replies] Last: I thank you all for your kind help! :-) (by theseus)
help me in visual stideo 2015
pliz help me in visual stideo 2015 what is this erors The thread 'TppWorkerThread' (0x1be4) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 'Win32 Thread' (0x193...
[1 reply] : That are not errors but some debug informations when your program has ... (by coder777)
Converting array to vector
I'm supposed to modify a code from array to vectors. But the vector one won't work and it says undefined reference to. The original code: #include <iostream>...
[3 replies] Last: damn i didn't notice the int size it's not supposed to be there. thank... (by supernoob)
Lost with function stubs
Can someone give me some guidance Define stubs for the functions called by the below main(). Each stub should print "FIXME: Finish FunctionName()" followed b...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you I got it down! (by CVLT)
Assistance needed on a code in my assignment.
Hi, I extremely need guidance on this! I shown what I have so far below. My assignment states: Look up (or derive yourself) the formula for the area of ...
[7 replies] Last: EDIT: @Arslan7041: That has bad things in it. Why should the diameter... (by Arslan7041)
termination of console application before a getline statement
This is a program for inventory. There are functions for the cashier and some for the administrator. My problem here is that the termination of the console appl...
[2 replies] Last: coder777, Thank you for the tip :D (by olaf the huggable)
sh: main: command not found
Hello All, I just started a class on c++ and it is all totally new to me. I am using the web site to try and run t...
[1 reply] : cout << "The product of " << x1 << "*" << x2 << "is " << prod <<endl;... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Function definition: Volume of a pyramid.
Im not asking for an answer. Would just need a small detailed explanation of what I would need to code this program. Define a function PyramidVolume with dou...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> double PyramidVolume(double, double, double); i... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Completely confused on why my C++ code isn't calculating the right result
The question is Program Specifications Your program will do the following: Prompt for three values with the following units: a. Integer: heart beats in h...
[1 reply] : 60 * 50 = 30000e+03 50 / 3785.41178 = 1.3209e-02 I don't see how you'... (by sasauke)
Need help finding mean with function.
I'm getting an error when I compile this. expected primary-expression before ']' token. Its Line 17 using namespace std; //prototypes float Mean (int arr...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; //prototyypes float Mean(int... (by sasauke)
Program is working, just wanting some opinions.
Just wanting some opinions on my code really. Below is a program that coverts temperature, wind, and relative humidity into a "Heat Index" amd a "Windchill". ...
[1 reply] : Your comments don't tell the reader anything that the code doesn't. A... (by dhayden)
need help making the main
Write your question here. MATRIX <Structure> a11 <double> a12 <double> a21 <double> a22 <double> END MATRIX calc_sum(parameters:...
[no replies]
"\n" endl difference
I read the book about C++, i am in the second chapter and i absolutely donĀ“t understand this: "One difference is that endl guarantees the output will be fl...
[no replies]
by Bluez
I'm busy learning linked lists and was following a video tutorial since my text book doesn't make much sense to me. Anyway, I've copied all of the code from the...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much! Compiles perfectly now. I still need to learn what... (by Bluez)
Checking Value
Hi there, I was wondering if someone one here could help me please. I want my program to only allow numbers to be entered and if there is any other character t...
[1 reply] : #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <iostream> #include <... (by MiiNiPaa)
Generating a deck of Cards using Linked lists
i need to generate a deck using linked lists. I dont even know how to start **CARD.H** Class Card { int m_face; char m_su...
[3 replies] Last: this is for a Go fish Card game (by MecNasty)
by mevans
Part of my program is not displaying correctly
Assignment BLUF: Read numbers from a file; display an "*" for every 1000 people. This is part of an assignment for my beginners C++ class. I am getting ac...
[2 replies] Last: That was it, thanks for the pro tip!! (by mevans)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 42
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