Beginners - September 2015 (Page 31)

V Model Methodology
Okay, i'm not sure if i'm in the wrong area to ask about this... So Admin please forgive me i'm new... >Could anyone help explain the V Model to me, i unders...
[2 replies] Last: >Could anyone help explain the V Model to me, i understand the waterf... (by coder777)
value not adding up
I am doing a hw assignment in codeblock with output manipulators. The value is not adding up to the instructor's value. It is also acting like I've input the...
[8 replies] Last: To understand why lines are not relevant you should know that << is a ... (by Peter87)
Creating Functions (Modular Programming)
I have several errors, but i do not know where i generally messed up? #include <iostream> using namespace std; //function declarations float getPurch...
[2 replies] Last: You are redeclaring new variables with old names in your function call... (by DarkLightHitomi)
Reverse char array completely confused
Hey everyone, I am trying to complete an assignment and I am super confused and cannot get this function to work. I am trying to reverse a char array. I am suc...
[1 reply] : Some part of the code are missing, I can't find your main By the way ... (by Mark2)
by mykds
Check file before using CopyFile()
Hey guys it's me again ;-) Today I've got a little prob with CopyFile() CopyFile(TEXT("../Datalogger/Install/Install/vcredist_x64.exe"),TEXT("C:/DataLogger/...
[8 replies] Last: If that's what the CopyFile() function does, then I would agree. Mayb... (by SamuelAdams)
Need help
I'm doing a lab question I couldn't get in my lab class today, but having difficulties even starting. Can I get some help? Question: 1- Write a function th...
[4 replies] Last: @thatfunnydude what MiiNiPaa said is true. you can see here that alg... (by Bdanielz)
by Mark2
Free c++ tutor
Hi, I've found that some are looking for someone to help them in real time through Skype or something. I have the 1/3 of a bachelor degree, I have enough kno...
[6 replies] Last: There is a function that generate random number, it can be better than... (by Mark2)
by besurk
Need help with functions
I am having trouble figuring out why my code asks me to enter a number twice. I need to figure out how to make it just square the input from getValue(); #in...
[1 reply] : You're calling getValue() twice, once on line 13 and again on line 3... (by xismn)
Multiple constructors not working
New to C++, not to programming. Everything appears to be working except the constructor with no parameters. When I try to instantiate Dog using it, I get these ...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, thanks. I'm used to java, where you include the brackets when inst... (by PsylentKnight)
Return x and rand()problems
I'm having some issues and I'd like to learn why! just to clarify I'm taking a course but my endgame is to learn programming I'm doing this to learn and don'...
[8 replies] Last: Did you bother to read the thread? (by Duthomhas)
by HG319
Dymanic array Matrix
For a project we have to make a class and use a dynamic array to create several matrices. We cannot use a Vector. We have to write our copy constructor, destruc...
[7 replies] Last: I actually fixed it. the error was with my assignment operators. I was... (by HG319)
Working with self-made dynamic array
Hello! I am trying to create a dynamic vector (as is in here; it's from an assignment - it has to respect this format. Bear in mind that names in here are not r...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! That did it! (by Powdertrail)
by kezia
simple textfile without using structure
hi everyone pls do me a favor i worked for my project using a simple textfile pass by parameter without using a sturcture...the ff. code must like this add rec...
[7 replies] Last: I will send you a private mail for that in C code. (by Ericool)
Trouble with function declaration
Hey, so i'm making this currency converter app for a school project. I have a class which downloads a html using QT, and saves it into a .txt file. it was all ...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, you are right. Thx alot (by bikonja)
can you help me?
line 6 is the error *expected unqualified-id before '{' token *expected `,' or `;' before '{' token #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[5 replies] Last: i change someting in line 17 and there is 1 error left *expected `;' ... (by l0vekosiax)
QuickFind/Union & Weighted quick union
1. Write C++ implementation of quickfind , quickunion and weightedquickunion. 2. Show the contents of the id array (based on your solution for problem 1) afte...
[1 reply] : help? (by closed account GybDjE8b)
by wolfv
Put const and non-const objects in an array?
Is there a way to put const and non-const objects in an array? I am trying to make most of the array elements const to save memory (in Arudino micro controller)...
[5 replies] Last: you're welcome. (by Ericool)
how can this code compile w/o problem ?
Hi all, Please see the pasted code below,my question is when the compiler reaches variable buf, how much space can it determine to allocate for buf, because vs...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot for your help ! (by sysabod)
Anagram problem
Hello. I have to find out whether a word is made up of the same letters with another word. For example: "car" and "arc" are good because they are made up of th...
[4 replies] Last: Hmm... Have you tried testing the words aabc and abbc. They should no... (by Kevin C)
Referencing a custom library
Hi I would like to write some classes and store them in a shared DLL which would be placed in an arbitrary file path. How can I reference this DLL in a C+...
[1 reply] : you should look at dll import and dll export first . Then if the dll... (by Ericool)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 2930313233... 42
  Archived months: [aug2015] [oct2015]

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