Beginners - September 2015 (Page 22)

Calculation Issues
I am a complete beginner here for C++. This is a program I need to do. The project is finished for class but I can't get the calculation part right and I am stu...
[5 replies] Last: Oh ok. In that case you'll just need to change your error message to r... (by YFGHNG)
Need help calculating standard deviation
So I started coding C++ about 4 weeks ago as part of my freshman C++ Class and in this "Lab" I have to calculate the Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard Deviat...
[1 reply] : The standard deviation is the square root of an average of squares. An... (by helios)
Help with abs function and loop until user type Q?
Hi I am a beginner.I am writing mortgage loan program. I already done with the program. But, i don't know how to put abs function and loop the program until us...
[1 reply] : Just modify the interestrate after the user has given the input: cou... (by Golden Lizard)
by Ch1156
easier way to do initializer lists
I am writing a console game and i've spent more time copying initializer list contents than i have actually writing code, is there an easier way to do this? Wha...
[1 reply] : Those are parameter lists, not initializer lists. A function can be t... (by helios)
started a couple of days ago
Hi well i'm going to be honest our professor gave us this to program I am studying variables and Memory and the book learning c++ by creating game on UE4 engin...
[16 replies] Last: @kemort: you'll get banned because using report feature recklessly whi... (by chipp)
choosing certain cells to display in 2D arrays
Hello everyone, This is what the program is supposed to do. If the user chooses option 1 or 2 (main menu)the program is supposed to display only the occupied...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your comments. Much appreciated. (by jpanther)
PIMPL and implementation file
I'm trying to learn the PIMPL idiom. I got the basic idea but I have trouble figuring out how to set-up all the templates as I both the general class and the pr...
[1 reply] : No one? =\ (by Golden Lizard)
by veihl
I need some help with my program and the concept of OOP
I'm having some serious trouble understanding object-oriented programming. I currently have this assignment for Programming Project 6 for Chapter 8. This is the...
[5 replies] Last: I actually fixed that before I looked back at your reply lol. It compi... (by veihl)
Perfect squares which are also the sum of a series 1...n
Hello, I'm completely new to C++, and have tried solving the following exercise: The integer 36 has a peculiar property: it is a perfect square, and is also...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! I used the unsigned long long int method, which see... (by TanielG)
bucket sort algorithm. any optimization tips?
#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin; #include <limits> using std::numeric_limits; using std::streamsize; #inc...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for replying guys, i took your advices and improved my code. (by closed account E3h7X9L8)
Printing a map for Snake
Hey, so I'm trying to write a snake program, and this is the code I use to generate and print the map. Eventhough the map is printed like I want it. The program...
[1 reply] : map[(mapX * mapY) - x] = 'X'; When x == 0 , you are trying to acces... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Redwan
about flash internet browser
Hello everyone! I started learning c++ language two months ago.I'm trying to create an internet browser which can work as adobe or similer flash players.Please,...
[1 reply] : I think that's a little advanced for two months' learning experience. ... (by YFGHNG)
creating and calling function
while working on a module i came across a problem and could not figure out the solution to the problem. here is the question . program will get the input number...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> int DigitAtPosition(int &number... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by mwskz8
Warning: comparison between pointer and integer?
Hi, I wrote a loop to read from start to end of a char in C (see partial code below). I was taught that a null char == '\0' == NULL. However, my gcc compiler...
[3 replies] Last: At machine code level and assembly level they are usually always the s... (by LB)
need help.
i just start to learn c++, and try to do while loop switch statement asking for user input amendment number. i don't know where to put my loop statement and how...
[3 replies] Last: Oops (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Code Issue
I am getting a few errors with my code, I know that I am calling for files multiple times after searching around I am just un-sure how I would fix my code. "...
[4 replies] Last: Nono the preprocessor if, then. else is supposed to go before EVERYTHI... (by YFGHNG)
<cctype> isdigit() not producing expected result
Hi; I'm going through Primer Plus 6th Edition and had an issue with one of the exercises, the question is as follows: Write a program that reads up to 10 ...
[1 reply] : std::isdigit() checks if a character is a decimal digit. char d ... (by JLBorges)
Problem on using strtok_s in Dev C++
Hi, I cannot use strtok_s on Dev-C++ 5.11. it says 'strtok_s was not declared in this scope". Is it available on C++? I tried the same code below in Visual ...
[1 reply] : > Is it available on C++? strtok_s() is not part of the standard C+... (by JLBorges)
Need Help! Brand New
Is there a better way to do this? The following are my instructions. The problem I am having is after I instruct 'y' its not showing my enter goals scored in th...
[6 replies] Last: ah ok thanks. This is what I have now. I totally had to redo everythi... (by ndfan2015)
Storing a number in a simple calculator, then recalling it in an equation
I'm writing a calculator that can store the answer to memory and recall it later. I'm accomplishing this by allowing the user to store the answer when they choo...
[2 replies] Last: The problem is that num1 and num2 are of type int, so they cannot cont... (by Kevin C)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 42
  Archived months: [aug2015] [oct2015]

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