Beginners - September 2015 (Page 14)

Dynamic Memory Allocation
Can someone explain memory management and dynamic memory allocation to me like I'm a 4 year old? I'm trying to learn c++ with a Java background and this part ...
[1 reply] : Try reading this: (by koothkeeper)
Code Block error
I am writting a codes for my sequence project in code blocks. The project consists of three files main file, sequence.h, and sequence.cpp. As soon as i start bu...
[5 replies] Last: Oh i got it. I have to link the header file and function file with bin... (by haidernafees)
Help with a loop
I need help with an assignment that I've been trying to do for around two hours. Here is the question: This program asks the user to enter a positive integer...
[4 replies] Last: You should get $20 for that. (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Extracting even and odd numbers using WHILE LOOP.
Hello, Please help me with my code. I want the user to input 2 numbers. Then the program will extract the even numbers between these two numbers. And extract...
[4 replies] Last: > How about if I want to find the sum and average of the even numbers?... (by JLBorges)
by brad97
Program Closes After Input
I am creating a program that turns a time in seconds into elapsed time (For example, it would change 600 seconds to 00:10:00.) Every time I input the amount of ...
[4 replies] Last: // ConsoleApplication8.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by chango
Noob question about integer literals and suffixes
First I apologize for my bad english. When do you use suffixes or why would I use them if I can specify from the beggining the type of the variable or that is ...
[2 replies] Last: In most situations, we do not need to use integer-suffixes for our int... (by JLBorges)
by Zaboo
Need Help 23 Toothpicks Program *I'm not experienced at all*
Hi, I'm running into some issues with a project thats due tonight that I've been trying to fix for a couple days by myself. I cannot see what the issues are bes...
[2 replies] Last: if (toothPicks == 1) { cout << "You won!\jn"; //or ... (by ne555)
by dsaim
Unknow packet header.
Hi, i have an problem with my codes. We have a program that communicates: client -> server server -> client I have packet.h server -
[5 replies] Last: I'm not gonna visit that site with Javascript enabled. What was wrong ... (by kbw)
by tnt980
help with log project
this is what it is suppose to be Your program will prompt for a positive number to find the logarithm of. Finally, your program will output the logarithm ...
[11 replies] Last: cout << "Please enter the base (must be greater than 0)" << endl; cin... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
char variable not changing? :(
Edit: I managed to fix this problem using a do while loop. :) (I assumed that C++ code re-loops (globally, as in Java) unless you explicitly tell it to stop...
[2 replies] Last: FIX: *snip* } // FUEL STATION EXITED cout << "GAME OVER!\n"; ... (by Madolite)
Urgent!! Summing scores after dropping max and min
I'm asked to compile a programme which sums 5 scores after discarding the highest and lowest score. Below is my programme but it doesn't show any output after i...
[3 replies] Last: In C++ main implicitely return 0 if not stated otherwise. You do not ... (by tcs)
weird output when using delete
So I get some weird output to the cmd promt when running this. class Item{ protected: unsigned short int m_value; string m_name; unsigned short int m_type...
[3 replies] Last: You should initialize the member variables ( m_value / m_type ). If... (by coder777)
by tsmone
Why? for ( char : string)
I am trying to understand how this loop condition works. (char & c : str1) I have never seen this before. I have only been exposed to (init, cond, loop) in s...
[3 replies] Last: Range-based for loops uses the keyword for but it should be thought ... (by Peter87)
Stored integers
On my pc I have sizeof(int) 4 bytes. And I have a situation with integers where: j has the value 1 and is stored at 0x80498c8 k has the value 2 and is stor...
[1 reply] : What is the problem? (by coder777)
Check max size of array
Hello, I have question. In my simple code. I have some array any type. For exaple: char MyArray . I passing MyArray into function FillArray. Now My function h...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys. I understood that I have to pass 2nd argument. I analyze... (by elradziu)
problems with class and header files
I put many classes' declaration in one header file, because of the very complicate relations between these classes cause a lot of problems when using include. I...
[4 replies] Last: thanks! this is really annoying.... (by sunsflower)
sequence help!
i am doing my assignment but i think i am not understand the question correctly asked in the comment and getting the wrong answer. Can someone please check this...
[no replies]
Declaring - typedefs and structs
Hello. I am trying to compile my program but GCC accuses a few errors. Amongst them, there's two about "redeclaration" of typedefs/structs. What am I doing wro...
[5 replies] Last: Ah, well, I guess you can do that... You are confusing the compiler o... (by Duthomhas)
by tnt980
Write your question here.
[4 replies] Last: [quote=LB]You forgot to ask a question. (by LB)
Looking For (A) Beginner Project(s).
Hey everybody, I recently started coding in C++ and i'm looking for something to improve myself and pass the time. Please keep in mind that I am fairly inexperi...
[3 replies] Last: Make a program that helps a cashier return the amount of change they w... (by Outlaw782)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 42
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