Beginners - September 2015 (Page 11)

reading from a text file?
I made this program that asks users to enter the grade of some students, determine whether they pass or fail and then determine how many pass and how many fail ...
[1 reply] : Spend 15 minutes and read this tutorial. (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
2 errors on this project
First error is "no operator "*" matches these operands" and the second errors is "binary '*': no global operator found which takes type 'std::string' (or ...
[2 replies] Last: Ohhh I didn't catch that. How stupid of me haha I just erased the stri... (by ruroni24)
Passing 2D array to a function
What's wrong with this? I'm gonna take row&column and matrix numbers from input and print out the 2D matrix. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[9 replies] Last: Well, after you get the dimensions from the user, you need to actually... (by LB)
Help with beginner project
I'm working through this project for an intro level c++ course. I have no clue what I'm doing. Can anybody help me deal with this inFile outFile, printing, thin...
[2 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Small Doubt about \r escape sequence
Hi guys! I read on a forum on this website that it is OK to put doubts on the C language here. I hope you don't mind. The \r escape sequence returns the cur...
[1 reply] : The console acts as a metaphor for a typewriter or a dot matrix printe... (by helios)
by faawis
cannot be used as a function
i am trying to write a program that calculate the interest of a loan, and i am having a problem with this line. a=p(pow((1+r), t)); it keeps telling m...
[2 replies] Last: thank you, that worked (by faawis)
by zezimo
Yes or No While Loops
I need help with the following assignment: Write a program which takes a positive integer as input and outputs its digits in reverse. Use integer arithmetic...
[1 reply] : Just put everything inside another do-while loop, like so: #include ... (by Arslan7041)
by hgong
GCD program
Hi there, this is my GCD profile. I have written the recursive and iterative functions so far. But my assignment also requires me to write a output file. The Vi...
[1 reply] : Here is the Input file: 30 20 10 40 45 15 7 4 (by hgong)
Temperature Converter
I am beginner coder seeking for help. I found this program that interests me to solve. Please care to explain how to solve. Thanks very much! Write a tempera...
[7 replies] Last: Great stuff. The next one has 2 conditions if ( ftemp blah bla && f... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Arquon
Having troubles with 0 and multiplications in while loop
Hello, I need some help in V==3 and V==5 lines below which you can see in my code. What I need to do in "V==3", is to multiply every number of "a", but i dont ...
[6 replies] Last: You could always initialize `b' to the first number that you read. st... (by ne555)
by Dkob1
Func. Parameter List
Does a function parameter list look like this?? int boo3(int ra, double rb=1.97)
[no replies]
Lost figuring Out how to add this in
I am at a loss. How do I calculate the following with what is being asked? "If the balance of the account minus the monthly charge falls below the minimum a...
[5 replies] Last: 1) That doesn't answer the question of why you need two cout statement... (by YFGHNG)
by yehozz
While-loop wont do the loops
Alright, i am trying to fix this loop problem but i cant understand whats wrong with it. In my eyes it should do the loop but it wont and i cant understand why....
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! i was going crazy over this! Yes sorry for that! (by yehozz)
Hey guys and gals. Pretty new to C++. I'm writing a program where a user inputs certain hours and at the very end, it will display how much money you will make....
[4 replies] Last: Just found that out, haha. Thanks! (by supaahdan124)
bytes returned by string.length()
I have to ask two things about string.length() 1) I am getting a string input from user and than trying it to calculate string.length() In the following ...
[1 reply] : it says that string.length() returns "number of bytes". You would be... (by jlb)
Void* - casting
Hello again. Thanks to the help of some people in here, I have written a dynamic stack that takes void* in it's nodes. Now, I want to check that it works. ...
[5 replies] Last: Still getting segfault... but the error here is gone. Thank you. (by Powdertrail)
Rectangle Class Template
I'm fairly new to class templates, so I'm having a bit of trouble with calling functions from the class. I really am trying to learn, but I'm very lost with how...
[12 replies] Last: Everything seems to become a lot more clearer now. I've made a few adj... (by riceballs)
by thefly
Error: No matching function call to... Using a template
This is my first time using templates, and I'm trying to return an unknown data type from a function. I keep getting 2 errors: F:\jkf\TM\TMP\main.cpp|13|error:...
[2 replies] Last: I can't believe I missed that! Thank you!! (by thefly)
Please help for Big O analysis
Hi I have written a piece of code for this problem: 5. Given an input set S containing n real numbers and a real number x. Design an algorithm that determine...
[4 replies] Last: > I am confused about whether this algorithm is in O(n^2) or in O(n lo... (by ne555)
Help with an assignment
Hello World, I was assigned to create a short program , but im having a lot of problems,the assignment is: Using object oriented design, write a C++ program t...
[1 reply] : Hi captaink 1234! Have you tried making it? If yes then I suggest you... (by Vibgyor)
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