Beginners - September 2015

boolean variable
Hi! I'm trying to write a code that given two input vectors the output is a third one made up of the non-common numbers between the first two. I think I should ...
[1 reply] : code a is_member() function and an insert() function, then do for( x ... (by ne555)
nested loop problem
I have the function x^2 and want to find the area under the curve. I want to make it so that if I type in fx n=4 intervals I get the area for n=1 and then n=2 a...
[15 replies] Last: #include <iostream> double f( double ); using std::cin; using std::... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Classes, Complex numbers
I have to define these classes for storing and doing arithmetic math with complex numbers..
[1 reply] : referring to ... (by ne555)
by veihl
Caesar Cipher - Object Oriented Programming help
Hi guys, I need some help with this program. I've already written the command line interface myself. (C++, but runs through the command line) But I'm stuck with...
[1 reply] : that cout statement is indented in the same place as the rest of them ... (by veihl)
Naming pointers within loop - C
Hello. Can I name pointers (or any variable for that matter) with an increasing number as part of it's name, within a loop? Like: size_t* pointer1 = malloc...
[1 reply] : Topic wholly changed because I got the answers of the first one alread... (by Powdertrail)
by cdv444
IF / ELSE IF Problem
I can't figure out how to correctly format this code to make the program work, been at it for days now. Still learning. Could someone show and explain please? T...
[1 reply] : M = movieRentals; P = pizzas; I = itunes; movieRentals, pizzas, it... (by AbstractionAnon)
C - Address 0x0 is not stacked malloc'd or recently freed
Hello. I am running my program (dynamic stack made using an array of void**) through Valgrind and I get the error of the title. I am so lost I don't even know...
[7 replies] Last: Peter: Thanks, now it's clear. What I intended to do was "stack_push(... (by Powdertrail)
Pure Beginners Question : Must be Impossibe
There's no way I can make a border of characters around the whole screen. After hours of just tampering, I've given up on hope that a cout and cin can go on the...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks but I went to the link but threes only three posts in it from Z... (by Panda187)
IF/ELSE confusion
answered. Thank you.
[2 replies] Last: Im assuming you dont know what arrays are and im assuming in variable ... (by closed account E3h7X9L8)
Need help with a quick assignment question
It says something like: a = 5, b = 10, c = 15, then show what the values are after execution, like 1) a += 33 - c 2) b ++ I really don't know what I'm s...
[no replies]
better way to work with combinatorics?
I'm using the unsigned long long data type while doing a combinatorics problem that is basically you have x urns and y colors and you want at least one of each ...
[5 replies] Last: Oop! Yep. They are the same. (by Duthomhas)
why bruteforce losts its fuctionlaity at some point in this code?
I am trying to solve a puzzle again! this is the link: my method requires vectors. Because I use this method: http://i.s...
[1 reply] : Sorry couldnt answer to your problem but you gained my curiosity with ... (by closed account E3h7X9L8)
Read in numbers and strings from a txt file
Hi all, So if I want to read in something and store them in to different arrays (say two types of stuff are int and char), is there a way to read in the requi...
[6 replies] Last: Is this what you are asking for: #include <fstream.h> #include <coni... (by Vibgyor)
Reading file into arrays
I have a text file like this: Williams,Leonard Freshman 1.85 Smith,Sheila Senior 2.99 Anderson,Andy Sophomore 3.01 and ...
[1 reply] : The big issue you have is that every time you call the Read function... (by Norm Gunderson)
trying to catch invalid user input
This is a piece of my program, the Dragon() function at the bottom is defined and works as it should in my larger program. I was trying to kick back out invalid...
[2 replies] Last: thank you! (by Princess Peach)
Inheritance c++
HI everyone. Im working on assignment given in the university about inheritance, and i have a few things i dont know how to implement. Generally, the program ...
[4 replies] Last: All of what was suggested in both posts can be done with any recent co... (by CrashMeister)
To calculate the number of people still on the bus after n stops?
problem solved!! Thanks for your help!!!!
[8 replies] Last: problem solved!! Thanks for your help!!!! (by lawgarra318)
Issue adapting C code to C++
Hello, I adapted some C code to convert a floating point to IEEE 754 binary The code works in Xcode and does (in many cases) convert correctly. Problem...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Duoas, changing to unsigned worked well, which makes a lot of s... (by big leigh bowski)
by Andym
reading a text file line by line
This is a stupid question but my memory isn't what it used to be. Ive had this working before but I deleted part of the code. At around line 58-60, I am trying...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for your help. For some reason, it makes sense the way you do ... (by Andym)
keep getting infinite loop output
Write a program that reads the information about the employees in a loop (you must also use another loop to read an employee’s number of hours and compute the...
[6 replies] Last: can't put a cin statement in a while loop argument You most certainl... (by AbstractionAnon)
September 2015 Pages: 123... 42
  Archived months: [aug2015] [oct2015]

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