Beginners - September 2013 (Page 61)

by bexeo
Okay, what am I doing wrong here?
My first assignment for my CS class is to rewrite a simple program and to add the correct preprocessesor directory, namespace, and termination. For some reason ...
[3 replies] Last: Oh good, and yeah that's what I'm thinking. I've tried installing Cygw... (by bexeo)
Hello World
Ok i really need help , im a beginner at c++ in college and learning the basics Im using the right types of code on Visual C++ but every time i place a message ...
[11 replies] Last: OK I got it Thanks alot guys! (by Alove9423)
by jenaf
C Memory cleanup struct array
Hi there! I'm not quite sure how to clean up memory, and i don't wanna have a mem leak. typdef struct( int bla; void *blabla; )foo; int main(){ foo *b...
[6 replies] Last: In the code you showed you allocated memory only for 20 items of type ... (by vlad from moscow)
Square area
Write the program, square.cpp, to calculate and print the area of a square. Assume that the sides of the square are all positive whole numbers (use integers). ...
[10 replies] Last: I am not upset at all, just telling him he doesn't need it. No bad fee... (by Superdude)
by eastw
Nested Loop Pattern
Guy,i need help with generating following nested loop pattern. *^*^*^*^*^*^ *^*^*^*^*^ *^*^*^*^ *^*^*^ *^*^ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int ma...
[14 replies] Last: if(b % 2){ cout << "*"; break; } cout << "^"; Many ... (by ciphermagi)
Friend Function is not showing any output..
Friend Function is not showing any output. Friend function is not printing anything !! #include<iostream> using namespace std; class add { priv...
[2 replies] Last: Same works fine of Visual studio 2013... (by gomson)
by Aibsr
copy c'tor and ass. operator
Hey everyone, whats the difference between the copy constructor's implementation and the assignment operator's implementation? Thank you
[2 replies] Last: Instead of wasting time posting questions here, spend it reading the m... (by Josue Molina)
by Aibsr
The big 3-Copy C'tor, D'tor, Ass.op
Hi guys, I was wondering about a statement I was told during my OOP lecture: "If you need one of them(Copy C'tor, D'tor, Ass.op)- then you need them all", ...
[4 replies] Last: Also forgot to mention that we want Our objects to use their own Copie... (by Gkneeus)
by Goedel
Accessing class variables within a vector of this class, in a function
Hi, I just want to know if I can spare some code by accessing diffrent class variables within vector of this class in a function. My code seems to me pretty ...
[2 replies] Last: I've now transformed my function to a member function of the class. So... (by Goedel)
Need help averaging a 2d array
Hey guys, I found some code online in order to average a 2d array but I can't seem to find the problem. What I am wanting to do is create a program that has ran...
[13 replies] Last: There's a huge bug in your program: in main , you're setting both ind... (by Josue Molina)
console program requesting criticism
Intro: So new to c++ (obviously). I made a console program for my course and already turned it in, but want to know what I could have done better and what I ...
[1 reply] : try while(total <= 0) what I didn't do right. your smart ass "Err... (by SamuelAdams)
Returns help!
Help me understand Return statements. Basically all they do is when you end the function it will do whatever the return statement is? Like, for the main funct...
[3 replies] Last: No.... but sometimes I think I could have been. ;P (by Disch)
Generating unique numbers.
Hello masters. I'm new to programming and we have this school project that we need to create a lotto game. #include "iostream" #include <cstdlib> #incl...
[6 replies] Last: I don't know how to validate numbers so it would give an error if I ... (by condor)
when i run this program, it give number 10 and then stopped working plus the process returned with a big minus numbers.why? int billy = {10,20,30,40}; ...
[8 replies] Last: now i do understand your example, and realised its value keep changing... (by Ladyney)
by SoIAS
C++ and Websites
Hello, I wanted to know where should I start when I wanna create a... let say program by which I can login or create an account... let say on youtube, gmail an...
[2 replies] Last: C++ isn't really suited to those tasks. You need something more web-o... (by kbw)
Loop in Turbo C++ .
Hi. Im having a hard time to formulate a code and the result of the output are 1. n=3 Output : * * * * * * 2. n=3 Output : 3 3 2 3 2 1 Like the given ex...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void printAsc(int n) { fo... (by gomson)
Need help with error
I'm getting the following error when trying to compile the following function: "Error: invalid operands of types int and const char to binary operator" ...
[1 reply] : Date.getDay() << "/" << Date.getMonth() << "/" << Date.getYear(); ... (by MatthewRock)
beginning programs
So my teacher isn't very good at explaining things and I understand code a little bit when I toke a class using Matlab and C++ is trickery for me however I feel...
[9 replies] Last: Also, there are a few programming practices to think about: Spell Che... (by Whisker Biscuit)
How do i make a program display the time in a txt file every 2min?
I want to make a program that displays the time every 2 min in a txt file but idk how to do it.I wrote this but it doesn't do the desired effect it only writes ...
[5 replies] Last: I am on Windows. Hzj jie i want it to keep writing the time every so... (by Nitrosolid)
by aggsyb
Naive question , why use c++ ??
Ok this is extremely naive/broad but I have to ask... I have been part time programming console apps in visual studio, they work fast and efficiently, that's gr...
[13 replies] Last: If you're really not worried about how your program UI looks for now, ... (by ciphermagi)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 596061626364
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