Beginners - September 2013 (Page 50)

Queue not compiling, seems to be related to the template type I'm using
Trying to write a simple linked-list queue. It worked before I split it into a header and a cpp file. I'm recently getting back to programming (in cpp) and I mu...
[1 reply] : (by Scorpic)
using 2d arrays.
[4 replies] Last: Can anyone shine some light, I'm still lost (by SlenderMan)
by aggsyb
Searching a Window for an image (Windows)
I have an image database of 10 images. Image1.bmp Image2.bmp Image3.bmp and so on... How would I search the title of a window for these images in an exa...
[no replies]
Class, friends and inheritance
Alrite, can anyone please explain to me in the most simple of manners, what the three of the above mean and how they are related........THANK YOU VERY MUCH. ...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=Josue Molina]You're welcome, but I simply copied sentences from... (by Disch)
Need help optimizing a program
I've been writing a fairly simple program for the last week or so, I'm fairly new to C++ but not a complete beginner however I really need help with optimizing ...
[9 replies] Last: @Catfish4 Thank you for clarifying, like I say, I'm pretty new to this... (by Curlygamer)
Can't show correct number.
Hi guys, I just started programming and I am already stuck on my first assignment. :( The professor told us to code the following and finds any errors: ...
[6 replies] Last: I have to explain what was the error in the code. Today, I asked the T... (by Whateverchan)
by Caith
Don't know what I'm doing wrong in switch/case statement
I broke up the parts to see what was wrong, but I couldn't figure it out. I think the main issue is with case 1, because case 2 and 3 work fine without it. But...
[7 replies] Last: like what? You know, the usual stuff... Why don't you write the same... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Classes and functions
Those are the instructions: Write a class point that has two protected data members X, Y of type double. Include a constructor, a double function to find the d...
[6 replies] Last: I would like to use the findDistance like this: point a( 2.4, 4.7 ); ... (by keskiverto)
LED control of a computer using software made ​​in C++.
Hello, Is there a possibility that a console program written in C control the LED status of the computer? I'm not talking here about the keyboard LEDs, but the...
[no replies]
Beginner coder pointer confusion
Hello there, long time lurker, first time poster and was wondering if someone could give me a hand with this small pointer issue. In the following code I'm imp...
[3 replies] Last: cire thank you so much. I've been trying to bunker down on my pointer ... (by IllProgramTomorrow)
arrange course names in alphabetical order
I'm trying to sort student ID's and their courses in numerical and alphabetical orders, but how? void print_student_courses(struct student student_list ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <s... (by wangwang)
Struggling with a C2143 syntax error
I am struggling with the above error in visual studio 2010. I know the code works but V/S keeps throwing the error. I am very new in C++ and V/S. Can anyone ou...
[5 replies] Last: ah right. thank you :) I guess that answers the OP's questions as well... (by mutexe)
by andrix
counting sort complexity
hi there is this counting-sort function O(n) even though the nested for-while? where n is the dimension of v. void counting_sort(vector<int>& v) { int ...
[2 replies] Last: For the worst case, set every v = std::pow(2, sizeof(int) * 8 - 1)... (by Josue Molina)
Sample codes... :) (1,2)
hi! i want to make a program that will input 5 student names and will input 4 grades for each student then will output the student name with the average of his/...
[21 replies] Last: a) thats coded horribly b) if you guys dont stop resurrecting this i w... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Instance of std::bad_alloc ?
As an assignment I have to create "CMD Battleship" Not my favorite project but basically I have in someway create a 5x5 board (4x4 for the player) and let the...
[2 replies] Last: Lol I guess that's what you get when you code while you're tired. I'll... (by Austin J)
by mbisht
decimal to given base
//This function can be used to convert decimal to given base void To(long long num,char *buff,int base) { if(buff==NULL) return; long long m=0,no=num,i=1...
[2 replies] Last: It doesn't handle negative numbers, or zero. A value of base greater... (by Chervil)
read two input files at the same time
Here is my homework.(Write a program to read 10 name from and input file, each name has 5 grades (from another input file) now display and print them to an ou...
[3 replies] Last: What @ Mats said is probably the most logical way to do things, and l... (by TheBeardedQuack)
don't know how to give blinking effects
This my code for my name.I did it and got the output too, but i don't know how to give random colors or blinking effects to it. Can you help me? #include...
[no replies]
by tbessi
[array]: Statement, I don't understand
My arrays are in 6 positions? right why notes don't failed? and why notes run failed? IDE: NetBeans 7.3.1 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int m...
[1 reply] : Accessing out of bounds array subscripts results in undefined behaviou... (by MrHutch)
round (4.47) is wrong
Hi, I want to use round(4.47) - I expect to see this: round(4.47) = 5 But I see: round(4.47) = 4 #in...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by Observer)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 4849505152... 64
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