Beginners - September 2013 (Page 49)

Need Help! Beginning program
Hi yáll, I just started a c++ programing class and I am having a problem. We had a in class program to write and it is due today but i'm stuck. The professo...
[5 replies] Last: Tried to google it only showed loops. I did like 2 yrs of java and kno... (by jwatts1500)
by ar2007
HI, in this part of code, I'm trying to read a matrix provided by a question found on the internet, before transforming into a string, fragmenting into small...
[7 replies] Last: Treasure away. Glad to be of help. (by Stewbond)
Performance of an array of pointers
Hello, I'm currently trying, as an experiment, to create my own game engine, but I'm stuck at the entity management system. I'm slowly becoming more or less ...
[3 replies] Last: Accessing the pointers is efficient, because they're in linear/consecu... (by Gaminic)
Here i just try to create Bingo game... Below i displayed the sample output... I want to check how many rows are equal to zero. in the sample output in 1st ro...
[2 replies] Last: Just use a for loop and an array. Declare a boolean "bool allZero = t... (by Werner2)
Strcat function not executing properly?
I have 20 string inside a 2D array. I must concatenate the first 20 strings by twos and leave the last 8 alone. Final would be 10 strings. I have successful con...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks. Have a good one. (by kenwade)
by Ltp
Help me with stack
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class stack{ private: const int s=10; int a ; int top; public: void getsize(int x); void push(int x)...
[12 replies] Last: You have a stack, which you've given a maximum size. Whenever somethi... (by MrHutch)
by jenaf
C struct and pointer mess
hi! I think my code is getting a little bit messy. I started building my ownlittle tree with soem structures: typedef struct{//branches char name; void *...
[5 replies] Last: Ok I managed to condense the if to the following: if(((*((node*)(((... (by jenaf)
Code always defaults to first "else if" in my if else statement.
Just to practice I wrote up a basic GPA calculator, but for some reason the code only prints out the first "else if" statement... but it always gets the grade r...
[7 replies] Last: This is somewhat related... and I'm going to throw it out there becaus... (by Disch)
by k31453
c++ bit shifting
this code give us this characters ‘-’, ‘-’, ‘-’, ‘+’. To access the next character, we need to “shift” the 32-bit integer value by 8 bit...
[2 replies] Last: okay I got that now We need to add a test: if the value of the decoded... (by k31453)
by darqan
Help with simple script
I have a little question here. How come the script stops (takes a break or pause) and does not respond the first time the user inputs a distance. It goes li...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! That was exactly what I needed help with :P (by darqan)
H E L P !! how to make a Question & Answer using STRUCTURE
//" this is a example using INFO. of persons " #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; struct inf { string fname; string...
[11 replies] Last: i tried to loop it keep repeating the question.. Sounds like you m... (by AbstractionAnon)
Making a circle.
Hi there, I am VERY new to coding and I am having trouble constructing a basic circle with asterisks. I need to do it using loops but I am struggling. The circl...
[5 replies] Last: Hi, AdehhRR If I were going to do this, I would separate the logic fo... (by NGangst)
'int rand()' cannot appear in a constant-expression
Hello, Ive been looking for a solution for this for a couple hours now, but couldnt manage to find out whats wrong. Actually the code itself "works" somehow, i...
[6 replies] Last: Wow ^^ works fine now, thanks for the fast help! :) (by kazaam00nix)
by k31453
convert a series of 32-bit integer values into a sequence of printable 8-bit character values.
I want to do this manually as i dont know how to do it !! This is a sample input >. 757935403
[5 replies] Last: We use hex because it's so easy to see what bits are set where. Decim... (by Stewbond)
anyone can help me this program :( P L E A S E !!
my friend give me some tips .. the output it should be show all the answer after the quiz then, it will calculate the score of the quiz if he/she pass the quiz ...
[2 replies] Last: in line 23 insert: if (ans == 'a') cout << "Correct: 100%"<< end... (by Stewbond)
Not getting any output
Hi i have the following main and classes, I cant get it to show any output. would could be wrong with it int main() { Error *starting = new Err...
[1 reply] : Replace goto with a while loop. Explain line 204.... (by keskiverto)
program not building, "expecting unqualified-id"
I'm trying to build a MPH calculator using a function header other than main. These are the instructions: Write a program that will input miles traveled ...
[2 replies] Last: Perfect, thank you! (by monacorona)
How to store data when message is received for messaging App on blackberry 10
Hi, I m trying to make a message app for blackberry 10, while receiving a message it pops up on the screen. And after message is received it will store in...
[6 replies] Last: nah blackberry 10 not uses android.. blackberry 10 is different from a... (by Nikkiiii)
Looping Program
I just wrote a simple program that calculates markup prices by calling user defined functions I created. That part is done, but I need to make a validation chec...
[3 replies] Last: @epicred You're welcome. Mark the thread as solved. (by whitenite1)
by stdeez
queue and stack issues
alright im supposed to make a "quack" class (combination of queue and stack). the underlying data struct is a linked list. ive created the quackadt class and ...
[7 replies] Last: thanks ^^ this was the problem :/ (by stdeez)
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