Beginners - September 2013 (Page 47)

reading a string problem
When I call out add_record in main the output looks like this Title? Artist? Why is it not waiting for Title and skiping to Artist? It's like it's reads in titl...
[1 reply] : I flushed out cin using cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize... (by pronesti)
by Ltp
Stack problem
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class stack{ private: int *st; int s; int top; public: stack(int); void set_values(); void get_value...
[13 replies] Last: Got it. Thanks.. (by Ltp)
grade average calculator issues
This program only compiles if the number of grades has already been predetermined, but not if the number is a value declared by the user (which varies each time...
[3 replies] Last: Try this #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> #inclu... (by ngopza)
help on looping
i need a program that will do this if 4 is inputted the sum is 10 but it will display this 1+2+3+4 before it shows the sum can anyone help? # include <...
[4 replies] Last: just tried it again sorry for the confusion dude! thanks for the help ... (by enri357)
help in ifstream getline problem
I'm getting problems reading the lines in my file. The program reads the gradebook .IdNum perfectly. But when it gets to the getline statement, it doesn't read ...
[1 reply] : the problem is line 32.MI is a char, but you file contains a string. (by ngopza)
Show Float Imprecision
I am supposed to write code that will show that if you square root a number and get an irrational result, then square that result that the result won't be the o...
[6 replies] Last: Try adding this - it worked for me. #include <iomanip> std::cou... (by TheIdeasMan)
Here It is for Bingo game. Here i am going to get 9 number ie 1-9. if he/she enter 1 then it check whether it is located in a or not.If it is present then repla...
[5 replies] Last: i have download code::blocks and in that it is running... Thank u ... (by vtgowtham1993)
by Cal
Dmd changed by keypad
I'm only very new at this and was hoping someone on this forum could help me with this, I am aiming to be able to change the Dot Matrix Display to read out Num...
[2 replies] Last: Hey Giblit Thanks for that I'll redo that A DMD is a Display and yes... (by Cal)
I am in desperate help. Searched Web, professor doesnt speak english...
I'm <attempting> to write a program without the use of arrays that allows the user to say how many people are in a classroom, and then list the names to be stor...
[6 replies] Last: > with the first letter removed from everything??? Without seeing you... (by JLBorges)
by ngopza
Stand-alone function
Hi. I was given a task to overload the == operator using a stand-alone function and it should not be a friend. I implemented it as follows. Both parameters a po...
[2 replies] Last: what I dont understand is that when I remve the function I get an erro... (by ngopza)
Keep .exe from closing?
when I save my files in their directory theres a debug folder and inside that is application.exe (I use vC++ 2008) and the program always closes when it would u...
[1 reply] : Perhaps the sticky is re... (by keskiverto)
outputfile undeclared.
I get an error saying output_file undeclared, but if I comment out the if(append == 1) and else ofstream output_file(fname.c_str(), ios::binary); it compiles. ...
[2 replies] Last: Code tags, please: if (append) ofstream output_file(fname.c_str(), io... (by keskiverto)
Linux Kernel Error boot.h
#ifndef BOOT_H_ #define BOOT_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus #ifdef AUTONOMOUS_LINKING namespace { #endif /* AUTONOMOUS_LINKING */ /** This namespace conta...
[no replies]
Linux Kernel Error main_c pt1
#include <defs.h> #include <types.h> #include <compat_types.h> #include <boot.h> using namespace boot #include <efi_sys.h> #include <efilib.h> #in...
[1 reply] : //main.c (cont) static Elf_File * OpenImageFile(SIMPLE_READ_FILE file)... (by LockTim)
Linux Kernel Error pt1.
Hi! I did C 17 years ago and just started to play with it again. I have these to program: main.c and a boot.h. Both program are written in C/C++. Whem compile...
[no replies]
used without being initialized
it says stu_id is used without being initialized. What should I do about it? void print_all_courses_all_students(struct student student_list ,int *stu_c...
[1 reply] : ... (by ne555)
Help with getline.
I am writing a program that will serves as a gradebook, it's an programming assignment by the way. Everything worked flawlessly up until my teacher told me to g...
[4 replies] Last: I fixed the problem, the program is running now without errors. But th... (by mon bergonia)
?? "No main found...simply generating .o files..."
I'm working on this for a class, so some of the pointless complexity of this is based on that. I'm not looking for a way to simplify this, I just want it to wor...
[no replies]
An array, within an array?
Say I want to quickly store 3 personality traits of 3 different people into an array quickly, then display them in a format such as: Johny: Favorite pizza: Pep...
[3 replies] Last: system("cls"); found in cstdlib , will clear the Windows command ... (by Josue Molina)
i cant run program which has cstdlib , algorithm and some of the header file with my compiler. i cant find the latest compiler . so get me the latest compler wh...
[5 replies] Last: make sure mingw is set as the active compiler, create new c++ file/pro... (by Aceix)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 4546474849... 64
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