Beginners - September 2013 (Page 44)

by pcccmn
Why didn't the counter drop to 0 or negative values?
The program is working absolutely fine. However the question I'm about to ask just keeps bugging me. Say if I input any other values other than 1 or 2, th...
[2 replies] Last: ahhhhhhhh I see thanks man! You rock! (by pcccmn)
random number
How to store 0 to 25 number randomly in 5x5 array.Can u teach me how to do it
[7 replies] Last: You're writing random numbers into the array; there's no need to shuff... (by Josue Molina)
by Goedel
Finding gaps in a double vector
Hi, I have a large amount of double <vectors> each of them containing up to several 100s of values. Just for your information the values belong to a time ser...
[3 replies] Last: "Measured series" could mean that that data is not "sorted" and cannot... (by keskiverto)
Profile Lines to Polygon
// This program is to produce vertex co-ordinates which can be used as polygon // to render a laser line scan surface model from surface lines of ...
[no replies]
help with a question
Hello, I have got a questions from my C++ teacher which I am unable to solve. Please help me to solve them. The question is:- 1) Write a program to enter a...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=Dknight]But actually my teacher hasn't taught me what is bool ... (by TheIdeasMan)
How to use header guards?
Hello I have a header called Constants.h . I want to use it in main.cpp , Ball.cpp and Paddle.cpp . So I added this to Constants.h : #pragma once s...
[10 replies] Last: is their any alternative to declaring everything as constants? You ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by kromn
undefined structure ( TC++ )
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class a { public: int k; void ar(a b ); // <--- problematic line }ob; void a::ar(a b ) ...
[6 replies] Last: > error is only in TC++ Yes; do not use any version of any compiler ... (by JLBorges)
Programming Buddies.
I need programming buddies. I am pretty much new to c++. I am 17 years old. Learning is more fun when you have people to discuss what you learned with or even...
[2 replies] Last: Skype mantasxxl3 ;we have a group of c++ learners! (by Foxefde)
help in a program
Why is 'break' misplaced in this program? #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <process.h> void main() {clrscr(); i...
[5 replies] Last: nice ideas but I did something using goto command:) Can you tell me ho... (by Dknight)
by ngopza
Cannot Solve Error
I am trying to overload the operator.The problem I am getting is that it either sys that It excepts one argument or it must be a non-static member function.Tr...
[9 replies] Last: But when I tried to make the assignment in Mai I get the lvalue requir... (by ngopza)
Help with Classes and Structs
This is the instructions for the program: Problem Statement: A health care issue that has been used in the news lately is the computerization of health rec...
[2 replies] Last: Hi byron, First, I am always dismayed to see this in assignments: ... (by TheIdeasMan)
help pls
Write your question here.3. Write a C++ program that would input a number and output the sum of the number from 1 up to the number inputted. Example: if 4 is...
[2 replies] Last: if not show the code. Write an algorithm how to break this problem dow... (by Bdanielz)
by kabuki
Difference between different data types
First off, I'm still relatively new to programming. So far I've only used int, float, and char. I know that there are other data types out there. So my question...
[6 replies] Last: > So my question is in what kind of situation would I apply other data... (by JLBorges)
Ebook for newbie
Hello all. I'm learning C++. Have someone tell me name of C++ book which I should read. Thanks so much
[1 reply] : Download this excellent book: Hap... (by condor)
how to use the find function
Excerpt of code: Researched find function appears this should work int main() { vector<Person*>people; vector<Car*> cars; string name = ""; Car *...
[2 replies] Last: The find function expects an object of type std::vector<Person>, not s... (by closed account 2b5z8vqX)
need help at password and username looping
can i have a sample? i dont know how to insert words in a program sorry im just a beginner :D
[7 replies] Last: Like for the user to re-enter the password till he gets it right? som... (by closed account LzwkoG1T)
Accepting newlines in file input from user?
I'm making a text editor with c++,and it all works fine except that newlines don't register. I found that using GetASyncKeyState can be used. But I want to as...
[no replies]
need help for password and username loop program
can somebody convert this to a loop program??? help is appriciated.. :D #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char Password ; ...
[1 reply] : Please read about loops here: (by condor)
by RLC
Loading struc with data - fail compile err
Having trouble with this line of code: g.fullname = name; in golf.cpp Error 1 error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'char ' 2 IntelliSen...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks with your help. That is exactly what I needed to do. Bob (by RLC)
Sorting 2 arrays
[6 replies] Last: That's correct. Here's a more pragmatic approach. Frankly, it's much ... (by Josue Molina)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 4243444546... 64
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