Beginners - September 2013 (Page 43)

by ngopza
C++ Development
Hi.I have been programming for 8 months now.All my programs I used Ubuntu and terminal.So I feel its time to start and test myself.I want to start to develop li...
[6 replies] Last: ResidentBiscuit, I like that, thanks you :) (by NanoBytes)
Hello guys! I come to you to ask for help with an error that i do not understand.. if you could help it'd be great.. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much for the help! i changed my code a little bit base... (by fluture)
What does this mean?
Okay to start out I need some help with this small program. I started recently learning C++, and this is one of the examples in the book what I want to know abo...
[3 replies] Last: Here are some links that you may want to bookmark for future reading: ... (by Catfish4)
by Zexd
integer to string
Is there any way to convert int to string? (char arrays, I don't like std::string)
[4 replies] Last: matter of opinion, Thanks :) (by Zexd)
Open file for read and write
Hi guys! I ask for help for a problem that I can not solve for several days. I need to open a file for read and write in binary mode. I need to write a stru...
[no replies]
The program crashes as soon as you input 2nd choice in a question
The problem I am experiencing is that the program crashes whenever I input the 2nd choice in any question. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.... ...
[5 replies] Last: which means that there is something wrong with it. Nope (by coder777)
by elfeck
Hello, is there a way to write a template like this: template<typename T> class MyVector { private: std::vector<T> vector; public: templ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! (by elfeck)
Having issues - with this programming exercise.
The value of p can be approximated by using the following series: The following program uses this series to find the approximate ...
[3 replies] Last: What the program needs to do is to find the sum of all the terms in a ... (by Chervil)
by Ch1156
cant figure this out
Ok so i have a function that outputs 7 numbers in a row, now i want to output 5 lines of thosenumbers but i cannot figure out how to do it i have been trying to...
[18 replies] Last: void Player::hackingMethod() { // srand(time(0)); // seed the... (by JLBorges)
Confusion on Palindrome homework
Yeah, worlds worst programmer back for more fun and excitement. I have a question on the palindrome. Actually two. the first one is my math logic for det...
[no replies]
Reading data from an existing file into a string
I open a file and write to it, then close it, then open it again and read it with no problem, I exit my program and then try to read it again and I crash trying...
[5 replies] Last: operator<< and operator>> can handle floats, integers, strings, and mo... (by Cubbi)
Error: Expected ' ; ' before the constant
I'm getting the "Error: Expected ';' before the constant" on line #31. I cant find the error. Thnx to anyone who reponds in advance. #include<iostream> ...
[2 replies] Last: Lol thnx alot (by kjeanfranc)
Linker Error, Compiling Multiple Source Files
Hi, LeafyCircuits here! Comp Specs: OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Compiler: Nuwen's Distro of MinGW v4.6.2 containing Boost Libraries. IDE: Code::Bloc...
[4 replies] Last: all right. Thanks Daleth :) (by LeafyCircuits)
[1 reply] : (by SamuelAdams)
I nead help with scanf!!!
which letter shuld i change with ? in this code if input is for example 5+2, i nead some tipe which can read and symbols and numbers, i was searching on the int...
[1 reply] : I think this (Reads a number, then a character, then a number: scanf(... (by Stewbond)
POINTERS, pointers...
OK folks, this has probably been asked somewhere but when I do a search on pointers in the forum I get around 25k results, not going through all of that. Anyway...
[1 reply] : Lol, this has nothing to do with your code, but I was reading through ... (by NanoBytes)
by srif
MultiDice Game (each Die rolls random)
Okay, im just about done with my OOP exercise and stuck on how to get each dice to roll their own individual randomly generated number. The program does in fact...
[4 replies] Last: O man I am so stupid. Thank you for hitting me in the nuts my good sir... (by srif)
Program will not allow for input even with 'cin <<'
It allows you to type in your name but following that it goes all wonky. I know I don't have the percentage thing programmed correctly, working on that but even...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not sure that your calculation of the percentage is using the corr... (by Chervil)
reading/writing to text files
I come from python, where with text files, you read and write with strings and then convert them to the type needed after reading them in. However c++ seems to ...
[3 replies] Last: Is reading it in as a string then converting it to its known type slo... (by SamuelAdams)
URGENT: please suggest the answer with explanation
what is the most appropriate option for the code snippet below Class myint{ Public: myint(int value):m_int(int value){} myint &operator++() { ++m_int; ...
[no replies]
September 2013 Pages: 1... 4142434445... 64
  Archived months: [aug2013] [oct2013]

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