Beginners - September 2013 (Page 42)

Problems QDateEdit
Hi everybody ! I have a problem to susbract two QDateEdit. I just wanna find the difference in term of day between two dates determined by the user of my app...
[1 reply] : "Long hours of research." Did it involve reading the Qt documentation... (by keskiverto)
by ngopza
Design patterns in c++
hi.My cousin asked me to help with his assignment .Unfortunately the spec does not clarify. I am suppose to find an object in a queue, remove it and shift other...
[3 replies] Last: It would benefit your cousin much more, if he would do his homework hi... (by keskiverto)
Allocating huge arrays
Hey I need to do a binary search on an array of 2 million elements but my programs bugging out at a char array of 1,100,000. A char array of 1,000,000 is the mo...
[4 replies] Last: > Do you want to use more of C++? > (by JLBorges)
Given a 4 Parallel Array below with initial values. string students = {"Anne", "Brad", "Don", "jack"}; int exam1 = {95,90,86,70}; int exa...
[1 reply] : Break the problem down and then solve it. You want to do this: Read ... (by Mats)
Partially filled arrays
Someone please help me out here. I'm trying to fill an int array with values from stdin. The user enters values one per line. When anything other than a num...
[6 replies] Last: Got it. Thank you everybody! I'm moving on to a next block of code. (by Stremik)
How do I put my codeblocks back in default settings?
Hello, I don't know what happened to my codeblocks, but whenever I start up my codeblocks, it would take up the screen. There used to be stuff on the left th...
[no replies]
books. 6th or 7th edition
Hello I started to learn C++ a bit ago and wondered what peoples thoughts were on books and where to start. Currently i own C++ Sams 21 days 6th edition, is...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. You guys are a great help, thanks for everything if you can th... (by ragecoder)
by RLC
Loading struct pre-compile error
Lines 82 and 83 are giving errors: No operator " " matches these operands operand types are: golf [ int ]. Doesn't like . Thanks, Bob // golf.h -- fo...
[4 replies] Last: (by keskiverto)
by aggsyb
Selecting a random string from my string array
Hi, probably very easy but never done it before! if I have a string array like the following string name = {"harry", "dave", "colin", "sally"}; I can cout...
[2 replies] Last: tried a few different versions but cant get it working , could you pro... (by aggsyb)
Help sorting an array inside a struct
Hello all I am trying to figure out how to sort an array(actors) by their last name using bubble sort.I have a function that gets the lastname of the actors for...
[3 replies] Last: Now I am trying to figure out how to get it to sort by the actor's las... (by trevormoon)
by elfeck
Restricting copy-constructor
Hello, I want a non-accessible (private) copy-constructor of a class except (!) for std::vector of that class, so I can use the vector to store my objects. Is...
[7 replies] Last: > It need to update pointers if the objects of the class in question ... (by JLBorges)
do not enter 20 or 40
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int age; string em; cout << "Please inp...
[2 replies] Last: why cant i do the numbers 20 - 40????? (by Nerodic)
Just throwing this out there (sdl 2.0)
I guess I should've put this on the sdl forums, I will if you guys cant do it. here it is: optimizedImage = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat( loadedImage ); I get ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Raccoon)
What's the best way to check for incorrect data input
I'm using this to check for a non float entered by the user. Is there a better way, I know you can read in a string and convert it. while (cout << float_disp &...
[1 reply] : I've often seen if(!(cin >> type)) on this site, so that should be eno... (by maeriden)
sin/cosin/tangent stuff?
Hey folks, I recently decided to go back to school in an effort to learn c++, I am currently 4 weeks into my first class and finally got my first homework assig...
[4 replies] Last: fixed: #define _USE_M... (by tntxtnt)
by Ch1156
Passing a vector to a pointer help...
Ok so i pretty much got everything working, i just looked up a little help but i did the rest myself so at this point i have a question: I need to do this in m...
[3 replies] Last: std::vector has a default constructor that initializes it to an empty ... (by maeriden)
by Codeez
function returns iter to value match, what to return if no match/
Hi folks, In C++ Primer 5th I've been tasked with this: Write a function that takes a pair of iterators to a vector<int> and an int value. Look for that...
[4 replies] Last: I don't recomment it, but just so you know you can overload the return... (by maeriden)
adding loop
Well I am working on something that add's up any bills a person may have , but I want to have a loop that asks the user each time it starts do ayou have a bill ...
[3 replies] Last: you know after trying it out I think a endless while loop would prove ... (by twiggystardust)
outputting items into a format
I have a struct array set to take inputs then output them in a sort of table. I'm trying to do this using \t but it seems as though if one input is too many ch...
[3 replies] Last: Assuming you are using strings, you can just check the size() method. (by Zhuge)
Largest magnitude?
Hello, I am working on an assignment and am having problems with one of the questions. The question is : What is the magnitude of the largest value you can ...
[5 replies] Last: well you can, but you could do cout<< CHAR_MAX i believe. (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 4041424344... 64
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