Beginners - September 2013 (Page 40)

Hello, Need a few tips on c++ please
Hello, Having some trouble with my code. I have a row of numbers, Currently they are 6 decimals long. I want to round them and make them 5 decimal places. ...
[5 replies] Last: Something similar to this for(row = 0; row < MAX_ROWS; row++) { ... (by lemonysage)
Insert image as background
how i can insert image as background in my programe
[no replies]
by Leon23
Default Constructors
Hey guys! I was studying constructors in class but my teacher failed to put a concept in my mind. My first question is, what do constructors do? Which kind of c...
[2 replies] Last: Constructors are called when an object is created class myClass {}; ... (by Stewbond)
by mguinn
Homework help
I am having trouble with this program. For homework we are supposed to write a program that will reads user input in Fahrenheit, converts it to celcius, then pu...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags. You haven't declared cent or count anywhere in... (by Mats)
Help with Homework problem
I'm having a problem with this homework problem which I'm sure will end up being a duh moment, but I'm stuck. I know I'm missing the else statement I just haven...
[12 replies] Last: You're still failing to get the logic right, and honestly it's getting... (by maeriden)
Function output and User input
Hello guys, i am trying to create a function that will get the inputs from the GetInput function and use the values in the calculation function. this is how far...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help I kinda get what your saying. i will give it a try... (by eizan1892)
String concatenation error question
I'm trying to understand why you get an error in the second one and not the first one. It seems you can't concatenate two string literals to start a new string,...
[3 replies] Last: The string concatenation operator only operates on two items at a time... (by Alrededor)
by watusa
Sending array to new function to reference
Hey, I've looked all over and can't seem to find a thread relevant to my issue that has explanations I can understand. I created an array in my main call progr...
[1 reply] : Firstly, your parameter on line 7 is missing a type. Secondly, examS... (by Daleth)
Linked List Problem
I have some problem with my linked list class, which looks like a simple mistake that is easy to correct. The error I am getting for it is: error C2601: 'So...
[1 reply] : Aw snap! I figured it out... I was missing a single brace in one of th... (by jheard901)
by whilom
Number of loops
The problem is from the website : The code seems to work except that it loops 100 times but I am uncertain...
[no replies]
by bebarb
working with fstream object, how to determine if there's more than 24 lines of data
Hi guys, As always I greatly appreciate this site and all of you that help here. I'm writing a program for class that's supposed to read and display data f...
[4 replies] Last: nevermind think i got it! void showFile(fstream &file) { string li... (by bebarb)
Compiler saying ios::noreplace not a member of std::ios.
This is my line of code I get an error saying noreplace is not a member of std::ios. I'm using DEV C++. Is this a case where some compilers don't offer it. o...
[2 replies] Last: AFAIK that flag was only considered, but never actually made it into t... (by firedraco)
by gavinh
Having problems with the output of my Quadratic formula calculator
So, the object of the homework assignment i'm doing is to fully program a quadratic formula calculator that lets the user know his or her roots and if they have...
[no replies]
splitting a char array
I am building a Graphics library(semi-graphical, console). I have built most of it but I'm stuck on the part of splitting a char* I want to do... part =s...
[1 reply] : #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(){ char string ... (by Daleth)
Small C-Program
Can anyone tell me what is going on in this code, step by step, because when I calculate this in a paper, it should be a wrong result, but the coe is working fi...
[1 reply] : Give us an example of you stepping through the code so we can point ou... (by firedraco)
Need some newbie help
I really need help with this assignment, I would be soo thankfull.. What I basically have to do is to create a program that could calculate the area of a rectan...
[2 replies] Last: Ahh. haha Thanks (by Wharrap)
Help with this formula
Hello, I am a newbie in the programming world and I am currently taking intro to C++. I took a quiz on Wednesday, and I didn't get this program to work. the ...
[4 replies] Last: It worked thanks :) (by chris88alfonso)
What can I do with c++?
Hello people, how are you?! How do I make a program with GUI? I've tried getting QT to make one but having problems with it. I'd like to make my program for PC,...
[5 replies] Last: I have to agree with Aceix on this one for the sake of simplicity, to ... (by ragecoder)
can't get this to work?!
So im brand new to c programming and im trying to get some hw done but i can't seem to quite get it. this is my assignment The money for these scholarship...
[no replies]
Seemingly-arbitrary error in calc prog at 8th term
So I've been following along with the creation of this console calc in Stroustrup's Principles and Practice using C++ book. I'm on chapter 7. Self-instruction. ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, sir/ma'am. I've already fixed it. (by NullInfinity)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 3839404142... 64
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