Beginners - September 2013 (Page 38)

by Jagman
Need help with Input files
I am currently stuck on a part of my HW which is a Gradebook assignment. I need to open a file and get the student ID and 9 grades, each of which are weighted d...
[5 replies] Last: Have a read of that th... (by Drakon)
Input file failed to open
my input file is failing to open, any ideas? #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; int ma...
[11 replies] Last: oh no if thats your way thats fine. if you cant see it (and maybe its ... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Converting char array into equivalent int array
For a class project I have to make bigint take a char array and turn it into the equivalent int array. Currently the code below works fine on my test cases for ...
[5 replies] Last: Wait.. what? Well, glad you fixed your problem. :-S (by Duthomhas)
Overloading a function
I need to overload a function and I'm not sure how to do it. I started it and I'm not sure where to go from there. Can someone explain to me, in basic, dumbed-d...
[7 replies] Last: I just don't know what else to do with it. Judging by the two ar... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help with writing grade program
I'm working on writing a grade program with 2 quizes, one midterm and one final exam. I need the program to ask for the data, output it back out and include th...
[2 replies] Last: double calcResults (studentRecord grades) { double quiz1Percent,... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help linking a txt file to .EXE not a folder
HI everyone. I'm having trouble following some hw instructions say "that means the input and output files need to be in the same folder as your compiled and ...
[3 replies] Last: is this what your after? (".\\hw4pr2input.txt") ... (by youare29)
templates and inline template implementations
Hello everyone! I got the book "SFML Game Development" by Aurthur Moreira, and I'm only on chaper 2, and it's talking about creating a template and an inline fi...
[4 replies] Last: Alright thank you very much Disch! (by twiggystardust)
Can anyone convert this psuedo function code to c
Anyone have any idea how to convert this psuedo code to c++ Function roundValue(Declare value, decimalPlaces) i = 0 magnitude = 1 FOR i = 0 To dec...
[13 replies] Last: It seems as though you are doing something like this: int main(int ... (by xismn)
Trouble with array...
I have set of 5 integers I want to be declare as array elements, and I want each following element in the array to preform arithmetic, say simply subtract 20 fr...
[9 replies] Last: is there some way to collect each value of the array and set the sum ... (by m4ster r0shi)
Class/Inheritance Code
This is my .h file: Entity.h I have to make 9 classes, each one is inherited or derived from the other. The Father class is Entity. Entity is th...
[no replies]
Car class
I'm having a few problems with this code. I couldn't get it to work in time for class the other day and it has been bothering me. When I compile this it tel...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, Duh. Cause I have have function that increases/decreases the speed... (by thesagaof)
Generating a Large Amount of Strings in a Linked List
Inputting a large number for amount of strings to generate() is not as simple as I thought it would be. I need to be able to generate strings so that it takes o...
[2 replies] Last: I found some kind of work around to my problem... making special cases... (by jheard901)
Program isn't calculating totals correctly?
Hello, for my CSC100AB class, we are writing programs that calculate the total tuition given different variables. I compiled the program with no errors, but the...
[2 replies] Last: Students are charged 20% of the base tuition price if they live out of... (by Carlye22)
pythagoream theorem
I am trying to find the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the user entering side a and side b. My program is having a problem in the function where it compute...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, I appreciate all of your help. It's always the small stuff tha... (by solid boss)
mystery function
how does this mystery function work int mystery(int a, int b) { if(b==1) return a; else return a +mystery (a,b-1); } int main() { int x,y;...
[12 replies] Last: Trust in Humanity restored :D Now i know how it works thank you so muc... (by Sharan123)
Class/Inheritance Help
I have write Code for 9 classes. First class A. B derives from A. C derives from B etc etc etc. My question is, If I am using .h and .cpp to interact the two, w...
[no replies]
debugging stop
how do i stop build solution when its stuck my laptops slow if it's faulty program it will take long time before finding the error but instead i want to stop it...
[1 reply] : This is IDE-specific. SInce you are using the term "solution" I assum... (by Stewbond)
Error C2678
I keep getting error C2678 on my program for a basic integer multiplier program. A little while ago I was getting the same error on a simple output program, but...
[3 replies] Last: THANK YOU! (by hseipert)
If/else statement wont work
I am having trouble getting my if and else statement to work. The program is a simple payroll calculator but when I try to put an else statement after my if st...
[2 replies] Last: That did the trick!! Thanks so much! (by Khillz3000)
program help!!!
Write your question here. Hey guys very new to C ++and i am working on a program involving online purchase. when i run the program multiple text lines come up ...
[1 reply] : Use std::getline() to read in a complete line which may contain spac... (by JLBorges)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 64
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