Beginners - September 2013 (Page 37)

argc and argv?
Hello, As I'm teaching myself C++ and I am using a book to do so. I have came across this program(below) and do not understand it 100%. Firstly, my book talk ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both, C++ can be really confusing when you have no one teach... (by SoftMOUNT)
by wsecit
Visual Studio 2005: OSVersion restriction
Hello, I have a code for a GUI which includes the script below. All runs as it should but I am stuck with implementing another "switch" into it. What I a...
[no replies]
sdl advice
i have started learning sdl from lazy foo and youtube etc and the amount of build in fuction names to memorise is overwhelming is it good if i copy and past th...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks for watching! (by Hambone)
Difficulty in including header file
Hi, I am facing the following problem while trying to run a C++ code in Makefile. Please suggest a solution to rectify this: $ make ccache g++ -ggdb -f...
[1 reply] : Where exactly is ap_fixed.h located? Do you know? Your compiler is t... (by kevinkjt2000)
Print highest and lowest+sort
So my problem here is I am trying to print each the highest and the lowest grades after the user inputs a grade for each. Then ill print the entire list unsor...
[4 replies] Last: Alright All I'm trying to do now is to give out what the highest grade... (by c0dev0id)
by mgehad
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Express , is there any "Auto Complete Text" Tool I can use while making windows form project ?. Things are pretty hard typing all ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You :) (by mgehad)
Need help on calculations with variables
Hi I have only been learning C++ for a couple of weeks I need help on doing calculations with variables. It is an exercise I have been given in class and I ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much, silly mistakes are never good! (by sailorman444)
Implementing a rounding function
Hello, I have created a rounding function, and i need help implementing it on a row of data that I have. float round_value(float value, int decimal_place...
[5 replies] Last: Stop spamming. http:/... (by S G H)
C++ Class identifiers
Hello everyone,I am kinda begginer in c++ and I would like to ask one question in the program code I wrote.It is supposed to have one default konstruktor,one ov...
[4 replies] Last: Well you just added int x,y; in the Cheating function now it can bypas... (by Dreamer1)
How do i make a function stop and resume in a cetain number of time?
Okay i made a program that says hello world in a txt file and i want it to display the time in the the file every minute.I succeeded in doing that the only prob...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks that really helped a lot.Although it want the exact code i used... (by Nitrosolid)
by anzhit
Help with a program with pointers?(reply fast exam tommorow)
This is a part of a practice problem where we have to figure out the output without execution i cant seem to understand. please help. #include <iostream...
[1 reply] : This is due to the order of operations regarding the prefix and the po... (by Computergeek01)
help with appending input to output file
Hi, Im trying to write a code from an input file that has advice about programing, then adds the exisiting content and the new content to an output file. I bel...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> int main() ... (by JLBorges)
c++ vector
Please help me to perform this code! I'm beginner and want to know how it's look like! thank you To create abstract data type (structure) - vector that compri...
[2 replies] Last: the removal of a vector What does this mean? Code below is C++98 a... (by Catfish4)
by mgehad
seek some help
Hello , This is my first database App. I'm trying to export data from table in SQLServer to ListView in VS2010 I'm getting errors C2664 and C2228 (String^ ...
[2 replies] Last: "In the future, please post the full text of any error messages." is t... (by mgehad)
passing array of object to friend function
i am creating a code to implement First Come First Serve cpu scheduling algo here i am passing an array of object to a friend function of class process but my i...
[1 reply] : A few problems: 1) Line 23, calculation is misspelled. 2) Line 2... (by AbstractionAnon)
by darqan
Anybody knows why
This code runs like a bulldozer and does not actually obay the "if " rules? "titles" is a string and "films. titel" / "films. type" is a vector. Can anybody...
[3 replies] Last: If the intention is to do something if typ is equal to either "dvd" or... (by Chervil)
Errors in my c++ code
When I write this code into my c++ compiler (dev c++) it gives me errors: expected primary-expression before "char" expected `;' before "char" `ch' undecl...
[8 replies] Last: Yes. But i want to make a program to reprogram my keyboard (for examp... (by Nenekonesha)
SDL help
i have 5 errors i cant remove can someone remove all the errors and repast it it should show output of hello bitmap image and background bitmap image #inc...
[no replies]
unable to get the output required
hello! i'm doing a module in programming and I've encountered some problems with an assignment! ): the input is a single integer M, that has digits 1 through...
[18 replies] Last: Thank you so much! and nope, you're not too vague, well, at least I un... (by jugggle)
by whilom
Terminate if no input. Help
I need to find a way to terminate this code if there is no input.. Can anyone help? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <cst...
[3 replies] Last: yes, in fact i've tried a code using getline, take a look: #include ... (by nvrmnd)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 64
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