Beginners - September 2013 (Page 34)

by Olpers
declaration Type
Not that new to programming but need a little bit help regarding decltype .. its introduction and what are its advantages.. please do not copy paste from net .....
[2 replies] Last: Assuming they are working perfectly normal..... Then ?? . please com... (by Olpers)
If and else statements
This is my first post on this forum and I'm excited to join! This is a homework questions so I'm not looking for a solution, but I have an issue with a "if" and...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much Mats I got it figured out now! Much appreciated. (by matt9191)
Why do I have to press the carriage return twice here
Why do I have to press the carriage return twice here? Specifically after line 10? edit: I have to press the enter key/return twice before the for loop aft li...
[1 reply] : It works fine for me. i have Visual C++ 2008 Express edition. This is ... (by funprogrammer)
5 to a number
Write your question here. Def: A year is a century year if it is divisible by 100{ex: 100,200} Def: A year is non- century year if it is not a century year.{ex:...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks you very much Zereo Chriscpp Whitenite. (by ahmarajeel)
Seperating Functions
Hello, I have had quite a bit of trouble trying to figure this out. When I started programming simple games I would have everything cluttered in one file but no...
[4 replies] Last: I'm sorry. I forgot this: Header.h #ifndef _HEADER_H #define _HEADER... (by closed account jwkNwA7f)
hi i'm new to C++ how to make setprecision work for how numbers
Write your question here. how to make fixed and setprecision show for all my numbers { const double PRIX_FIXE = 50, SALES_TAX_RATE = ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks that worked (by kingston123)
by rayhan
Nested IF-Else Vs Logical Operator
Could you please me in solving the question- why nested if is bad than logical operator?
[1 reply] : Are you asking something like this? if( this1 == true && this2 == t... (by giblit)
help with square root function
hi,i am having a bit of problem with my's a basic square root function.when i complie,i get a error for expected , or ; before '{' in line 2. in...
[12 replies] Last: (by giblit)
is this a valid way to call function?
Write your question here. void sumArray(); void main() { int shahgee ; int n ; sumArray(shahgee,n); } void sumArray(int mehdi ,int shah )...
[4 replies] Last: void main() is not valid. It should always be int main() . You ne... (by Mats)
i have asked about code of some problems and you delete the post......why
[2 replies] Last: Maybe you posted something against the rules read this http://www.cpl... (by Chriscpp)
how can i call this function in main?plz tell me
int main(){ int shahgee ; int n; sumArray(shahgee,n)//error is too many argument in function call void sumArray(int mehdi ,int shah ,int sum ) ...
[5 replies] Last: That depends on what you want. Presumably, sum contains the results... (by MikeyBoy)
by ephekt
Average word Length
Ive been asked to write a program that reads a text file and counts the number of characters used, counts the number of words used and then divides the two sums...
[3 replies] Last: ok divide by zero makes sense. Sorry for my not knowing but i would ra... (by ephekt)
Need code for problem
I was assigned a problem in class that we have to write a program for. The teacher didnt explain how to solve problems yet and barley just showed us what cout d...
[7 replies] Last: got it. I figured it out. Just needed clarification on some stuff (by Hondarider215)
Abstract data type-vector
Smbd can help me to write this code! thanks a lot To create abstract data type (structure) - vector that consists of a pointer to the int and the number of...
[no replies]
help with homework
i am struggling greatly with a programming project for class. it is only the second week of class and i still can't grasp the concepts. the problem is: Th...
[5 replies] Last: ahhhhh i see. thanks a bunch guys (by closed account jh5z8vqX)
need a urgent help.
this code should disply the sum of N*N matrix.but i am having problm/ int main () { enterMatrices(); sumOfMatrices(); displaySumMatrix (); return 0...
[2 replies] Last: @mehdinaqvi this code might help you. i just made it for another guy a... (by dukhi x)
by tatai
creating file name from column data
I have 3 files like this file 1: ID.txt (43000 row data, one column) file 2: MORECS.txt (201 row data, one column) file 3: is the input for 201 files loc...
[no replies]
by Ltp
A simple Queue problem; please help
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Queue{ private: int *queue; int q; int front; int rear; public: ...
[1 reply] : Question 2: Probably break; will help. (by BToven)
need a help for code.
how to add two N*N matrix?is this is a valid code? # include<iostream> # include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main(){ int a ; int b ; int c ; for(...
[4 replies] Last: # include<iostream> # include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main... (by dukhi x) not catching symbols or letters
Greetings, I am working on trying to get this simple program to catch all errors in the 3 inputs. The user is suppose to put in the integer and the program is ...
[2 replies] Last: I recommend retrieving your input into a std::string, then check that ... (by jlb)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 64
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