Beginners - September 2013 (Page 29)

by beejay
Can someone please take me through the basics of C++?
[2 replies] Last: Tutorial found here on this website (by BardaTheHobo)
Newbie c++ programmer! helppp
Create a new .cpp program that reads the data from footballstats.txt (under Resourses-Examples) using a while-loop. Your program will use a counting loop to (a...
[1 reply] : What's your problem? using namespace std; needs to be after your ... (by Superdude)
Help Understanding Vague Assignment (1,2)
I'm assigned to implement a linked list with the help of an external iterator class. I'm finding the assignment to be difficult and from what I can see, it's mi...
[26 replies] Last: I'm under the impression that he gave you this, and it was supposed to... (by IWishIKnew)
by jer311
If Else statement
I am having more problems with the if else statement.. it does not seem to using the right equations... #include <iostream> using namespace std; int ma...
[9 replies] Last: I literally did that just before you wrote this and it worked!!! So ha... (by jer311)
<cstdlib> or <stdlib.h>
Hey Thanks for helping me out here. I seem to have found this small bit of code thats been bugging me, sorry for the pun. Anyways on line 3 I can either use < ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks again I didn't even find that part of the site I feel stupid no... (by ragecoder)
by moet79
NEWBY needs hints
Write your question here. Ok, so I am new to programming and have spent 6 hours trying to write the formula for POP = 5.5 * e raised to power of (.02(year-2000...
[3 replies] Last: if you want e raised to power of something, use the exp() function. ... (by Chervil)
by jer311
Calculation error
after I put in all my numbers and the result is displayed I get a huge or tiny number. Not sure what the problem is. #include <iostream> using namespace st...
[4 replies] Last: All that stuff worked! thanks guys! (by jer311)
Advanced C++ Tutorials
Hello, I am wondering if anyone knows any advanced C++ tutorials? I already covered operator overloading, inheritance, and if they can be a little bit accellara...
[4 replies] Last: I wouldn't say that this is advanced, but it goes into more than most ... (by closed account jwkNwA7f)
Help with blackjack program?
Having trouble with a blackjack program, what is NOT PROGRAMMED YET is the dealer's cycle, and deciding the winner. I can do that on my own, the problem is on t...
[4 replies] Last: Edit your first post with nice formatting. It's horrible to try to rea... (by Mats)
how to solve this program problem, to get the output of total integers and smallest number... #include<iostream.h> int sum(int x); int smallest(int y); ...
[2 replies] Last: just call these function from main and pass them array. as you are goi... (by dukhi x)
how to sum all the values return after a loop
[3 replies] Last: add them to a vector/array. Then you can add them together several way... (by giblit)
by Tink
Benefit of Abstract Class with Pure Virtual Function???
I'm just now learning about C++ classes, and could use some help understanding the benefit of using an abstract class with a pure virtual function versus just u...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the great feedback guys! I have a much clearer understandin... (by Tink)
Homework problem.
I've to count number of words in a string.. so all i'm doing is checking for spaces and increasing it by 1 whenever the condition evaluates to true. But this...
[8 replies] Last: char boom ; scanf("%100[^\n]", boom); yet another C catch: it needs ... (by Cubbi)
Angles calculator help
Hi everyone this is my first post here on's forums and I should be visting back here and posting quite often. I am currently taking an intro to C+...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks Satsuma, that actually helped me figure it out! Got it complet... (by bknick24)
Problem with strings.
This program compiles with no errors and works fine till line 24, but as I press Enter it pops up a debug error R6010 - abort() has been called. Where ...
[5 replies] Last: Read up on the various string constructors here: http://www.cplusplus.... (by Chervil)
for given lat long, access same lat lon in lat lon height file and print height
Hello, I believe I am reading in a 3 column file with lat lon height ok and making vectors with the three columns, however I'm having trouble figuring out h...
[1 reply] : Figured out the answer, however I should find a certain that latitudes... (by jm4smtddd)
What codes should i use here? Thanks.
Hi, how will i update the time inputted by the user for 1 seconds? Second, the user will be inputting a time in military format then i am supposed to make it...
[2 replies] Last: The first question goes like this: user should input time and then i'l... (by closed account L1USLyTq)
difference between setf() and flags() functions
Hi.I'm trying to understand the difference between the setf() and flags() functions but I'm a bit confused. I'm reading the Herb beginners guide (It's too lat...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for your time! It's pretty clear now. (by reprovo)
by tranxb
Need Helps for a new Beginners!!!!!!!!
This is my assignment and I dont know how to do it, can anyone give me a help? (a) Develop a flowchart and then write a C++ program to solve the following pr...
[3 replies] Last: Here is an example of part c. cout << a << ">" << b << "is " << (a... (by Manga)
Use of deleted function unique_ptr::unique_ptr
I have the following header and class file in a project: #ifndef PATTERN_HPP_ #define PATTERN_HPP_ #include <memory> #include <list> using namespace s...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry my bad, I was thinking of unique_ptrs instead of weak_ptrs there... (by ThemePark)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 64
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