Beginners - September 2013 (Page 28)

by moreme
Friend Functions
Hey guys, I hope all of you C++ geeks are doing well. i was reading friend function and there is a black are for me now. look at the code below: class ...
[1 reply] : > but does friend1 also has access to private data members of friend2?... (by JLBorges)
I'm having problems with putting formulas in my code.
Hi, I'm a beginning programmer! I'm learning out of a book, and the part I'm reading right now is all about inputs and outputs. I decided that I wanted to pract...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, I fixed it! Thank you for the help! I wasn't aware of the new h... (by tall antelope)
need help, how to use vector?
Write a program to read 10 name from and input file, each name has 5 grades (from another input file) now display and print them to an output file. Send input ...
[2 replies] Last: thx a lot! (by linke2511)
Error when using "find" from STL Algorithm
Hello. I'm doing an assignment that requires me to write a program to manage customer's bank accounts. OOP concepts are required. when I tried to use the find ...
[6 replies] Last: I used a for loop with iterators. if (action == "Withdraw") { //if t... (by jugggle)
[C] Protoyping
Hi guys, quick question. How can I prototype this function? Usually for a function using the basic data types, I just do this: void insertData(int); The f...
[4 replies] Last: I see. Thanks for the heads up then. (by riechan)
Comparing two Things
this is the program so Far,i am supposed to compare mars to Venus and Saturn to mercury,Earth to Jupiter.I am lost in that respect as the output shows 0,0,1 ...
[3 replies] Last: Oh ok that makes sense @Daleth and @Chervil.Thank you very much for yo... (by Kelvin Njuguna)
by tonos2
Help on sqrt program
HElP! Write your own square root function named double my_sqrt_1(double n) using the following pseudocode: x = 1 repeat 10 times: x = (x + n / x) / 2 retur...
[4 replies] Last: ohhh! i see thats where incrementing i is used in! thank you it makes ... (by tonos2)
by zagzag
looping until 'x' is entered
I tried this and it is not working since input is an integer and 'x' is a char how can i make this work. I want to make the loop exit when the user presses x, ...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main () { std::cout << "enter the single... (by JLBorges)
How to convert from Codeblocks to Visual Express?
I got this working in Codeblocks, but I only recently figured out how to start up MS Visual express 2010. How would I get this conversion program to work? ...
[3 replies] Last: You do not give input a value before the while loop. VS has picked up... (by vin)
Question on a homework assignment
Having some trouble with a homework assignment, so any help would really be appreciated. I'm not just asking for an answer, trying to learn :) Problem: When ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply. Apparently I don't read directions very well tho... (by blumsden)
by kzh7
Having problems with Euclid's Algorithm
I am trying to make a Euclid’s Algorithm with Loop While process. I need to get the program to: input: smaller number followed by larger & output: greate...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome! :)) (by condor)
class method using integers
i really hope you can help. I am a beginner, and when i say beginner I mean beginner. I have been to over 20 sites and tried to read the text book but could not...
[5 replies] Last: first question why di you create int argc, and char* argv Typically... (by xismn)
Easy name printing program
Write a C++ program that takes a string containing a full name, and outputs each part of the name separately. The name should be in the form of first, middle, a...
[7 replies] Last: no hes not because what the op also stated was he wants this for inpu... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Read from file into 2d array
I am a late joiner into a CSC 250 course and thus missed the first few weeks of class. I am scrambling in the transition from C to C++, specifically reading in...
[1 reply] : Formatted input operators (by maeriden)
Simple Integration Program
I'm attempting to make a simple integration program that takes an integral of a user-entered problem. It works...but partially. For example, when I enter 2x^1, ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, that'll fix it. I've got it working now. Thanks. (by andrey 117)
How do I make a number appear in dollar format with the "$" dollar sign and with decimals?
[1 reply] : If you have a compiler that supports C++11, it's as easy as put_money:... (by Cubbi)
class problem
Write your question here. when i run this program,it says error 'Rectangle::area' : not a function and Rectangle::perimeter' : not a function,what am i doing w...
[1 reply] : You haven't declared these functions in your class, only the variables... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Ch1156
What should i do here? (1,2)
Ok so im making a small game and i am unsure weather to put the function prototypes in the player class or the bank class, i also will have another class so wha...
[28 replies] Last: So should i make a class for everything? like a game class and stuff? (by Ch1156)
the while loop
i"m new and just started learning c++ and im on while loops but it doesnt stay up on my screen it just closes as soon as it opens #include "stdafx.h" #in...
[5 replies] Last: thanks andrey it worked (by Nathanl)
Problem with for loop
Hi, the problem with my code is that, the for loop gets the average but then it adds that average to another average and so forth. So, the first student gets th...
[6 replies] Last: thank you guys it worked!! with the total=0 (by Jtenemp)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 2627282930... 64
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