Beginners - September 2013 (Page 26)

by caiusg
Need help with forward declarations
Hi there! I'm learning Cinder and C++ and I'm stuck with forward declarations. I have two classes and I would like to access each other: brick uses track an...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for helping! I managed to solve it! (by caiusg)
by RLC
string exercise
I have written a small program to try to use string input. I have some errors: lines 6, 18, and 23. // Exercise in string manipulation #include <iostr...
[7 replies] Last: Yes, that works fine. I have been using arrays, pointers, and etc (c s... (by RLC)
Do while loop - only works on 2nd try
I am practicing a nested do while loop for a program that asks the user to input a number and that number of "stars" will appear. However, the error message app...
[3 replies] Last: The first program differs logically from the other two. It attempts t... (by keskiverto)
Permission denied
Hello. Hi. I have an executable, which I must use to see what is expected of me.Unfortunately when I try to run it I get permission denied. Please help. The ...
[3 replies] Last: In other words, everyone can read the file (provided that they can exe... (by keskiverto)
anyone familiar with the CPA exam of C++Insitute?
hello everyone, hope u're all well. I'm studying for the cpa exam from the C++ institute, I keep asking infos to the institute but it's apparently a mission i...
[no replies]
Sawtooth problem
Hey Guys, I just got assigned this problem and dont even know to start doing it. Any help is greatly appericated. The last sample program (above) generates a...
[1 reply] : dont even know to start doing it. The last sample program ... You h... (by keskiverto)
Specific File I/O Question
I don't have any code here yet. However I am wondering how to read a file that starts with an empty line. I haven't been able to find anything so far in my sear...
[1 reply] : > I am wondering how to read a file that starts with an empty line. J... (by JLBorges)
by Planty
Creating Seperate If Statements
I'm attempting to create a simple program that a user can type a char variable into and it will generate info on the word. I'm trying to use if statements, like...
[1 reply] : 1) You are missing a brace for your second if statement 2) You cannot ... (by Daleth)
Problem with post and pre increment
This question may be easy for yall, but im really confused with the answer The code is like that int x = 1, y; y = --x + ++x + x-- + --x - --x + ++x...
[3 replies] Last: Undefined behavior exists in C-based languages because the designers ... (by JLBorges)
File input and output?
I just learned about file input and output and Im still hazy. how would you go about solving this a. Write a program which prompts a user for their first and...
[1 reply] : Hint in (a) mentions a code example. I bet is looks like std::string... (by keskiverto)
What i need to learn
OK, so ive decided to learn a language for the first time. My goal is to design windows applications with it. A few questions: 1 - What language to learn for...
[3 replies] Last: i think ill stick with c#, can someone answer the other questions? (by brucey2343)
Stumped (SDL2 compiling issue)
$ g++ -o shiity.exe shittydungeon.cpp -lmingw32 -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2main c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.6.2/../../../libSDL2main.a(SDL_windows_main.o...
[3 replies] Last: I love you man. (by Raccoon)
Breaking a picture into pixels
Hi i'm pretty new to C++, I've read tutorials and books which all only taught me the usual Hello World to Object Oriented programming, now with the knowledge i ...
[1 reply] : Essentially, image formats come in two flavors : compressed and uncomp... (by xismn)
issue with if statement
hello with this code the if statement get completely ignored, why is that? If i was not in increments of .1 and was just 1 while still being double it works but...
[9 replies] Last: interesting i will look that up i was under the impression it was the ... (by tony1420)
by Samkio
Pass by reference issues.
Hello there I am currently beginning to learn C++ and I'm trying to make a CodeBreaker sort of game (Mastermind). However I have run into a problem in the calcR...
[1 reply] : I think you have a slight misunderstanding: Pass by value: the value i... (by firedraco)
Sieve of Eratosthenes using STL set
I am trying to write a program that takes in a upper bound(int) and then inserts all values up to that bound in a set and then use the sieve of Eratosthenes to ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks the iterator fixed it... as for the looping structures, I start... (by mattrowe84)
Override invalid entry, with constructor?
Is it possible to use a constructor default to override an invalid entry? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class something { private: int a; pub...
[no replies]
Function that finds the lowest value in an array returns 0
Hello, I'm trying find the lowest value in an array, but it just keeps returning 0. The findHighest and findAverage functions return an acceptable value, exc...
[1 reply] : Lowest can't start out as zero because nothing in you array is going t... (by histrungalot)
by stdeez
inheritance problem
this is my list.h (an ex. im following in my book) template<typename type> class list { private: struct node{ type data; node *previous...
[no replies]
Struct and Class
Hi, I have to do this program today but I'm still reading previous lessons and cannot do it today. I appreciate anyone who can help me today: Here are the ...
[6 replies] Last: @giblit, but sometimes copying can benefit you if you decide to learn ... (by Smac89)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 64
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