Beginners - September 2013 (Page 25)

I don't understand the mistake I am making here. Can someone help explain the output? and how to correct it?
[6 replies] Last: Here is my final soution. Thanks for your help. It gave me the tractio... (by Bdanielz)
Help me on my homework!
I'm a marketing student and programming is my Achilles heel! I'm desperate for help, If I don't pass this I'll fail programming. (Please don't answer me with...
[2 replies] Last: that helps alot, but can you also tell me how to let the user pick if ... (by johnakaagila)
Sorting arrays
Ok I got it working, but can someone help me? I need to make it drop the lowest test grade but I have no idea how. Any hints? #include <iostream> #include <...
[no replies]
The Challenge
The challenge is optional, but is a fun program to write, so tackle it if you have time and the inclination. Recall from Calculus 1 that the derivative of a f...
[no replies]
by darqan
Programming program.
I dunno where to post this but which program do you prefer? Currently I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio and am thinking of switching to Embarcadero. Sorry i...
[8 replies] Last: IDE's come with compilers , debugger , and text editor almost always. ... (by giblit)
by Heymid
Program that calculates age in days - are my calculations correct?
I've written a program which allows the user to enter in a year, month and a date, and the program calculates the duration between that date and September 20, 2...
[2 replies] Last: I've updated my code accordingly. I also made sure that you can't ente... (by Heymid)
limiting string size to 60 characters
I am trying to read a file and display it. However, it can only display up to 60 characters per line (including blank spaces). This seems like it would be easy ...
[1 reply] : Here's one way: #include <iostream> #include <string> void formatte... (by cire)
Generating random numbers in C
Hello everyone I have a task to generate 300 random particles in a 2-D plane ( 1 x 1) The steps are given as : 1. Generate two numbers 2. Scale them t...
[no replies]
Only the first word of a string is being written to file?
Hi all, What I am trying to do is to get a string which is being assigned to by the cin command, and write it to a file. Now this is only working slightly. A...
[8 replies] Last: Can you please show the latest version of your code. (by Chervil)
by srif
BattleShip HW help (please)
I'm doing homework and yes I know it's shameful but I wanted to see if I can get some help, i'll post what I got but really I would like some assistance. I know...
[no replies]
by Komodo
Pancake Glutton
I am doing the beginner exercises, and I am sorta stuck on Pancake Glutton. I have done half of part 1 and finished part 3. Right now this code is not finished ...
[11 replies] Last: You should post the fixed solution in case someone else ever has the s... (by giblit)
Trouble with array
I am trying to write a program that records an unspecified amount (at least 10) of integers in an array, and then print each int after they have all been record...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, so much, I didn't realize that that could be an issue. (by ocachobee)
Using an Input File
Write your question here. Hello I am in second year of High School in Florida. I am taking a beginners computer class. As part of our final exam, my teacher sa...
[5 replies] Last: The next stage is to compile it. The compiler helps you by displaying ... (by Chervil)
by aggsyb
Returning arrays from a function
Extremely basic but something I obviously looked over and now I need it :) ! int main() { //create 2 arrays here to hold the int array and char array a...
[2 replies] Last: If the arrays are as in your code (size known at compile-time), you ca... (by JLBorges)
One of my first c++ assignments. Please take a look
Hey, I'm a brand new coder and I'm in an intro to computer science class. I have to write a code to take three sides of a triangle as input, and determine what...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. I'll edit it this weekend. (by CreditClown)
Finding/Searching in std:list
Write your question here. Hello All, Problem description: 1) I have a list of ClientInfo objects getting updated using std::list. You can see the regist...
[11 replies] Last: [quote=LB]I'm interested to know though which containers you had to cr... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
C++ : game of life? (URGENT)
i really need your help and really fast.
[1 reply] : A minor point, at lines 44 and 46 in function is_live() the = oper... (by Chervil)
What can i do with C++???
My name is fauzan,im 13 years old. i really want to study C++ because i want to make a game with Cryengine 3 development kit. it says that if you want to make a...
[3 replies] Last: Looks like a relevant thread in their forums: (by mutexe)
Object with argument as a class member
Write your question here. I want to do something as below but the compiler is not allowing me to do. There are three classes Class A { }; Class B { ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you :) incarporated your review comment... (by irfan2266)
[[Artificial intellegent] strange bug problem c++
I am trying to make a BotClean Partially Observable,but there is a bug in between line 21 to line 36,Although at debuging j<=newposy but at the watches window ...
[1 reply] : Please don't double-post, you already have your first thread here: htt... (by LB)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 64
  Archived months: [aug2013] [oct2013]

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