Beginners - September 2013 (Page 24)

Aiport Ticketing
Hi, I have a problem with the Personal Information Part. It always skips the FIRST NAME and goes directly to LAST NAME. And also, if I enter long contact number...
[2 replies] Last: For all user input before asking First Name you use cin>> then when ... (by vin)
by Shala
Expected qualified-id error in Xcode
I'm getting an error that says "Expected unqualified-id" for line 7. What does this mean? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(); ...
[1 reply] : Very often with error messages of this kind, the actual error is in so... (by Chervil)
Hey, can someone recommend a good compiler to me? I've read other threads but they doesn't answer my particular question. I'm still working with basic C++, ...
[9 replies] Last: hey hi friends there is also an online compiler that you can do progra... (by khiyara)
Writing in Do-While loop & using 2 dimentional Arrays
Can someone please write me a short program consistent to the outline below? (explaining what each code does between "/* & */" would help me understand it and ...
[2 replies] Last: the link wont work :/ the whole website wont even load, i think it ma... (by johnakaagila)
problem with conditional printing through prototype
I cannot get this to print with the conditions if the number that is entered is < 10 it is supposed to find the product of the numbers from 1 to 10 i.e. The pr...
[1 reply] : try using the and ( && ) logical operator instead of or on some of ... (by nvrmnd)
Passing varg to another function
I want to pass va_list to another function, how can i achive this? Is it possible or not ? Thanks & Regards Karthick.R
[no replies]
Homework help
Write your question here. 1) I need to sum the values from 1 to N using a for loop 2) I need to input two values and find their range 3) I need to input a nu...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help (by sarahkaren)
How to Copy a Char Array into another Char Array
I've been searching for a while for how to do this, but nothing I find helps. How can I copy all the values from one array of char to another array of char? Th...
[5 replies] Last: Glad you got it working. Just one comment, on style rather than cont... (by Chervil)
Hw help! parallelogram and diamond
Hi, I wanted to know where to begin on this. I'm supposed to prompt the user for a number and then it should display a parallelogram and diamond. I've tried us...
[8 replies] Last: Try with std::setfill(). (by condor)
by Donna
txt file
Need to figure out how to properly count how many students, courses and average of their scores from a txt file. If there is a repeating course it will only cou...
[2 replies] Last: If you write an algorithm. I will help you write the program (by Bdanielz)
Problem With Cin Getline For Spaces
Hey! I have this problem. It goes directly to the Last Name, it skips the first name. What do I do? int num; char firstname ; char lastname ; int co...
[1 reply] : You probably have a newline left hanging around in the stream from a p... (by cire)
survery program not printing results
I'm trying to build a program that functions as a beverage survey, and while it compiles with no errors--it doesn't print out the results of the survey, so I'm ...
[2 replies] Last: The first problem is you initialize again your variables at line 23: ... (by nvrmnd)
no compiler errors, but no place for input
I'm trying to build a program that functions as a beverage survey, and while it compiles with no errors--it automatically adds up the tally without asking for v...
[2 replies] Last: Fixed it, thanks! #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using names... (by monacorona)
Looking for a good tutorial.
I am not a complete beginner but may as well be, a while back i tried doing c++ off a youtube tutorial that taught me most of the basics. What would I need...
[1 reply] : Look on YT for Rachel J Morris. She actually has a good website as wel... (by Hambone)
Theater Reservation Assignment Help
Hi Guys i'm here to bother you guys again, I think i'm learning a lot thanks to you guys. My teacher assigned this theater reservation system project with the f...
[5 replies] Last: You can't just remove the new and expect to have it work. Those entire... (by firedraco)
by enz0
Set precision???
Hi guys, I'm having problem getting set precision to work. Basically it is supposed to output $1.00-$10.00 but I am getting $1-$10. Any help would be gladly app...
[5 replies] Last: You're welcome! ;) (by condor)
series problem
hi guys i have hard time understanding this question write a program that accept single positive integer as an input and generates outputs all the elements of ...
[1 reply] : You have a series defined recursively by: S 0 = 1 S 1 = 2 And for al... (by Zhuge)
by dp13
regeneration of already generated randoms?
Hi and thanks as always! Is there a way to make the numbers regenerate randomly instead of repeating themselves after their first generation, other than "ran...
[1 reply] : The first thing I would do is move the random seed to the first line i... (by admkrk)
by Ch1156
Using getters and setters vs friend and others
Ok so i have a game and im unsure of what to do here, I have been told that there are many different ways of approaching a problem with classes but im not sure ...
[no replies]
by admkrk
Alternative to if, else if statements
I'm working on a gambling project and need a way to narrow down the odds to what the user would expect to see. The only way I've been able think of so far is wi...
[no replies]
September 2013 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 64
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