Beginners - September 2013 (Page 21)

by patieB
help im getting an error using code blocks
Hi , need help here I am still new to programming. I am answering a question that requires me to validate 2 variables height and weight using a while loop , whi...
[2 replies] Last: oh ok thank you , now have to test my values to see if it is doing wha... (by patieB)
How do people fix crashes (SDL 2.0)
Well I got my first program crash, and I have no clue how to fix it. I got it from migrating SDL 1.2 into SDL 2.0 for the first time with a Lazyfoo tutorial. ...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry I exaggerated, but you still need to refine the question. Just s... (by Duthomhas)
Class diagram
I've written my first c++ program with classes, and is about to figure out how to make a class diagram. What I've come up with so far is this: http://i43...
[1 reply] : Wikipedia Site: (by BitRat)
For the love of god, help me!!!!
Alright, I'm a total n00b to C++ (taking it in school right now). So I've been working on my homework quite a bit.. even going as far as to add things that we h...
[3 replies] Last: nevermore28, I want to kiss your face!!!! after reading over what you ... (by Notamongsheep)
by mysux
Decimal value
I need to calculate the area and circumference of a circle and the answer must be in decimals form. What should i change to get decimal values. Another thing is...
[4 replies] Last: Chervil did a better one. Double gives more accuracy and points of pre... (by Factors)
Printing quartiles from list of ints
I couldn't find a solid example on the net of this so I was wondering if there was a more elegant way of printing the quartiles. cout << "Welcome to Quart...
[no replies]
my calculator wont work it says end of file at line 72
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <Windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { std::string input; cout << "Choose arithmetic: Add...
[1 reply] : i think you just left out a '}' it worked fine for me (by bits12345)
by Komodo
Bracketing Search
My friend and I are doing this one. We are able to do all of the starts except the quad one. We know you have to bisect it since this is a probability math prob...
[2 replies] Last: In the direction it never stated it had to be random, so we are starti... (by Komodo)
calculator wont work
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <Windows.h> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { std::string input; cout << "Choo...
[1 reply] : Just from a quick glance I'll point out things that are kind of settin... (by Factors)
mimicing boost::format()
I was trying to mimic boost::format(). This was before I found out that boost had this method, but now I would like to know the underlining of it any ways. So i...
[3 replies] Last: thanks JLBorges oh ok returning it as a double instead of string is w... (by metulburr)
Need code for this problem!!!
Please help!!! Problem 5 Given a string, find the longest substring that is a palindrome. If there are multiple such strings print the lexicographically ...
[1 reply] : Google 'Manacher's algorithm' (by JLBorges)
need help this program wont work
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int first; int second; int sum; int summ; std::string input;...
[2 replies] Last: thank you JLBorges (by Nerodic)
Need Help with C++ regarding decimals
codes are below and need help with the last step, the total cost should be 600 * 21.77 * 0.02 + 600 * 21.77, which is 13278.24, but it shows only 13278.2, pleas...
[10 replies] Last: @Rakanoth Who are you to judge people? So man, if you haven't any... (by condor)
Help me shuffle
I want the code below to shuffle alphabet letters that are in the array. The code works but as it shuffles, it produces doubles and triples of some letters and ...
[no replies]
Working on a calculator mimicker.
My problem is that I can't get the loop to exit so that I can exit out of the program without actually have to press the "x" button. #include <iostream> ...
[6 replies] Last: Oh thank you very much. (by jackelinblack)
While loop not working?
For my CSC100 class we are supposed to write a menu-driven program, and the first option is a while loop that displays a row of 15 asterisks. Below is my code, ...
[3 replies] Last: I used void main just because my teacher always uses that I'm so, s... (by xismn)
bigint Project
I need help with my project for my c++ class. I need to create a class called "bigint". Requirements: -You must use the class construct to implement your AD...
[11 replies] Last: Okay, so here's my header file. #ifndef BIGINT_H #define BIGINT_H #... (by leonhartdan)
Machine Problem: Piper and Leo
This is for our CS Programming course. Can you help me? :( I really need it. And I can't understand what would be the sequence of this Machine Problem. I really...
[1 reply] : If there are five people, wouldn't the sequence of elimination be this... (by xismn)
Malfunctioning program
I wrote this program today for a class but when I enter a name at the start of the program and I input a space the program seems to go hay wire. Any ideas of wh...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you man that really helped!! Saved me a whole bunch of time (by Modern Man19)
undefined reference to typeinfo 'class name'
Hi forum, I guess this is one of the most common linking error anyone have ever encountered. Unfortunately i could not track it and i need your help here. T...
[1 reply] : (by ne555)
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