Beginners - September 2013 (Page 17)

Help me with some homework due in an hour
Hey, Here's my computer science homework. You are supposed to be able to input three sides of a triangle, and it should give you the kind of triangle it is (if...
[1 reply] : I know it's probably too late, but let this be a lesson to you: Don't ... (by leo255)
Write a program that will allow the user to roll two dice
Write a program that will allow the user to roll two dice, elementary uses of: printf( ) function scanf ( ) function while OR do --- while if OR if ...
[2 replies] Last: This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I think it's similar. ... (by leo255)
Need some help in my first Hangman game.
Alright so i made my first hangman game but one problem i seem to be running in is that my validation check for "already used letters" dose not seem to be worki...
[2 replies] Last: Oh my god lol i cant believe i missed that :x hahaha thank you my frie... (by Pip3mAn)
Stack class help
Hey everyone, So I am writing a Stack class to convert a number to a base of their choice, 2-16. I am okay with that part of the assignment, but when it comes ...
[13 replies] Last: So am I essentially calling s.flip(); and then running through in the ... (by billbarr)
Problem with custom linked list using strings.
Hi, I have an assignment to create a custom linked list class to store strings, but I'm having some issues. struct node { node(string current) { data=c...
[1 reply] : line 9 list(int N=0, string current); change to list(int M, string... (by Gkneeus)
Write your question here. as i am a very new student in programming i want to know how can i write code in pointer.
[9 replies] Last: Thanks...but i think i should learn more about this topic. Then i will... (by ishti alam)
I was playing with some code and I tried to comment out some cin >> and it doesn't comment it out. Wondering if there is an easier way to ignore the code. Tri...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, it looks right here but in Visual Studio express 2012, only the ... (by Emanual4Real)
by modic
How do I get OpenGL to work?
No tutorial I've tried online works. Help!
[1 reply] : Best OpenGL tutorial I've seen: I... (by Disch)
by dp13
else if question
Simply, why does entering "-1" not trigger the summary and main menu? Thanks so much I would be lost if it weren't for here lol case 1: adcnt++; ...
[16 replies] Last: Ok, yes this forum is great to share knowledge! Best regards! (by eyenrique)
by stdeez
binary tree implementation
You are to design and implement, in C++, a parser for postfix expressions. Your parser should accept a legal postfix expression and output the equivalent infix ...
[1 reply] : Alright, I understand all the concepts up to this point, i just.... ha... (by stdeez)
Trouble with *(iterator++)
I am trying to get a handle on iterators and vectors so I wrote a small program utilizing a vector to return the lowest two values in a sequence of natural numb...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, I indeed meant to write the latter. I now understand the problem.... (by R10111001)
Postfix Evaluation Snag
I've hit a snag in my postfix evaluation. It's a small snag though, because I know the conversion from infix to postfix works (because I'm only adding the evalu...
[no replies]
by stdeez
binary trees
When creating an expression tree (generic binary tree) 1) should i make the links double linked? 2) for stacks and queues should i always practice keepi...
[1 reply] : Why would you want to make the links of a node of a binary try doubly-... (by Josue Molina)
by whoosh
Simulation of life program?
Here are the directions Write a program to implement the simulation of life as described in Scientific American by Martin Gardner. The program will be implem...
[2 replies] Last: Generally you need two separate board arrays. One will contain the cur... (by Chervil)
by modic
I want to learn OpenGL
Hello! I was wondering if anyone can help me OpenGL or maybe give me a link to a half decent tutorial on OpenGL because I cannot find any good tutorial.
[1 reply] : (by Catfish4)
Prime numbers
Background/Algorithm: The Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm generates prime number using the follow algorithm. 1. Create a list the number from 1..n 2. Let p = ...
[4 replies] Last: Yea and I really don't know how to do it ... (by Mario0702)
add a different topic
added a new topic
[5 replies] Last: Here is a simpler way I started the program: #include "stdafx.h" ... (by jenniferbnavy)
by patieB
Nested Loops
Hi everyone , I am doing a question that requires me to write a program that writes telephone numbers as letters and limits them to 7 letters . It must prompt t...
[4 replies] Last: Hi , getting an error line 26 switch quantity not an integer ,26 .sw... (by patieB)
Copy to clipboard
Hello, So I'm trying to use copy to clipboard function in order to copy a string to the clipboard. The problem is to create another string after the first strin...
[11 replies] Last: what's c_str? That's a way to get the c-string equivalent of a std::... (by Chervil)
ty for help me
[2 replies] Last: thanks dude, i really appreciate it thanks so much!! :D (by zaquiel)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 64
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