Beginners - September 2013 (Page 16)

by rpb
What next?
So i wrote a C++ program.. Now i'm wondering, what to do next? to make it presentable to a user, user friendly..Possibly a design, i don't know..I'm new to this...
[15 replies] Last: Thank you all for your help, i really appreciate it (by rpb)
Alternate way of clearing the cin function?
I'm having a problem with a cin function. My program is the game "snake", all done using an ascii display. It uses WASD to move and Q to quit. The problem I'm ...
[no replies]
I can't use gets() function like i want
Hello, It's a personal medicine tracking program. I write like this program to improve my c++ skill. Program run rightly at first running it ask medicine name,...
[2 replies] Last: thanks it works (by AnToKyAn)
by Jazpy
Problem with dirent.h
Hi everyone, I recently started working on a project that will look for a file, any file, and open it with its associated application (word for .doc, whatever t...
[2 replies] Last: That was it, thanks for the quick answer, the while loop was supposed ... (by Jazpy)
by mgehad
Windows form
Hello, I'm working on a windows form application using VS10 , I've created a DialogBox (Graphically) and I see that it inherits from the main From. However, ...
[3 replies] Last: then you're not deriving it from it then. When you say "main form", d... (by mutexe)
Program will compile but crashes
Program compiles but crashes #include<iostream> int calculateFactors(int x) { int factorCount = 0; while(true) { for(int j =...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks didn't catch that! (by MasterT)
SDL Problem, Please Help
Hi, SDL beginner over here I started out using SDL and so far I have been able to Build tictactoe and Hangman. I thought my next project will be BlackJack - th...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You Man Im Back On Track (by Yash8976)
What does :: do in C++
What does :: do in C++? For example, std::string Thanks to all that answer.
[6 replies] Last: Thanks everyone. (by MasterT)
Why are all of these true?
Write your question here. A question in my book ask Which of the following is true? A. 1 B. 66 C. .1 D. -1 E. All of the above and I picked 1 beca...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. (by MasterT)
Why am I getting member declaration not found?
Why am I getting member declaration not found? #include <iostream> class Fruit { private: int type; public: int getType() {return type;} }; inline int F...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the responses. (by MasterT)
by patieB
function definition error
Hi , anyone please help this error In function void computeKilosPerHour (float ,float, float) error a function definition is not allowed here before '{' token...
[7 replies] Last: thank you all (by patieB)
Board Game
Hi! Can someone help me how to make a previous location of a player marker would be reset to its initial value. For example, if the player one rolled 2, the squ...
[2 replies] Last: can you state what code will i add and where will i put it? (by colognem)
Please help :(
Hi, I need help. I am trying to print out the following: A Ap App Appl Appli Applic Applica Applicat Applicati Applicatio Application Applic...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you keskiv... (by timotimo)
Helping to get past for the first month for monthly copound interest program
Hello there. I would like some help with my program. I am a complete noob, and I am doing a program with monthly compound interest, using a monthly deposit, a r...
[2 replies] Last: My project is due for tomorrow and I can't figure it out. (by emsara101)
by aggsyb
Comparing two vectors sequential order
I have two vectors std::vector<int> numberSet1, numberSet2; numberSet1 contains 21,24 numberSet2 contains 20, 22, 23, 25 , 26 , 27 Is there anyway to dete...
[4 replies] Last: Boost, or a functor that has state. There is also std::set_union that... (by keskiverto)
class member initialize/return problem
Hi it's my first time posting on the forums. But anyways I'm having a problem with one of my functions inside my class. It's return the wrong value and I have n...
[2 replies] Last: Thankyou so much. I'm still learning all the stuff with classes so I.w... (by Renthalkx97)
by tatai
multiple columns into one column
I have a text file with 100 columns in it. each column has 700 rows. Now I want to merge all columns into one column. like, after the last row of the 1st colum...
[3 replies] Last: Right, that's sort of the complete opposite to what I thought but you ... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by layzer
Problems reading from file.
I have problems reading from the file. In the file there are integers and i have to average them and sum them all up. Basically i have 2 questions: 1: Wh...
[5 replies] Last: use a while loop since you don't know how many int's there are in the ... (by nvrmnd)
function that returns character
Hello people. I got a long one for you...i think. Well work here is supposed to be: A function named menu that returns a character and does not accept any par...
[2 replies] Last: if you want a function that accepts no parameters, you simply have to ... (by nvrmnd)
I need to find the location of certain digits in an array of numbers
Nvm, problem solved
[2 replies] Last: what are you trying to do with this statements ? for (int i = 0; i < ... (by nvrmnd)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 64
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