Beginners - September 2013 (Page 15)

Young C++ Programmers (1,2)
Hello, I'm a 14 year old rookie C++ programmer, I couldn't even consider myself a programmer yet, but I'm doing it for the last 3 months, and I really like it, ...
[38 replies] Last: I'm a professional, 24-year-old software engineer willing to help. (by Josue Molina)
by yaraa
Help me
Create a class Rectangle, which has attributes length and width , each of read from user. It has member function that calculate the perimeter and area of the re...
[3 replies] Last: #include<iostream> class rectangle { public: float perimeter() { ... (by MarketAnarchist)
tic toe game problem.....need help
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char board ; int i=0; while(i<9) board[i++]=' '; int tnumber=1; char s...
[18 replies] Last: welcome is you (by MarketAnarchist)
Any young programmers wanna team up?
Wassup. Im a 13 programmer looking for some people my age to program with. i know c++ but not to very good, i know algorithms, calculators, ALOT of variables,...
[no replies]
.txt to C++ commands.
Hello! First of all, i'm an Extreme beginner in C++ (learning from a book), and Engish is not my language. So...I'd like to create an .exe file (using C++), w...
[13 replies] Last: IT WORKS! Thank you! (by RonnieNine)
A newbie question regarding variable
when a=5, and how can a also = a+1 ? and which a does the result look for to + b ? // operating with variables #include <iostream> using namespace st...
[6 replies] Last: Yes. Under ordinary circumstances the lines of code are executed in se... (by Chervil)
Beginner with looping
I am stuck my loop need to be repeated untill the value of height is more than 1.8 or the value of weight is less than 100. #include <iostream> using...
[3 replies] Last: Glad i could help :) (by Uk Marine)
unable to print cstring from a function
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <ctype.h> // for toupper // #define MAX_CHAR 256 using namespace std; char printHeader(c...
[no replies]
About a part in the tutorial
So right now im on the other data types part and wanted to know if this was important and if yes are all of them important?
[2 replies] Last: they wouldn't be there if they were not important (by metulburr)
What does seed do in the srand function?
What does seed do in the srand function?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys! (by MasterT)
Having Some Trouble with an assignment
Write a program that prompts the user for the name of their favorite city (one word). Display the number of letters in the entered city name, the city name w...
[2 replies] Last: i highly doubt your instructor would of given you this assignment with... (by metulburr)
by andrix
what to return ?
hi i have a general question about a function that i'm using in a binary tree. the function has to return the value of the father of the node containing th...
[6 replies] Last: INT_MIN requires #include <climits> std::numeric_limits<int>::mi... (by JLBorges)
Finding the largest and smallest digits in an array of integers
Here's how the output should look: Select an option (1, 2, or 3): 2 How many integers? 3 Enter integer #1: 12795 Enter integer #2: -20784 Enter integer #...
[5 replies] Last: technically no but how else will you know what digits are in which one... (by giblit)
Help with program
I need help to write this C not C++. Thanks very much for the help whoever helps me. 1) The factorial of a number x is given as (recursive version and iterat...
[10 replies] Last: the trace table is no problem that part of the question can b omitted ... (by redice2413)
help with pointer
Write your question here. while (true) { char item_Name = {'\0'}; cout << "Please, enter name of item you would like " <...
[4 replies] Last: never mind... i need to get the len of the char array. to print. tha... (by Bdanielz)
Getting srand and rand errors? Help!!
From previous questions, I rewrote my whole program. I had to write a profram to all the user to roll two dice. Well I am getting errors that the srand and rand...
[3 replies] Last: nevermind!! I figured it out and it's working!! Thanks so much!! (by jenniferbnavy)
by OSamo
Dereferencing a 2D array
Hello, In the code below, I am trying to print the data from a 2D array using the dereference operator (*) #include<iostream> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks tath, I got it working flawlessly. I want to point out that on... (by OSamo)
by andrix
searching value in binary_tree
hello, i have problem with these functions that return the id of a node of a binary tree. int binary_tree::get_id_from_key(int key) { node *aux=sear...
[no replies]
Binary search problem - always returns -1
Hello, I am working on a project for school. I need to search through an array of strings in order to be able to delete a particular entry in the array. However...
[3 replies] Last: I found out why the search didn't work. It didn't work because when ... (by JaroScc)
Hello there. Ive been doing some c++ in dev-c++. I started a month ago, taught myself from books and playing around with written code, the basics and i now know...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, ive quit the text based game. I got every info about c++ that ... (by uob8652)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 64
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