Beginners - September 2013 (Page 14)

Need help starting program
I need some assistance getting started with my project. I have most of the BankAccount class written, I just need some assistance with the portfolio portion. ...
[3 replies] Last: The Portfolioconstructor requires checking account data (account numb... (by nvrmnd)
c++ problem.
Hello, I have a really big problem. here is my text files 2a monday 1 history 2 math 3 biology 4 x 2a tuesday 1 math 2 history 3 art 4 music 2a wednesday 1 bi...
[1 reply] : Define "everybody". What is the logical content of the files? You co... (by keskiverto)
tip calculator
The waitstaff at a restaurant would like to determine the percentage (20%?, 15%?) left as tip by each customer. For comparison, the staff would also like to se...
[8 replies] Last: ok, i changed it. (by arslana)
What should i learn now
Write your question here. Hi people i just finished a c++ book i learned about :if statement,variables,string,while(and other loops like else if),classes,arays...
[5 replies] Last: I wrote a program to play Blackjack against a dealer, casino rules. (by Mats)
Programming help with monthly compound interest
Hello. I have to write a program for compound monthly interest with a starting monthly deposit, an annual interest rate, and a new balance. My problem is that I...
[7 replies] Last: If you are supposed to use sum.cpp and the instructions on the course ... (by Ante1234)
Programming C++
The ATM Transaction Validator requires a loop and if-then logic. You will write the output to a file called statement.txt and read in a file called customer.txt...
[8 replies] Last: of course (by nvrmnd)
Visual Studio Express 2012
I'm pretty new to VS Express and haven't figured out a lot of things. One issue I'm having is debugging. I'd like to step into it and not have to remember to ...
[3 replies] Last: Hey, thanks. F10 was what I was looking for. Taking too long to step... (by Emanual4Real)
Article feedback
Hello! I would like to receive feedback from my first article (take it easy!), which is a Tic-Tac-Toe! The C++forum does not allow feedback, so i would ap...
[2 replies] Last: Line 165, tolower() doesn't change the argument, it returns its lowerc... (by maeriden)
Dynamically allocating array of structures while also using a function.
I'm playing around with passing a pointer to a structure to a function and found a way to dynamically allocate an array of structures with a pointer while als...
[5 replies] Last: That worked out really well. Thanks! (by daft science)
by ace55
why random symbol printed postfix
i don't get why im getting a random symbol printed before the result after compiling the program. #include <iostream> #include <stack> #include <limit...
[1 reply] : You were using a stack of characters (only one byte) and you pushed yo... (by GRex2595)
by Codeez
Learning and remembering(!) C++
Hi folks, I hope as many people can post here. I've been learning C++ for about 3 months with Primer 5th (upto chapter 10) and I just have to ask, how the heck ...
[6 replies] Last: 2d games? Have you tried acionscript 2.0 or 3.0? You can make flash 2d... (by giblit)
Program help
Have your program find which of the y values is closest to 10 (either larger or smaller). have the program print the x value that gives this closest y value. ...
[2 replies] Last: You could have two variables that hold x and y values separate from th... (by GRex2595)
by Elize
Don't understand how to access array with function
Okay, so I have a few multidimensional arrays that I would like to pass to a function so the function can do things with them. Here's a simplification of what I...
[2 replies] Last: OH! Derp. Okay, that did it. Thank you so much. I have been staring ... (by Elize)
by garona
help with a program
How can I make this program show only the letter with greater repetition? #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : look up vectors (by devonrevenge)
by sptd
Parsing a file with different rows.
I have to parse a text file and each row is completely different from the previous one. I know how to parse a file when each row has the same format but I have ...
[8 replies] Last: Okay, I am going to try your way. Thanks :) (by sptd)
Integer to binary(Using recursivity)
I'm trying to develop a recursive function to convert an integer number into binary and putting the result into a vector using the following logic: Every funct...
[8 replies] Last: :D (by romulosd)
Calculating mean
When I run my program, I should be able to calculate the mean, however I keep getting the incorrect value and I am baffled as to why this is. My program is muc...
[3 replies] Last: Double check line 8 in the code above. I think you'll find an error t... (by GRex2595)
Design a program that will give the day of the week a date is on
Theres a mistake in my code somewhere because it is not working properly and I can not find the error. My program is written as follows and anything will be hel...
[1 reply] : Please use code brackets (by GRex2595)
HELP!!! New Programmer Alert
Alright, I have been working on this personal project for a long time and cant seem to get it. This is someone elses code that Im working off of. Basically the...
[1 reply] : Please use code brackets for your code. (by GRex2595)
Help with programming compound interest program
Hi. I need some help with my coding, for I am a beginner and am ready to rip my hair out. I need help getting the output to actually work. The values I've been ...
[7 replies] Last: I'm a noob too, but maybe this will work? #include <iostream> using n... (by Ante1234)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 64
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