Beginners - September 2013 (Page 11)

Syntax error warning for int constructor
This is as simple as it gets. #ifndef TEST2_H_ #define TEST2_H_ class Test2 { public: Test2(short a); private: int i(-1); short j; }; #en...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Cubbi, you provided the solution! I did forget to mention that ... (by ThemePark)
by Nebur
Is it possible to click a spot or press a key?
Hi everyone! Is there any instruction or command in C++ to "make the computer" click a determinate spot or press a determinate key? Is it also possible to...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for such a fast reply! Indeed your idea was great, I am incred... (by Nebur)
by q333q3
Finding Min/Max (loop)
Write a loop to do the following: 1. Read in 10 integers. 2. Find the maximum value. 3. Find the minimum value. Output Display: Enter 10 integers: 2 34...
[1 reply] : Using code tags will show us the formating of your code. http://www.cp... (by SamuelAdams)
Very basic calculator
So I've been learning a bit of C++, i've only been messing with it for 2 days i believe and with small ambitious goal to make a simple calculator with a simple ...
[3 replies] Last: Alright so i edited the code in the way you suggested, for ease of acc... (by Skwareblox)
Need help!
I just got this piece of code from the internet and I'm curious on how does the condition for the both whiles work also, how does continue work/what does it do....
[9 replies] Last: THANKS! (by bits12345)
Please help me create a program which consists of area and perimeter. i managed to do till area but then i dont know how to continue with perimeter.
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int area... (by GRex2595)
by Ch1156
Friend Function help
Ok so in my program im trying to use private variables without making them public so i have a function that accesses the variables but i cant seem to figure out...
[2 replies] Last: so, what are you trying to do? Your AccessClasses() doesn't make se... (by coder777)
Help with squaring without multiplication
Hello everyone. I am trying to create a program that will let me square numbers without multiplication but I always get negative answers. Any help? ...
[5 replies] Last: @abhishekm71 Don't worry. It happens to all of us. (by Chervil)
HELP! POS using text files
sorry for the many questions but I only post here once im stuck i have 2 questions: 1. How do i display the values in the text file?(i know it uses loop but...
[5 replies] Last: The original code has lots of repeated code. It could be simplified co... (by Chervil)
by patieB
Declaration of float kilos , hours and average shadows a parameter
Good day , I am having the error above Declaration of float kilos shadows a parameter , also for hours and average .I thinking its something to do with the nami...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much , really helped . (by patieB)
New Coder
Hi I'm a first year college student interested in coding. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do a course on programming. I would like some guidance on learning ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks I'll check it out (by Jacob Sunny)
.dat file knowledge (1,2,3)
Can anyone help me understand how is a .dat file constructed and how to use it like we use .txt files... So, how to write delete (use) .dat file
[46 replies] Last: @RealGiganitris You got A :D (by Albo Coder)
by saiz
Hi, Can u please help to solve this programming question. Q. Design and implement a class "Longtime" using C + + . The class "Longtime" represents the time...
[1 reply] : Hi there, Let's break it down: [quote=saiz]Design and implement a cl... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
by ace55
postfix expression help!
Im supposed to write a postfix expression evaluator with the menu i made and it isn't accepting expressions it keeps crashing please help! #include<iostre...
[2 replies] Last: I don't really know anything about std::stack but looking at the first... (by nvrmnd)
Pointer to Pointers & Casting Pointers
I just started to learn C++ a few days ago and I find pointers to be quite challenging. Below is some code that I see used alot for pointers to classes in games...
[4 replies] Last: From the sounds of what you are trying to do I'm not sure why you'd ne... (by mutexe)
Need help getting input from a .txt using getline
Beginner here. Taking an online course and my professor didn't give a whole lot of help for this particular assignment Write a program that will input user i...
[1 reply] : Wrong getline. You need a standalone function provided with std::stri... (by keskiverto)
Help me out
Hi, I am a new C++ learner. In my code I am trying to read text from file. As I compiled the code the error message display as 1>------ Build started: Project...
[4 replies] Last: Streamsize, see (by keskiverto)
char* pointer
Dear all, In my below code, I have this error msg saying : no instance of constructor matches the argument list. Can anyone shed some light to this issue? ...
[5 replies] Last: Then change the type of the argument you're feeding to the constructor... (by cire)
Plz suggest me solution
I am trying to display a sequence of array in matrix form. But output is different from value assign to array. #include <iostream> #include<windows.h>...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks now its working (by Ashutosh1234)
Help with functional decomposition (1,2)
How do I finish this code? I've done the beginning but the rest, I'm clueless as I had had tutoring for the first part. This is the code so far: #include ...
[31 replies] Last: in line 11? line 29? and line 55? (by eyenrique)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 910111213... 64
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