Beginners - September 2012 (Page 60)

Using strcpy and strncat functions
Trying to use this function to copy and append strings but not sure how it is supposed to be used void concat(const char a[ ], const char b[ ], char result[ ...
[1 reply] : This will be useful to you.. (by HiteshVaghani1)
Esoteric Language Interpreter
What could I improve upon? I'm trying to make this as efficient as possible. FYI: This is an esoteric language and I made it for fun. I haven't put much time ...
[no replies]
by ghking
hello ,evryone ,why I cann't define a function in main()?
evrytime,when I define the a function in the main() ,the compile will note: a function definition is not allowed here before "{" token. but,define the function ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks for all of you ! (by ghking)
Problem Creating Vector of Objects
Am trying to create a vector of objects, called Person that consists of a name and an age. Both the name and age are inputed from the user and are being stored ...
[5 replies] Last: I also have a vector that points to the name object vector<Car>cars;... (by rtwitch)
by modic
What should I do next after "Hello World"?
I have recently mastered the art of "Hello World", but what do I do next!?
[6 replies] Last: I would recommend declaring variables and using them. (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Windows Socket Programming
Hello, I am still debating if this should go in the Windows Fourm or here but anyway here I go. I was just wondering if anyone here knew a good place for me to ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by closed account N36fSL3A)
implement stack in C using array
is it necessary to use structure to implement stack in C using array? what if i just do it normally using array?
[3 replies] Last: Of course it is not necessary to use a structure. But using a structur... (by vlad from moscow)
bool array
Is it possible to have an array of bools? like this: bool array ;
[4 replies] Last: Also I would like to append that you may not declare only arrays of vo... (by vlad from moscow)
by modic
How do you give a program a title?
You know how most programs have a title at the top? Well how would you do that?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! :D (by modic)
arrow-key getting.
I know that the syntax in my title is terrible, but I was looking here ( and ...
[2 replies] Last: @kaseron Look here for a small program I showed someone on using the ... (by whitenite1)
Comparing marbles using Enums and Class
This is what i have so far, i need to compare two marbles in the main of another cpp file called marble_main that the user inputs. This is where im having diffi...
[no replies]
how long does it take to be decent at C++ (1,2)
I know this question is posted ALOT, but i am 14 years old and right now i have alot of free time so i would like to learn programing so taht i can make program...
[21 replies] Last: In that case, I know of an awesome website to get you started https:/... (by Zephilinox)
I am designing an app on x-code. The idea is that it will offer a daily piece of advice on an i phone and I have designed 365 pieces of text for the year. T...
[4 replies] Last: I have no idea about that...sorry. I am objective-C illiterate. (by kaseron)
What is the difference between delete and delete[] ?
Hi everybody, Please tell me the difference between delete and delete . I have the following snip of code: int nWidth = 10; int *pData = new int ; //I do so...
[3 replies] Last: Well, at least in the case of VC++, there will be no memory leaked by ... (by andywestken)
How to delete a string data type?
So I allocate new memory for a char, int, and string variable, initialize each one, and output each to the screen. Afterwards, I deallocate each of them and o...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by dtaqee88)
windows.h doesn't work for me
To code certain applications, I have to include windows.h #include <windows.h> But it just gives me an error, the IDE I'm using is Code::Blocks, and the co...
[4 replies] Last: I'm sure it's just <windows.h> but I figured the problem, I'm on linu... (by Athar)
Very weard error
This is a very simple program, I only have a stupid error and I don't see what's wrong... #include <windows.h> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #includ...
[3 replies] Last: Lol i hear ya, i do the same stuff sometimes too. (by Ch1156)
Simple Operating system
Hello I am new to C++ forums anyway with the point i have made an simple Operating system you guys may be think why the heck has he put it in here well the only...
[10 replies] Last: I would be interested in looking at what it looks like, but can we se... (by DesiredNote)
stack algo using array
I m very confused on implementation of stack in C using array.. I have made following algo..please check if i m right!! Initialise array a , top=-1 //...
[2 replies] Last: You need a size variable to track how many elements are currently in t... (by ssrun)
ifstream / ofstream Problem
Ok, I have a small game I am making, and I used a old save/load system I found on these forums. But unfortunately, it doesn't work. It saves fine, but it doesn'...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for being patient and sorry for the horrible explanation! I'll ... (by opiop65)
September 2012 Pages: 1... 5859606162
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