Beginners - September 2012 (Page 58)

by zev
create and edit file c++
On the site , how do I create a file and then call it back to edit it?
[1 reply] : As far as I can see there are no options for this. Try - if... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
is there a way to make array as a float?
I'm making a credit card billing statement so i kinda need to use an array to save multiple variables. so is there a way to use array on float because decimal n...
[7 replies] Last: hey how bout that...your right i didn't even notice that.. thanks a lo... (by maculhet)
by Tebzee
serial numbers and databases
Hi guys. i need to write C++ program that detects duplicate serial numbers when entered in an existing database. i work with an energy auditing firm, am tasked...
[2 replies] Last: What kind of database is it? Can't you just make the field unique? (by MrHutch)
Beginner ---- My first program (all by myself).
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int x, y, choice; char exit; cout << "CALCULATOR 1.00 \n \n"; //DECLARE LOOP// ...
[8 replies] Last: The stream object 'cin' can accept input for multiple variables. That'... (by DesiredNote)
by scopez
physics gone wrong
ok in this code im not understanding where to place where the water should = false to stop the water from going and its just a disaster im trying to make it whe...
[4 replies] Last: ahhh yah i noticed that but focused on fixin that water function ;) (by soranz)
Skip non-integers from text file !!!
I have a programming assignment which reads integers from a text file and skips non-integers (in first two columns) and strange symbols. Then text file looks li...
[5 replies] Last: So now u have to keep good rows AND good columns ? U'll be better off ... (by soranz)
Reading a record from a CSV file
I have got a CSV data file which has lots of records. I have to read each of these records by C++ and then put them in a structure to do the processes that I ne...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys. (by Matt01000101)
by steev
why this output ???
int a ={5}; cout<<a <<" "<<++a <<endl; the output is 1 1 why :(
[5 replies] Last: > @JLBorges would... (by JLBorges)
I'm using Dev-C++ on Windows. I'm trying to "Write a program that prompts the user to input an integer between 0 and 35. If the number is less than or equal to ...
[2 replies] Last: Wow that was so simple. Thank you! (by rock4rigo)
function and readdata()
[9 replies] Last: senior. help (by BasicNewbie)
switch and if statement
Hi, I have an error in my code which I cannot find; It prints out numbers 1-9 and 20-99.BUT it does not print out anything for 10-19; (and to be honest I don...
[3 replies] Last: why i am getting correct output for 1-9 Yourcode contains no logic ... (by AbstractionAnon)
#ifndef ISTACK_H #define ISTACK_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; template<typename S> class Stack { public: Stack(cons...
[6 replies] Last: Now working fine for those who may have similiar problem #ifndef ... (by jimobama)
A program that can read words (not number)
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and also new to the world of C++. Allthough I some knowledge about it. Okay so i'm getting confused in characters in c++. I w...
[9 replies] Last: Open a cpp file or create one, when making a file or project you need ... (by samrux)
Finding B-th bit
I have a task to solve: I must enter a positive integer N and 0 < B < 31 and print the B-th bit of number N (potential of digit 2 B in binary number N). ...
[1 reply] : The result is N >> B & 1 Only B shall be in the range 0 <= B <= 31... (by vlad from moscow)
Loop not "looping" and if always true etc.
I'm trying to create a simple while() -loop and keep it running as long as the user does not enter '0'. I have succeeded with this task before, but now I can'...
[10 replies] Last: @Krusing Just one question remains... How do I return to the main fu... (by vlad from moscow)
by Ch1156
Program Help (1,2)
Ok so i want to make a program using vectors and to simplify things im going to use a class, there are a few things i want to know: #include <iostream> #...
[24 replies] Last: Nevermind i did this: class vars { public: int game(); ... (by Ch1156)
Weight/Length/Currency Converter
Hey all, Started learning C++ a few days ago, and just finished my first half-useful program. It's basically a converter for weight, distance and currency. My...
[3 replies] Last: # include <iostream> # include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int ch... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
object inside a class cannot access other members of the same class?
hello. i have another little question, about class scopes. let's have this code: class Class2{ public: int change(){ object1.integer1 = 1...
[4 replies] Last: it seems that you're angry or something Brisk. There are so many b... (by Moschops)
std::string and sha256 hashing
Hi, I'm having a bit of a struggle getting a SHA hash routine working with a string input. The problem seems to lie with the update element(SHA256_Update bein...
[8 replies] Last: That did the trick.. Thanks Texan40. (by a sea of c)
Can any one explain how the below program works? Thanks int main() { int *p=(int *)1000; int *temp; temp = p; p=p+6; printf("\n%u ...
[2 replies] Last: pointer of type int * ( for example int *p; ) points integers. Each in... (by vlad from moscow)
September 2012 Pages: 1... 5657585960... 62
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