Beginners - September 2012 (Page 36)

problem trying to use array as function value
this program i created isn't showing right results. When you run the program For example it suppose to output: Day 2: 9 unit(s) shipped on 2 truck(s) but inst...
[4 replies] Last: when the program asks you to enter number of units for day 1 for(coun... (by ding23342)
by javi11
i'm having trouble trying to compute this S= n! = 1*2*3...*n if someone could help me
[5 replies] Last: put it in a while loop until his answer isno (by Aramil of Elixia)
i don't want fgetc().
i need other function like fgetc (or getc) which doesn't changes the internal file position.
[3 replies] Last: haha sorry there was some problem with the browser and i posted in the... (by sigmablack)
dynamic arrays - is this right?
I'm creating a class that will allocate and manage a list of structs... The struct is: typedef struct tab_data_s { // various struct elements } tab_data...
[2 replies] Last: It is correct because tab_list is declared as pointer to pointer to a ... (by vlad from moscow)
by iky
Can someone help me with this code??
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { double x, y; for(x=-2,x<=4,x=x+0.5) { y= (4*(x*x*x)-12*(x*x)-9*x+27)/ ...
[3 replies] Last: Try rebuild it (by closed account ozUkoG1T)
by Evolve
Iterator as part of class constructor
I have a class that fetches the next element in a vector container. This vector is an attribute of a class called A. When I run my "next_element" function I ge...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Athar and JLBorges for your input. For now, I will track an... (by Evolve)
I am trying to compile a program that will calculate the value of a fixed deposit at the time of maturity. It lets me input the amount of deposit and the number...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much. It works now. (by utdbigt12)
I cannot figure out why my loop doesnt work!
I need to design a guess the number game that only allows five tries...please help if you can. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h> us...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both for taking time to help further my knowledge and educat... (by Def Muse)
by derikd
keep function definitions with variable declartions
I come from a background of C and am transitioning a project to C++. But I have also worked in Java for some time. I am having a problem understanding good us...
[9 replies] Last: I was able to apply the pimpl idiom to a non-trivial class last night.... (by derikd)
Don't allow empty object in vector
What can I do to prevent the user from just create an empty object? This is an example: class myClass { public: string Foo; ...
[3 replies] Last: Ensuring that the invariant for an object is established should ideall... (by JLBorges)
which IDE should I use for C11
[13 replies] Last: I use Qt Creator (an IDE) which is available for windows, linux & mac... (by TheIdeasMan)
data base through C
how to connect database through a C program can we write a program in C to connect to database if yes then how if no then why? I am just using code block...
[5 replies] Last: sqlapi is nice. I used it once awhile back to connect to a mssql serve... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Help with variable size
Hello people, I am currently working with C++ console application(VS2012) to get input from user and I have couple question related to it. 1. Is there a w...
[1 reply] : If you use such form of getline as cin.getline(name, 100); then it i... (by vlad from moscow)
Wierd problem with search in vector
I have a search function wich matches a user input string value with one of the variables on my objects placed in a vector. This works just fine: EXAMPLE: ...
[6 replies] Last: @tntxtnt Thank you, much more simple (by Hashimatsu)
#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:val")
is #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:0x04000000") equivalent to #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:67108864") ?
[no replies]
Delete object from Vector, how?
I have a class to create objects and a Vector to store them in. No I want a function to search and erase specific objects from the vector. I've done this: ...
[3 replies] Last: It makes no sense for it to be a method Agreed, you would want som... (by Lowest0ne)
need help..!
hello all :-).. i want to make a dll.. but when i put the code on the cpp file i get some problems... and when i want to build solutuion i have some erros...
[6 replies] Last: There seems to be something wrong with a few of your scopes and such. (by DaedrusFlip)
if, else if statement problem
Hi! I'm beginning to write some C++ programs as a hobby. However i encounter a problem when i tried the beginner excercise "The Grading Program". No matter wha...
[2 replies] Last: Because you always assign yourself the perfect score.:) Maybe it is a ... (by vlad from moscow)
sizeof and typedef
why sizeof and typedef operator can not be overloaded?
[2 replies] Last: typedef is not an operator. An overloaded operator is evaluated by t... (by JLBorges)
by skarla
What should fix so run my program? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Food { private: int water; int chicken; public: Food...
[5 replies] Last: Or Food operator+(const Food &c1, const Food &c2) { return Food( ... (by ne555)
September 2012 Pages: 1... 3435363738... 62
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