Beginners - September 2012 (Page 32)

Homework: reading from file
Hi Guys, I am in a C++ class, my homework assignment is to ask a user for a file name. when they input the file name it should display 24 lines of output at a ...
[1 reply] : Mann you're good, works perfectly. Just that when entering the filenam... (by Aceix)
Disable Right click on desktop!
Hello I can't figure out how to disable right click on the desktop. I already made the Icons disappear and the taskbar, and start button disappear, but I stil...
[7 replies] Last: My mom won't let me change my password because sometimes she has to us... (by Forseth11)
SDL Game Design Help
Sorry if you're being annoyed by my frequent posts (I kinda get confused from SDL tutorials) but I'm posting again... this time it's with game design. Well, I'...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks Dish! Would you happen to know how to make a projectile system?... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Strange texturing problem OpenGL
Hi there, I'm trying to texture a quad in OpenGL, but I can't seem to do it properly. When I apply the texture, it doesn't scale the texture to the size of the ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, that link is incredibly helpful, and I've now managed to stop ... (by ribenaman)
by Aceix
By what means can I make a message to stay on the screen?
As the question states, by what means can I make a message to stay on the screen? Except : -cin.get(); -cin.ignore(); -cin.sync(); -syst...
[4 replies] Last: AFAIK sleep() is not in conio There is a Sleep() in Windows.h, and... (by ne555)
Pointer help
Hi guys, Need a little help with a text based rpg I am working on. Here's the situation: I have a base class called Player, and from this class I have two...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys, Did what you recommended and it works well. Did not go ... (by toomanystars)
Colour Text and Background
Can someone give me a piece of code that changes the background and text colour or each individually?
[3 replies] Last: Most people use it to wait for the user to hit the enter/return key (by Aceix)
Releasing a Project
So I have a large project (well, large relative to everything else I've done) that I eventually will want to give to people to test or try out and whatnot. The...
[3 replies] Last: Ahh those are really good points, thanks guys ^^ (by Phil123)
Display all numbers that are multiples of 5
The problem = Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter an integer (n). Check to see if the integer is a positive number. If not, give an error. Display ...
[13 replies] Last: I'm a newb to C++ and I was just curious if I could knock this out. ... (by trynreadme)
What does this mean?
I'm taking a class on C++ and I'm given this question but don't understand it. Thanks Give the value assigned to flower or write the output to the display...
[9 replies] Last: Read what I wrote. If the line doesn't output anything, you write what... (by BlackSheep)
Error in overloaded function bool operator==
I have an error in my function and cannot figure out how to fix it. I've been working with it, but still no go. I'm trying to compare the contents of two arra...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! I figured it out. (by apeachaday)
by zakkor
extremely simple problem
i apologise for asking such a stupid question, i am extremely new and this problem has been bugging me for a while. i have this very simple little fahrenheit t...
[6 replies] Last: for ed ignore the above. (by Naureg)
by gta100
Program always stops working after the first set of inputs
Hello, everyone! I am supposed to write codes for a little program that records names of students and their test scores. If I typed the same name twice, the pro...
[3 replies] Last: I solved the problem on my own :) The problem is that for the code ... (by gta100)
by ccj443
Error Message
Here is my code I got it from the Daily C++ problems I am receiving an error message that says no match for call to (std::string) (std::string&) where I marked ...
[3 replies] Last: I got it now!!! It was so clear once I took a break and came back to i... (by ccj443)
by kyleob
program stopped working
Im reading the book "Jumping in C++" and at the end of chapter 3 it gives you practice problems. The first is to write a program that outputs your name. The pro...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome thanks, This is what i ended up doing. #include <iostream> ... (by kyleob)
by hab186
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
Hello all, I have not programmed in Visual C++ in over a decade. I need to write a program to talk to an HP DC power source. I am using Visual C++ 2010. ...
[4 replies] Last: Excellent point. Maybe my default directory is not set correctly. The ... (by hab186)
by jc4bs
Having Problems With a Do-While Loop
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { float height; float weight; int age; float hatSize; float jacketSize; float waistSize; ch...
[2 replies] Last: An object of type char can store only one character. So you cannot com... (by vlad from moscow)
User defined function not executing properly
I am trying to write a user defined function that will round a number UP to the nearest 1000. For example, 1786 would round to 2000. I just don't see where t...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, that was what I intended (my apologies if my use of nearest cause... (by Spraychel123)
Data Structures
Someone please guide me about data structures. What are the data structures, Whats it included?
[3 replies] Last: @andywestken A data structure is a group of data elements grouped t... (by vlad from moscow)
How to store constants
Declare constants to store the four vertices (x and y coordinates) that specify the boundary of the flat surface. Similarly, declare constants to store the posi...
[1 reply] : #include <utility> const std::pair<int, int> A( 0, 10 ); const std::... (by vlad from moscow)
September 2012 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 62
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