Beginners - September 2011 (Page 37)

String - Int- String Conversion
I am using Windows Forms on Visual C++ 2010. I am creating a very simple program. I will take in the input from TextBox1, make some calculations and print out i...
[3 replies] Last: tejas1995, If you are going to use .net [via C++/CLI ] then I suggest... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
by Stokes
Quadratic Formula Solver
Hey guys, i'm having some trouble executing this .cpp file, I would really appreciate some help in finding my error, here's what i've got: #include <iostream...
[4 replies] Last: Hello, coolishmike. This link may prove useful to you: http://www.joh... (by AWH)
I need help in C!!
Hi I'm currently using C. I need help. It won't let me re-run my program. After the compiler outputs "Re-run?", it won't even let me input a character. #...
[5 replies] Last: RICEFREAK, You probably have a rouge char hanging around in the input... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
primary expresion error
I'm a physics student. I'm not sure if this is the elegant solution Also does the syntax differ with different versions like C++ Visual studio, which should...
[6 replies] Last: Here's Norvig's take on it. He explains it far better than I could. ... (by Moschops)
looping check problem
ok so I have a class assignment that asks me to write a program that will give a letter grade based on what numerical value one inputs. so for example if I put ...
[12 replies] Last: Yea no problem. However for the code above you shouldn't need to expl... (by drunken meerkat)
Why doesn't my default argument work?
I'm experimenting with default arguments but they don't deem to be working for me. On line 43 I make a call to a function that's declared on line 9 and defined ...
[2 replies] Last: That helped. Thanks. (by bool maybe)
Greetings Everyone :)
I am an electrical engineering student enrolled in a course for C++ with no prior experience in programming. Our instructor gave my class an assignment to make ...
[6 replies] Last: ... the C++ class I am taking is indeed the introduction course. I don... (by hardware)
by Curon
Troubleshooting this program. Assistance would be appreciated.
Error: Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped) Explanation: I noticed that the program (that is presented below) compiles fine without any problems, but when I atte...
[3 replies] Last: Gentlemen, Thank you very much for your assistance. The program now ... (by Curon)
by JoshMP
Getting an error for a recursive function call with a string
I'm trying to write a function that takes a string and determines the length of said string using recursion (this is a requirement for the assignment). The ass...
[5 replies] Last: Does anyone know how to fix this error? (by JoshMP)
Download my calculator (beginers,comes with source code!))
hey i thought i would give back to the community and share a calculator that can add,subtract,multiply,divide and find the square root.Keep in mind i am a beg...
[1 reply] : @learningtocode14 I liked your calculator program. I especially liked... (by whitenite1)
Do-While Statement Not Ending
Hello, I am new to programming and am trying to create the game Blackjack from scratch. So far, it works correctly, except when I try to leave the do-while by t...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the quick response, shacktar, that solved my problem! (by alpharens)
please help again...
thanks for being so helpful everytime i have a questions guys. i love this site. is minix 3 written in mostly C++ or c? i am learning C++ right now and in a ...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=NiNjAassasin545](i assume it is better than ASM because more pp... (by Intrexa)
How do i make it that the user can input a phrase instead of a number
say i want to make a program that needs a phrase and i dont want them to put the number 1 i want them to use the phrase yes or no how can i do this please give ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by learningtocode14)
Completely lost on my big program about flights
I'm writing a very large program (compared to any of the work I've ever done or seen before). What my job is to do is just write 5 or 6 functions that I'm sever...
[6 replies] Last: Wow now that you just said that suddenly reminded me that I'VE ONLY BE... (by skatingrocker17)
please help me understand this...
what language is the linux mint kernel written in? and can you give me some information on what is in a kernel. like the GUI...?... -thanks
[3 replies] Last: k i understand know thanks a lot AWH and Athar (by NiNjAassasin545)
multiple input for a single variable?
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to allow more than one input for a single variable. This would help out a lot for the homework that I am doing where I ...
[2 replies] Last: You probibly want something like this: struct Car { string manuf... (by Mathhead200)
Declaring classes w/ same funcs/vars?
Hi guys. I was wondering if this was legal or what would it do? So, I declared two classes. but inside each class has the same member function (they have the sa...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Mathhead200! Your post helped me classification and the importa... (by hellohellomoon)
Digit Extraction
Can someone help me with digit extraction. You have to define a variable to store user input, including appropriate comments. Prompt the user for a number and ...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks I will try it and see if it works, thanks everyone for all your... (by maria536)
by TimL
Using recursion to work through a maze
I just completed a program that uses recursion to get through a maze specified by a two-dimensional 12x12 array. The program works pretty much the way I wanted ...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=TimL]Unfortunately I am not familiar yet with queues, lists, st... (by Mathhead200)
Physically opening a File in C++
Just a small question really as all I can find is opening a stream to edit within the code, rather then actually open a file on windows. Basically, my program h...
[5 replies] Last: ShellExecute(NULL, "open", (dir + "\\output.txt").c_str(), NULL, dir.... (by shacktar)
September 2011 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 48
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