Beginners - September 2011 (Page 36)

Trouble with data storage
I need to create a program that takes in doubles and then calculates the greatest value and the smallest value out of the entire data list. I cant use a vector ...
[1 reply] : 1. Read block of data from file. 2. Find max and min in block of data.... (by helios)
Can someone give a emailer cource code?
im not sure how to go about this i feel awful asking for code but could i see it i want to learn from it and make my own code.I want one that sends an email tha...
[1 reply] : You're better off starting with basic network programming using socket... (by ModShop)
What's the difference between: std::getline(std::cin, string, '\n'); And: std::cin.getline(string, '\n');
[1 reply] : std::cin.getline(string, '\n'); This version is incorrect. Its this:... (by wolfgang)
C Programming Differentiation HELP! IT'S DUE TODAY!
Alright so I have to create a program that calculates the derivative or the slope of an arbitrary input function with arbitrary duration and limits. You have to...
[9 replies] Last: The way I see it, your program works in two steps. Bear with me, I'm a... (by Albatross)
noob web browser
im making a web browser i have the basic layout but the last thing i need is a source code to make it an anonymous browser, sorta like a proxy site. problem is ...
[2 replies] Last: i didnt realise creating a custom web browser suddenly gives you prox... (by helios)
by LJones
Why does accelerated cpp have me return istream& here when void works?
I'm working my way through Accelerated C++ and I've come across this exercise. The read_hw function works fine if it's void as long as I comment out the "return...
[2 replies] Last: disclaimer: this is going to be really noobish. so based on this threa... (by LJones)
by Bianca
Please Help! Thank You XOXO
I have a project due some time next week and I really need help. I have a feeling I am not too far away from being finished but I am not sure. I am completely n...
[2 replies] Last: You need to declare your functions before they are called, so the comp... (by ModShop)
The project is out of date
I use visual studios c++, and whenever I try to run even the most simple program, it says "the project is out of date. Would you like to run?" I click yes, and ...
[1 reply] : You have a divide by zero, so I'd expect it to crash. What version of... (by kbw)
by Ingvvy
If statement
Hello, First thing you should know: I am an almost total beginner in C++, as I already had trouble with what to type for the title of the topic. But this is ob...
[1 reply] : Fixed it! Forgot to put double "=" to if statements. *sigh* I'm such ... (by Ingvvy)
by Vhorx
How do i make an input that isn't a number
Hi everyone new here. :) Just started learning C++ the other day just out of sheer curiosity. I have been writing this little program for about a day now (not ...
[3 replies] Last: The std :: string class encapsulates an array of char -- which hol... (by Duthomhas)
by kingW3
checking sizes
Is there a synthax that can check size of file(s) and end process if the size isn't true?I'm sorry if i made some mistakes Also i tried using google didn't rea...
[1 reply] : std::ifstream file(filename,std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate); size_t ... (by helios)
by wtf
Would this be a propper useage of macros?
I would like it that bitsets would throw an error if they are assigned a value outside of their bitrange. Currently the standard implementation just uses modul...
[6 replies] Last: The preprocessor can do this in the same way that the compiler can l... (by wtf)
No match for operator!
Hello, I am new to C++ but I program in Python. I am getting a really weird error saying that there is no match for an operator for cin. here is my code: ...
[4 replies] Last: Nope. You could do this, if you wanted too. int main () { std::cin... (by Da0omph)
Shoertening this program, help please
//Permutation program #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include<time.h> using namespace std; void main() { int len; //set asside space for input vector ...
[4 replies] Last: //Permutation program #include <iostream> #include <vector> #inclu... (by Cuddlebuddie928)
Error variable not initialized? WTF
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double meal_cost, tax = 0.0935, tip = .18; int Tax_MC, bill, total_bill, Tip_TB; //Find o...
[1 reply] : It is not intialized because you didn't initialize it: #include <... (by CosminNTG)
by wtf
error: B2 does not name a type
#include <iostream> #include <bitset> using namespace std; #define old_bitset_declarator(uint, name, value) bitset<uint> name(value) #define wrapped_bitset...
[2 replies] Last: bump bump (by wtf)
Help Isolating Individual Words in a String
I'm writing a Pig Latin translator just for fun and the learning experience and I'm having trouble isolating individual words in a string so I can translate the...
[2 replies] Last: OK, thanks, I'm not sure if I completely understand yet, but I'll just... (by NetHacker)
by gemic
Bracketing Search
Im trying to do the beginner exercise called Bracketing Search. Modify the program so that instead of the user guessing a number the computer came up with,...
[2 replies] Last: Look at a binary search, and apply that algorithm to this problem. Sta... (by Intrexa)
can someone help me with this program
Hello all, I'm trying to create this program for my c++ homework, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to actually write it. Enter a beginning bala...
[7 replies] Last: Since totalServiceChagre (sic) is an int, you need at least 4 checks ... (by MrBackpack)
creating a text game, going from start game
I know this might be a fairly broad subject. Basically, I'm teaching myself c++ through books and online resources before I start actual classes in about 5 or ...
[1 reply] : From that case in your switch you will call a function playGame().... (by hamsterman)
September 2011 Pages: 1... 3435363738... 48
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