Beginners - September 2011 (Page 35)

by hydroJ
learning function prototyping and lost
If appropriate, I would like to have askForInterger function store the value from the cin as an interger and use it in the main function or another function. ho...
[1 reply] : As it stands, the function askForInterger() doesn't return anything. I... (by atropos)
Reading txt file through char arrays
Hi, I am trying to read a text file through a char array called originalWord and then process the words in the file into wordArray because I can't directly...
[no replies]
how to initialize an object declared in header file?
Hello, working with classes, I am having problems parsing constructor arguments to object I create. Specifically, I am using the class found here: http://www...
[6 replies] Last: Cool! That worked out of the box :-). After declaring the constructor ... (by mennowo)
functions and movement
We have been assigned to make the objects in our previous homework rotate and move downward on the screen. I know I need to create functions for the rotation o...
[5 replies] Last: Again, I am not sure how this triangle function actually works. It see... (by hanst99)
Hello, I'm looking for someone who can teach me C++. I have read and watched tutorials but they only help to an extent. I can't ask a text file or a video...
[10 replies] Last: and packetpirate i added u (by CMinusMinusNewb)
C++ Logic Error
I just started C++ a few days ago and I'm just trying basic arithmatic. It builds, but it doesn't add together. What am I not getting? #include <iostream>...
[9 replies] Last: @lord didn't u said that u got the logic? is it that hard to call func... (by mekkatorqu)
A couple of nights back whilst revising for my math GCSE, I flicked through the beggining of a book I had when I reached interests. I thought I'd create a ...
[6 replies] Last: Ah, it's fixed now. Thank you! (by Ben Duncan)
Location matter? Declaring/defining functions?
SO, after doing practicing some programs from my book; I noticed that they always define the function at the beginning before INT MAIN(); and defining the funct...
[5 replies] Last: Just for the sake of completeness I would like to mention that there i... (by hanst99)
How to paste a code segment here?
Hello ~~ I'm new to this forum and I don't know how to paste code here. Could anyone help me? Good Luck and Have a Nice Day:)
[2 replies] Last: andrezc: Thank you very much:) while(true) { cout << "Have a Ni... (by chenqi07)
by budrow
Found unknown operator - need definition
I use mostly java these days and while trying to convert a ham radio PSK31 program in GTK to java I ran across an operator I have never seen and cannot google t...
[1 reply] : It is just double negation. It is a trick to convert any non-zero inte... (by R0mai)
Help with operator overloading!
Hey guys/girls, I've got an assignment working with an encoder and a quadrature decoder/counter card - the thing I need a hand with is I'm required to overload...
[1 reply] : (by quirkyusername)
Ideas for creating a C++ CPU Benchmarking Tool ?
Looking for some inspiration, and some pratical advice, to create a small C++ tool capable of benchmarking CPU performance, based on perhaps how long it takes t...
[no replies]
multi-dimensional array rpg map
Hey guys, would just like a small amount of help please. At the moment I have a 2d array which displays a map (made up of numbers), I was just wondering how ...
[10 replies] Last: Mhmm, lol. I'm trying to find someone to do it with. Secretly bringing... (by kong288)
starting url using int
i'm trying to make a program that is capable of starting a url with a integer, i tried the system command and that didn't work for me, i'm using bloodshed dev c...
[1 reply] : wow, now i feel stupid, i could of used batch for it. system("site=\"... (by closed account G8Tb7k9E)
How long (average) to learn basics of C++?
Hi.About me: I've never done any programming nor have any prior experience in the past. I've started to study C++ around 4 days ago from a book plus the C++ t...
[4 replies] Last: Mathhead that made a lot of sense. So the complexity is not merely lea... (by hellohellomoon)
by Chathu
Change Font Colour and Size
Can someone please tell me a method to change the font color and the size in c++. I checked this link about it. But the explanation is not enough. http://www....
[3 replies] Last: What's you code? cout << "This is normal "; SetConsoleTextAttribute( ... (by hamsterman)
Using cin>>
Hi, My instructor is requiring us to read data into an int character using cin>> . However, he says we should be able to handle input such as asdf We are ...
[9 replies] Last: Hm... #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int q... (by Mathhead200)
by Chathu
Data Structures
Can We Place A Data Structure Inside A Class? class Test { public: Test(struct mv{};):movie(mv) {} private: struct movie { int year; string name; };...
[9 replies] Last: Yea, what you said... Or we could go with the also obvious string ...... (by Mathhead200)
memcpy missunderstand? how does memcpy work in this case ???
Hi Guys, anyone willing to help me ! What is the solution ?? how does memcpy work in this case ??
[2 replies] Last: contains no member functions I thought member functions were ok, ju... (by Disch)
Trouble with data storage
I need to create a program that takes in doubles and then calculates the greatest value and the smallest value out of the entire data list. I cant use a vector ...
[3 replies] Last: Grrr! Duplicate threads! (by helios)
September 2011 Pages: 1... 3334353637... 48
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