Beginners - September 2011 (Page 27)

by Azlin
Display the HEX value.
HI, I'm a newbie in C++. I"m writing a program to control my zigbee device. I have a problem in displaying the hex value. void ParseMessage(PACKET_HEADER pack...
[3 replies] Last: brokenbot - it's NEVER better to use printf, unless you are writing C ... (by hanst99)
by Andrey
DDE Server + xltable
hello everyone. I'm writing DDE server which should support xltable format data. This data i'm supposing to accept from trading terminal by DDE service. So, ...
[no replies]
by maxivz
Iso c++ forbids declaration of "variable name" with no type
Hey guys, i have been learning c++ for about some time and never had any problems as i could search them and find them, but this time i dont know what i am doin...
[3 replies] Last: There is something very wrong with your understanding of classes. A cl... (by hamsterman)
Using Substrings for a mileage calculator
Hi, I am trying to make a mileage calculator which will figure out whether or not there is enough gas in the car to reach your destination. The only problem is...
[6 replies] Last: int main() { int miles_to_go = 150; int will_go = 145; in... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
how to detect latest open file on computer and detect absolute file path
hello guys i have only a basic knowledge about c++ im a java user but some times i found some difficulty using java and i use to combine c++ and java to achieve...
[no replies]
template friend operator generates "member is protected" error
Hi guys, I have posted this in beginners because I am pretty sure the solution is simple but it so far has eluded me. I have class template like so: t...
[7 replies] Last: Hi, Thank you both for the responses. I don't know why the compiler... (by Philip Lee Bridson)
confused between vector and array
I have two very simple pieces of code: reserve space for 10^6 ints, then assign ints from 0 to 10^6 in that space. There are two ways of doing this: one with ve...
[14 replies] Last: though I don't think you made it very clear. I sometimes just give c... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
by jcc
Class, Structure and Overload operator equal
Hi, Im learning the c++ object and structure and operator A few question: 1. how do you copy the structure address to the operator overload (equal) ...
[1 reply] : You should call that one "assignment" operator. "Equals" would be == i... (by hanst99)
General 3D Engine Checklist for a C++ Newbie
Hello! I'm very new at c++, and don't know anything past making random numbers yet. I am in highschool, where I currently am taking C++, and I am also making ga...
[5 replies] Last: Okay! Thank you all so much! I really appreciate it. (by jatmdm psn)
using std::cin.ignore
I have a bit of code that works but give me a warning and doesn't "feel" right. Here is the line: std::cin.ignore('>1','\n'); I get a warning...
[3 replies] Last: casting means basically to force a conversion from datatype A to ... (by hanst99)
Linker Error
Hello May someone help i am a c++ beginner, there is this code that i was trying to do and I seem not to find where can i correct the error here is the co...
[1 reply] : You cannot implement a function inside a function. It must be: #incl... (by coder777)
Overloading <<
Hello, When writing a class, sometimes I would like to have it output seamlessly to an ostream. For example, say I have a class called Thing. .. Thing x...
[2 replies] Last: All right. Glad to know that's acceptable coding behavior. Thanks! (by gosuman)
by PFratt
How to avoid dividing by zero?
Hey guys so I'm starting to teach myself c++ using "Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, Third Edition" since my computer science program only starts up in t...
[8 replies] Last: Just for kicks: Based on PFratt's guessing program, Random Guess 10 2... (by Mathhead200)
Don't Know Why My Class Is Not Working
I am using Ubuntu; my compiler is Code::Blocks. The instructions at the bottom are the exercises for one of the lessons in
[7 replies] Last: Without regard to any other possible errors, line 18 needs a semi-co... (by Alrededor)
Unusual problem AFTER successful compiling
Hi, first of all I must say now that I'm french-canadian so my english is not that good and I'm a ! "/BEGINNER\" ! , I will understand everything you will sa...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much Maese909!!! It solved the problem and now my progr... (by firutger)
Struct type initialization
Hi, I am trying to understand structures and their initialization. I have a piece of code that looks like: struct connection_t { public: bool valid; ...
[4 replies] Last: solved. there was a wrapping class above this one that was not initia... (by cciarleg)
copying item of list into other list
Hi, It's part of a program that needs to get its data from csv files, I read the data into vectors which I then put in a list. I manage to edit entries, dele...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much, I don't know how to initialize that sort of objec... (by mr kazoodle)
by WayneC
Can variables be created in function prototypes?
I'm reviewing before my next class in C++ this fall. I have a quick question about functions. Can variables be created in function prototypes, or do they ha...
[7 replies] Last: Wow THANKS. Now I have it. Galik, you nailed it, just what I was as... (by WayneC)
file i/o, structs, arrays. confused help please
i have a program that reads in a file with shapes and numbers and tokenizes each line. after it tokenizes, it then calculates the shapes dimensions. what i need...
[no replies]
NULL and nullptr
I have never really understood the difference between NULL and nullptr is there any significant difference or do they do the same thing?
[1 reply] : (by firedraco)
September 2011 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 48
  Archived months: [aug2011] [oct2011]

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